Thursday, December 31, 2015

Waves of Fiction 2015 Reading Wrap-up, Challenge & Giveaway

It's amazing how quickly 2015 came and went!! Waves of Fiction has had a great reading year, and we'd like to take a moment to spotlight a few of our favorites.

Several of us on The Waves of Fiction Team decided to get together to share our favorite and not so favorite books of 2015, as well as share a final update on our Waves of Fiction Reading Challenge
But that’s not all!! One lucky winner will get the chance to win a bundle of paperback books to get 2016 started off on the right page. :)


Reading Challenge Recap
I had a fun time putting this challenge together and completing it from beginning to end. The thing I think I enjoyed the most was how it challenged me to try stories I normally wouldn't pick up or ones that I've put off for so long. My favorites were Outlander and a few of the historical romances I picked up to knock out a few of the categories. Overall, this was a fun way to kick of 2015!

Top 3 Favorites (All Genres)

The Bourbon Kings by JR Ward
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
After You by Jojo Moyes
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (I can’t exclude this one.)

Favorite Series Installment

Crash and Burn by Abigail Roux

Greatest Disappointment - Because of High Expectations

Grey by E.L. James

Favorite Debut
The Devil’s Playground by Eliza Freed

Favorite Female Main Character
Louisa Clark from After You

Favorite Male Main Character
James Fraser from Outlander

Favorite Book Cover
Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid – The Top Bun is just my style…

Most Interesting Book Title
Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum

Most Anticipated
After You by Jojo Moyes
Top 3 Favorites (All Genres)
November 9 by Colleen Hoover
Black-Eyed Susans by Julia Heaberlin
The Raven by Sylvain Reynard
Honorable Mention - The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Favorite Series Installment
Beautiful Stranger by Christina Lauren

Greatest Disappointment - Because of High Expectations
The Stranger by Harlan Coben

Favorite Debut
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

Favorite Female Main Character
Margo - Marrow by Tarryn Fisher

Favorite Male Main Character
Ben - November 9

Favorite Book Cover
November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Most Interesting Book Title
Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave (also loved this one!)

Most Anticipated
November 9 by Colleen Hoover
Reading Challenge Recap
I can't believe I actually completed the challenge because I had the hardest time fulfilling my last box: "A book most of your GR flist has read".  I finally did it with Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward.  Most of my flist read it and if they didn't they shelved it to be read.

Top 3 Favorites (All Genres)
Vision in Silver (The Others #3) by Anne Bishop
Once Upon a Rose by Laura Florand
Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels #7) by Ilona Andrews

Favorite Series Installment
Vision in Silver (The Others #3) by Anne Bishop
Fair Game (Alpha & Omega #3) by Patricia Briggs

Greatest Disappointment - Because of High Expectations
This was hard because I wasn't disappointed by any books that I was highly anticipating. I think this one was a disappointment because I usually love Samantha Young's writing:
One Kings Way (On Dublin Street #6.5) by Samantha Young

Favorite Debut 
I looked through my "read" books from 2015 and I only came up with one debut author! The story was really good though:
Untouchable by Ava Marsh

Favorite Female Main Character
Oh so tough to choose!
Meg from Vision in Silver (The Others) by Anne Bishop
Kate Daniels from Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews

Favorite Male Main Character
Matt from Once Upon a Rose by Laura Florand
Lon Butler from Arcadia Bell by Jenn Bennett

Favorite Book Cover
A Dark Lure by Loreth Anne White

Most Interesting Book Title
Wrapped and Strapped by Lorelei James

Most Anticipated
Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop

Reading Challenge Recap
This challenged started out super fun and easy! I completed quite a few categories early on and just knew I would have this finished within a few months. Well I was wrong lol. It was still super fun, but the more categories I crossed off the more finding books got harder and harder. I ended up not completing the last few categories which I am very sad about. I have a goal to finish these next year because I really want to seek out new and different books that I wouldn't ordinarily read. Arlene did a great job with this challenge and I am very thankful that she created it! My favorite book that I read for the challenge was Storm Front. I had been meaning to pick up this series and this gave me the push to finally read it. The hardest category for me was a book with a military theme. Every time I see a military book I always feel like I am going to end up crying so I tend to avoid them like the plague. I have one picked out for this category and I think it will be a non crying one!

