Monday, June 17, 2019

2019 Audiobook Challenge: Mid-Year Check In

Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer are hosting their 7th annual Audiobook Challenge and I'm posting my mid-year check in. 

I was aiming for the Marathoner 50+ books and it looks like I'll have no problem since I've just hit 40 books.  I listen to books back and forth to work and it's at hour each way, and listen to books while running or doing chores, but I didn't realize I listened to this many!

Here are a few of my favorites so far this year:

5 Stars:

4.5 Stars:


  1. Great job on your audio challenge! Wow, you'll make it to Marathoner for sure! Keep up the good work :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  2. You are doing great and have listened to some of my favorites this year as well!

  3. Nice job and you've listened to some awesome books and authors!

  4. You're doing wonderful! Great job!!!! Also, DANG, how is it MID-YEAR ALREADY!?!

  5. It always amazes me where I can fit in many more books now that we have audios. Way to go on your challenge, Rachel!

    Oooh, yeah, I see several of my favorites in your top rated ones, too.

  6. You will def reach it :D
    Goat zombies for the win!

  7. Wow, you’re crushing this challenge! I’ve read The Deal by Elle Kennedy but have never listened to the audio. I might try it out for the rest of the series.

  8. Great job!! Storm Cursed looks really good!
