
Saturday, June 25, 2022

Sunday Post #166


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been a week of unpacking and settling in. I did a lot of deep cleaning and attended two days of orientation for my new job even though I'm working for the same hospital network in the same position. Oh well, I'm getting paid so at least there's that. We had my sister, BIL and a couple of friends over for dinner tonight and it was nice having company for the first time. 

We bought a generator and my husband is working on getting it all connected. It should power most of the house and well when the power goes out here, which apparently happens often during the summer because of the wildfire threats. It's been hot, in the 90s but it feels hotter here, maybe we have higher humidity here. At any rate, it cools way down and I've been enjoying time outside either on the front porch or back patio in the evening. 

(Click for Goodreads link)

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Nothing new which is a good thing considering all I grabbed up last week!


Such a great read!

How was your week?


  1. Ooh sounds like you're in the process of settling in. :) Those evenings outside when it cools down sound lovely.

    The Drowning Sea looks excellent.

  2. Glad you are getting settled in.

  3. I am happy to see that you are settling down and have everything figured out Rachel!

  4. I am glad you enjoyed some company last night, between the settling down. Have fun at your new old job. I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Thanks, Gayathri! I'm a little nervous about the "new/old" job, lol.

  5. It seems to take forever to get unpacked and truly settled in. Evenings on the patio sounds nice, especially since it cools off. Evenings here are still so hot, plus the back patio faces southwest and gets a lot of afternoon sun/heat. Ugh. I loved Hidden Waters so much. Cowles has quickly become a new favorite.

    1. Our back patio gets the afternoon sun too, but the front is pretty cool. Hope you get some relief from the heat soon, Tanya!

      Yes, Hidden Waters was really good! I need to read the rest of the series.

  6. I hope your orientation was a nice break for you. :)

    1. Thanks. It was mostly boring, but hey, I got paid so there is that, lol. :)

  7. I hope you have a wonderful dat. Regine

  8. Hope the unpacking and settling in is going well. I often complain about the heat here in the UK on the odd occasion that we actually get warm weather 😂

    Some interesting looking books there.

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Thanks, Emily! Glad to hear you don't overheat too often. You have a great week, too! :)

  9. Love that you're getting settled in at home and work. Yay for the first house party. I used to love how nights would cool way down after hot, hot days when we lived in NorCal.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Thanks, Sophia! It was nice having company. I want to relax today. You too! :)

  10. I'm glad that the move is working for you. I've read 2 of the 3 you read and have the HIggins book from the library! Do you get enough sun for solar? I'm considering that instead of a generator. Stay cool!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. The way our house is situated isn't prime for solar and the batteries are so expensive. The generator seemed to be the best option for us here. Down south we had solar and loved it, but our house was perfectly situated for it. We didn't have battery backup there, though the power didn't go out much down south. It's a different story up here. It's par for the course I guess. We've already had a power outage for 7 hours so I'm happy we're going to be covered soon. You stay cool, too!

  11. Glad you are settling in and had a nice time with friends. It's been hot here. Our nights don't cool down much and the humidity is awful. I'm shopping around for a generator. We get hurricanes and I went 11 days without power from the last one. Don't want to go that again.

    1. A generator is a must for you then! We don't get hurricanes out here, but I guess the power was out for 14 days this past winter when it was "snowmagedon". They had a ton of snow which is unusual here and downed trees. I guess they usually only get a little bit of snow here most times. Good luck on your search and stay cool! :)

  12. I am happy to hear that you are settling into your new home and getting some lovely sunshine!! I always try to get walks outside especially being inside so much and I need that Vitamin D haha

    1. Thanks, Renee. I love being outside. Something about it settles my soul. :)

  13. The humidity will be a bit of an adjustment, huh? Going from a desert climate to the lush north is a bit of a change. Sounds like everything is falling in place. Good luck at the new job. I know it's a sort of old/new job, but you know, new people and their "ways" to learn.

    1. I looked up the humidity and I guess it isn't any more than down south. It's just hot! lol. Thanks, Sam! I got through today. It was a bit overwhelming as any new job is at first.

  14. Smart to get a generator! There have been several times I've wished I had one. And good luck getting to know all your new co-workers. :)

    1. Yes! They regularly shut off the power here so it's kind of a necessity! I had a good first day. We'll see how we all mesh down the road. Thankfully, I'm not working any more than 2 days a week if I can help it.

  15. That's such a good idea to get a generator for your home. I just loved Out of the Clear Blue Sky.

    1. It's kind of a necessity out here! They were without power for 17 days this last winter and they shut it off quite a bit because of wildfire danger during the summer too. Country life I guess! Yes, Out of the Clear Blue Sky was so good!

  16. sounds like you are feeling at home now. have a great week
    sherry @ fundinmental

  17. I'm glad you're starting to feel settled. We've had crazy hot temperatures too, but we had some surprise thunderstorms and hail this afternoon. I guess any form of water is better than none!

    1. Me too, although I'm still unpacking boxes. Yes, I feel any water is a gift. We do get more rain here thankfully! :)

  18. A generator is probably a really good idea.

    1. Yes! The power is out a lot. Not like the city I was from. Country living is going to take some getting used to!

  19. A generator sounds like a really good idea then