Top 3 Favorites (All Genres)
Falling Kingdoms & Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes
Blood Kiss by J.R. Ward

Favorite Series Installment

Crash & Burn by Abigail Roux

Greatest Disappointment - Because of High Expectations

The Shadows by J.R. Ward--interesting that she holds both Top Favorite and Greatest Disappointment...

Favorite Debut

Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton

Favorite Female Main Character

Rose Drayton from On the Edge by Ilona Andrews

Favorite Male Main Character

Ty Grady from Crash & Burn by Abigail Roux

Favorite Book Cover

The Last Good Day of the Year by Jessica Warman

Most Interesting Book Title

Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

Most Anticipated

The Angels' Share by J.R. Ward
We hope you've enjoyed our 2015 Reading Wrap-up and Challenge. And now for the fun stuff!! We are giving away the chance to win the following bundle of paperback books. This giveaway is open to US residents only. Be sure to fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Spotlight, Excerpt & Giveaway: Mastered by Maya Banks

Today I'm spotlighting Mastered by Maya Banks the first in her newest series: The Enforcers. I have an excerpt and giveaway provided by Sullivan and Partners.  Mastered sounds like a sizzling start to this new series! Don't forget to scroll down to enter the rafflecopter for a chance to win a copy!

Publication Date: December 29th 2015 by Berkley
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | BAM | Google

About the book:

The #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Surrender Trilogy and the Breathless Trilogy knows what makes readers hot. Now she turns it up in Mastered, the explosive first book in a new series of a desire too dangerous to resist.

What he wants, he takes with no remorse or guilt.

She stood out in his club like a gem, unspoiled and untouched. A lamb among wolves, she clearly didn’t belong. Drawn to her innocence he watched as she was surrounded by men who saw what he did—but no one but him could touch her. He summoned her to his private quarters. He sensed her fear. He also recognized the desire in her eyes. And he knew she wouldn’t leave before he possessed her. She had no need to know his secrets. Not until he had her under his complete and utter control.

What he wants, she isn’t sure she can give him.

The moment he told her want he wanted, she couldn’t resist. Instinct told her to run, but her heart said stay and walk the fine line between pleasure and pain. Though she wasn’t sure she could ever completely surrender, the primal part of her wanted to try, even knowing this man could break her in ways she never imagined. Because once he possessed her, he owned her and it would be too late to turn back. She can only pray that he doesn’t destroy her in the end.

The lovely people at Sullivan and Partners have provided a finished copy of Mastered by Maya Banks to one Waves of Fiction follower.  Fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win. Good luck!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas from Waves of Fiction

The Waves of Fiction Team would like to wish our fellow readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope the holidays brings you lots of love, happiness and amazing reads!

Copyright: <a href=''>byheaven / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Review: Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley

Publication Date: October 27th 2015 by Forever
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

About the book:

Millie Cross knows what it's like to burn for someone. She was young and wild and he was fierce and even wilder-a Chaos biker who made her heart pound. They fell in love at first sight and life was good, until she learned she couldn't be the woman he needed and made it so he had no choice but to walk away. Twenty years later, Millie's chance run-in with her old flame sparks a desire she just can't ignore. And this time, she won't let him ride off . . .

Bad boy Logan "High" Judd has seen his share of troubles with the law. Yet it was a beautiful woman who broke him. After ending a loveless marriage, High is shocked when his true love walks back into his life. Millie is still gorgeous, but she's just a ghost of her former self. High's intrigued at the change, but her betrayal cut him deep-and he doesn't want to get burned again. As High sinks into meting out vengeance for Millie's betrayal, he'll break all over again when he realizes just how Millie walked through fire for her man . . .

My Thoughts:
Millie and Logan met and fell hard, quickly, 100% in.   The fact that Logan was part of Chaos Motorcycle Club didn’t frighten or deter Millie, she was born to be a biker old lady, and she warmed to the extended family right away.  However, when Millie finds out she can’t fulfill all the dreams she and Logan planned on, she takes herself out of the equation and they part ways. 

