
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blog Tour (Review & Giveaway): Live For You (Boys of the South #1) by Marquita Valentine

Today, we are joining ATOMR for the blog tour of Marquita Valentine's book Live For You.
Live For You (Boys ofthe South ~Book 1) by Marquita Valentine
Published May 29th, 2013
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes
About the book
On the surface, twenty-two year old Cole Morgan is exactly what any girl would be proud to take home to meet her parents: He’s charming, intensely handsome and goal-oriented...Only he has some secrets of his own, which include provoking bar fights and a former drug-addict of a mother slowly wasting away in a medical facility.

At barely twenty, Violet Lynn is Country Music's hottest star, until one night of partying gets out of control. Violet ends up in jail and on TMZ. Suddenly, she’s the girl least likely to be invited anywhere. Sick of the drama and keeping secrets, she runs away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi to her grandmother’s home in Forrestville, North Carolina.

A chance meeting knocks Cole off his feet, but he doesn’t recognize Violet for who she is. In fact no one does and Violet plans to keep it that way.

Circumstances, however annoying, keep throwing Violet and Cole together. Unable to stop themselves they give into the inevitable.

But when Nashville is ready to forgive and forget, Violet is forced to choose between Cole and claiming her spot as the new and improved Princess of Country Music.

Will Violet and Cole have the courage to live for their dreams...Or their hearts?

My Thoughts

Live For You by Marquita Valentine tells the story of an unlikely pair that is brought together by chance. Cole Morgan is busy sustaining the family bar business as a means of providing for his little sister while his mother recovers from a substance addiction. He constantly finds himself in trouble with the law, but with the help of his brother and friends, he’s able to barely keep his head above water. Violet Lynn has recently returned to Forestville to live with her grandmother after a horrible accident and dramatic fall from grace as a Nashville singer.

When Cole and Violet collide, their relationship is marred with constant struggles, deep seeded secrets and a choice of whether being together is worth the sacrifices they will each have to pay in order to make it work.

Overall, I have to say these two characters intrigued me. They were both extremely volatile and I never knew what to expect from one scene to the next. I liked how they came together and fought to make it work. Cole’s acceptance of Violet’s mistakes was heartfelt and believable. I never doubted that he fell hard for her and she for him.

However, there were several characters that were introduced into the storyline that didn’t feel fully developed. I would have liked to learn more about Lacey and Wyatt, but I suspect they might get their own story soon. Cole’s mom and brother seemed to constantly hang by the sidelines and I was left curious about what happened to them and where they might be headed.

As far as Violet’s fall from grace, I feel I was only given surface information. There seemed to be more to that night than what was shared, and I’m curious exactly how the entire night, as well as the accident transpired. Violet’s relationship with her parents was a mystery to me as well. Being fed only tidbits of information here and there left me wondering what I might be missing.

Overall though, I liked the characters and I enjoyed the story, so a generous three stars from me.
3 Suns
**Reviewers received a complimentary Advanced Reader Copy of Live for You by the author in exchange for their honest thoughts/review of the book. The provided review copy was not a finished copy on sale. Reviews should be based on content and not editing as some things were changed in the finished copy.

About the Author
Nationally Bestselling Author, Marquita Valentine, writes small town romances that are anything but small. Lisa Kleypas, Carly Phillips and Rachel Gibson are her favorite contemporary authors. Marquita met her husband aka Hot Builder at Sonic when they were in high school. She suggests this location to all of her single friends in search of a good man -- and if that doesn't work, they can console themselves with cheesy tatertots. She lives in North Carolina in a very, very small town with Hot Builder and their two children.

Author Social Media Links:
Website  |   Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  | Pintrest

Be sure to enter this tour-wide giveaway for:
(1)  Print copy of Live For You – International
(1)  $75 Amazon Gift Card – open to countries able to accept Amazon Gift Cards

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To see other stops on the tour for reviews, guest posts, and excerpt click here or the tour button below.


  1. I've read other books by this author and loved them, I'm sure I'll enjoy this one too. :)

  2. I am very excited about this one! It sounds interesting. Can't wait to pick it up! Awesome review!

  3. Like the cover, and the story sounds interesting!

  4. This book sounds good to me. I love that the heroine will have to decide between the guy she has fallen for or reclaiming her life as a country singer. A new author to me, I will have to check this out :)

  5. This book sounds GREAT and I hope I win..... Love the cover and can't wait to read!!!!

  6. sounds awesome!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Well after reading your review on the book I must say I do want to get to know Cole and Violet. Look forward to reading this book now more than ever. Thanks for sharing a nice book with all of us readers!!

  8. this books sounds interesting and I loved book cover. thanks for review and giveaway^^

  9. This sounds like such an interesting book and the cover is also nice. I cannot wait to read this one. Thank you for the honest review.

  10. Beautiful cover and the blurb entices with a promise for an emotional read. Definitely want to read Live For You. Thanks for sharing and for the review.