Logan is cut through and gutted by her dumping him, really the two of them never move on in heart, so when Millie decides to explain her reasons twenty years later, this does NOT go well! 

There was a lot of anger on Logan side, passion and intensity all rolled in making for some pretty heated exchanges, and hot revenge sex!  Thank goodness, Millie has some backbone because she didn’t just roll over and take it:

“I'm done walking through fire for you, High!” I yelled. “I'm done not because I'm done but because there's nothing left of me to burn. You have it all! You've always had it all! I gave up everything so you could have it all!”

That quote gutted me!

Millie didn’t deserve this treatment, but not sharing the reason of why she left made Logan’s reactions understandable to me.  He loved her, she was “the one”, was still “the one” even if the anger and hurt obscured that fact, so Logan couldn’t help but lash out.

I love the positive female friendships that Kristen Ashley writes, so I was thrilled the girls of Chaos, including Elvira, from The Dream Man series (who has been a regular in this series as well), waded in and did all they could to fix this. “Operation MAC (Millicent Anna Cross)” went into full swing as soon as Tyra saw the “tragedy” that went down:

Whatever ended Logan “High” Judd’s and Millie Cross’s love affair was not a play or a betrayal.
It was a tragedy.
And if a sister had the power to right a wrong, it was her sworn duty to do it.
We were sisters.
So we were doing it.

Much to the chagrin of the Chaos Brothers, and it did cause some problems, at first.

Walk Through Fire was so emotional for me, and it was awesome! It does hurt that so many years had to go by for Millie and Logan to sort everything out.  I keep coming back to that and I wish it wasn’t twenty freaking years! I will say the intensity of the story died down a bit after the 50% mark, but as much heartrending turmoil that went on (I was crying in so many spots!) I was okay with the even keel.  I basked in the happiness, even though there were still bumps to clear.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved the emotional stuff, it was brilliant, but if a couple goes through so much through the years, I want some seriously amazing times to make up for all the pain they suffered.  This is Kristen Ashley, so of course, I got my wish!

I absolutely adore the Chaos series and I’m hoping we have more books to come!

4.5 Suns

About the Author: Kristen Ashley grew up in Brownsburg, Indiana, and has lived in Denver, Colorado, and the West Country of England. Thus she has been blessed to have friends and family around the globe. Her posse is loopy (to say the least) but loopy is good when you want to write.

Kristen was raised in a house with a large and multigenerational family. They lived on a very small farm in a small town in the heartland, and Kristen grew up listening to the strains of Glenn Miller, The Everly Brothers, REO Speedwagon, and Whitesnake. Needless to say, growing up in a house full of music and love was a good way to grow up.  And as she keeps growing up, it keeps getting better.

Connect with Kristen Ashley:

Monday, December 21, 2015

Review: All Is Calm, All Is Bright (Hope Beach) by Colleen Coble

All Is Calm, All Is Bright (Hope Beach) by Colleen Coble
Published October 6th 2015 by Thomas Nelson-Fiction
All Is Calm

Brendan Waddell needs a place to recuperate. Lauren Everman needs a place to hide. It's going to be an unexpectedly romantic Christmas at Bluebird Ranch.

Brendan Waddell has always considered Bluebird Ranch a little piece of heaven: an idyllic ranch that pairs abused children with abused horses, run by one of his old Marine buddies. Now, recovering from an on-the-job injury, Brendan thinks the ranch is the perfect place to spend Christmas healing up.

When Lauren Everman was a seventeen-year-old foster kid, Bluebird Ranch was the safest place she knew. Now it's the perfect hideout for a woman on the run. As the witness to a murder, Lauren needs somewhere to lie low, and her skill with horses means she'll be able to lend a hand with the troubled kids at Bluebird—without answering too many questions.

Lauren's rich hair, high cheekbones, and dark eyes immediately get Brendan's attention—but so does her secretive behavior. This Special Ops Intel man knows a woman on the run when he sees one, and he's not about to let her put Bluebird Ranch at risk.

But as Brendan and Lauren get to know each other, their suspicions evaporate and romance starts to sizzle. But this would-be couple has more to worry about than each other—there's a killer on the loose who wants Lauren kept quiet.

All Is Bright

A romantic, Christmas wedding at her seaside hotel gives Delilah a chance to shine with her unique gifts. But will her light be snuffed out before the bride and groom say “I do”?

As manager of the Tidewater Inn, Delilah Carter has been planning a spectacular Christmas wedding for her friends at the grand hotel overlooking the ocean. While picking up still more twinkly lights and some last-minute groceries for the reception dinner, a huge truck runs her off the freezing, wet roads into the dark night. Her car stops just short of an enormous tree and the truck speeds off into the night. Delilah escapes with her life and has almost convinced herself the whole thing was an accident, but then she begins to receive threatening phone calls. With the wedding just hours away, she's distracted and anxious. Then Sheriff Tom Bourne stops by the inn and volunteers to help.

Tom has always had a soft spot for Delilah, and he's determined to protect her. But he is pulled away by a bizarre Christmas stunt that has the neighborhood reeling, and Delilah is attacked again.

Will Delilah have to cancel the Christmas wedding at Tidewater Inn? And will Tom's protection be enough to save Delilah from the shadowy figure looming in the background?
My Thoughts
All Is Calm, All Is Bright was a fun introduction into Colleen Coble’s writing. I’m not one to pick up mystery/drama books so quickly, but these two short stories were a perfect taste into this genre I don’t quite often indulge in. Coupled with the fact that it had a bit of holiday essence in the novel, I have to say this novella is a perfect escape for the winter season.

All Is Calm introduces us to Lauren Everman who flees to Bluebird Ranch in order to save a beloved animal and escape the charges she’s facing for attempted murder. She fell in love with Bluebird Ranch when she was a seventeen year old foster kid, so she hopes to return to find some solace. Brendan Waddell is staying at the ranch while he recovers from an injury that’s keeping him from his military duties, which he hopes to return to soon. When Lauren and Brendan meet at the ranch, they quickly develop a romance that neither expected, and together they work to clear Lauren’s name and bring a little holiday cheer to the foster kids at Bluebird Ranch.

All Is Bright takes us to Tidewater Inn where Delilah Carter is helping her friend plan a Christmas wedding. During a quick run into town, she’s driven off the road by a mysterious man and that’s when Sherriff Tom Bourne becomes involved in the investigation. Tom has always cared for Delilah, so he’s determined to keep her safe and get to the bottom of the attacks. As Delilah and Tom spend time together, they begin to fall in love, which makes for the perfect holiday romance!

Overall, All Is Calm, All Is Bright offers a little mystery, a dash of romance and a sprinkle of Christmas cheer... Two short stories based on existing series I haven't read but will now add to my TBR. Colleen Coble is a new-to-me author that grabbed my attention with her holiday novellas. Can't wait to try more by this author!
3.5 Suns

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Review: An Affair Before Christmas (Desperate Duchesses #2) by Eloisa James

An Affair Before Christmas (Desperate Duchesses #2) by Eloisa James
Published November 13th 2007 by Avon
Magic under the mistletoe…

One spectacular Christmas, Lady Perdita Selby, known to her friends and family as Poppy, met the man she thought she would love forever. The devilishly attractive Duke of Fletcher was the perfect match for the innocent, breathtakingly beautiful young Englishwoman, and theirs was the most romantic wedding she had ever seen. Four years later, Poppy and the duke have become the toast of the ton... but behind closed doors the spark of their love affair has burned out.

Unwilling to lose the woman he still lusts after, the duke is determined to win back his beguiling bride's delectable affections...and surpass the heady days of first love with a truly sinful seduction.
My Thoughts
An Affair Before Christmas is an entertaining holiday historical from the Desperate Duchess series, which I haven’t read yet, but I’m now eager to pick up. I think this is how many authors entice you to pick up their novels, which is by writing holiday stories that tie into their series in order to whet your appetite. Well it worked!

During a beautiful holiday afternoon, Lady Perdita Selby, otherwise known as Poppy to her friends and family, accepts a betrothal from the Duck of Fletcher with the hopes that she is lucky enough to marry someone she’s in love with. To all of the ton, Poppy and Fletch are the perfect match, but after the vows are exchanged and the relationship is taken behind closed doors, their romance has fizzled out completely. Fletch has no idea how to entice his wife Poppy behind closed doors and after four years of a cold response, he begins to drift away and give up on his marriage.

As a result, Poppy takes their estrangement as a time to find herself and indulge in her own peculiar interests, including her curiosity cabinet and intellectual conversations about different species of animals. Fletch finally comes around to court his wife after he discovers her new adventures and realizes he’s dealing with a new person.

I really enjoyed Poppy and her odd interests. I found her quite entertaining and intriguing as she indulged in her hobbies and interests. I admired her for taking the time to discover what she enjoyed rather than worrying about her mother or husband’s preferences and wants. The second half of the novel, I saw Poppy develop in character from more of a child to a young lady, which was refreshing to see.

Fletch, being the more mature of the two, I’m surprised he didn’t communicate better with Poppy when it came to their marriage and wants. It was disappointing to see that their spark and romance died out over a simple miscommunication, or lack thereof.

There were a cast of secondary characters that I really enjoyed meeting, which is why I want to continue on with this series including Charlotte and the Duke of Villiers, as well as the Duke and Duchess of Beaumont, Jemma and Elliot.

Overall this holiday read was very entertaining. It had all the elements of a perfect winter getaway, which I’m glad I picked up!
3 Suns

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Review & Giveaway: The Muse by Anne Calhoun

Publication Date: December 1st 2015 by Berkley
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

About the book:

The author of The List continues her sinfully addictive Irresistible series with a provocative new novel about a woman inspired by her most forbidden desires…

Arden MacCarren can’t afford to lose control. Her family’s investment house has failed, their professional reputation is all but destroyed, and it’s up to Arden to hold the line. The only distraction she allows herself is a weekly drawing class where she can forget everything. Then she meets Seth Miller. When he poses in her class, strong, mysterious, and unbearably sexy, she can’t resist him. The only thing she can do is keep it purely physical—no emotions, no strings, and definitely no telling.

Seth understands responsibilities, both Arden’s and his own. During his last tour as a Marine he lost his best friends to an IED. He has a duty to look after his buddies’ survivors. All he allows himself is the stolen moments with Arden. But as he’s drawn into Arden’s battle with her demons, he comes face-to-face with his own. Seth will have to choose between a duty he can’t ignore and the longing to inspire Arden’s every desire—mind, soul, and body…
My Thoughts:
Arden MacCarren’s life implodes when it’s discovered that her father and brother orchestrated a Ponzi scheme and bilked millions of dollars from their investors.  All the MacCarren’s are under intense scrutiny and the object of much hate from the public.  The stress that comes from being under a microscope sends Arden into panic attacks.  In an attempt to help, her friend, Betsy, organizes a drawing class to help Arden take her mind off her troubles.  The male model Betsy hires fascinates Arden with his lean muscles, edgy tattoos, and quiet intensity. 

Seth is a former marine who lost several close friends when an IED blew them up. He feels a responsibility to their survivors, to be there and support in any way he can.  Arden makes him forget some of those responsibilities and want again.  She’s a distraction he shouldn’t have, but Arden needs him too, and he can’t resist her pull.

Arden and Seth didn’t plan on anything but a superficial relationship.  Drawing Seth, being with him is the only thing that quiets her mind, dissolves the anxiety that fuels her panic attacks.  Seth was so busy struggling with survivor’s guilt, living his life to atone for his friends losing theirs.  He felt guilty wanting happiness, and so he basically shut off all his hopes and dreams, until Arden came along.  Wanting to help her cope and get a handle on her life, Seth unwittingly exposed his own heart and mind to Arden. 

Seth and Arden were so perceptive when it came to the other, attuned to each other’s thoughts and emotions. Their connection was powerful because it was deep and the heat generated from that intensity was very hot!

Just as a side note, I have to say that I’m not sure I could forgive or be friends with Betsy after what occurred in their past. That was one relationship that didn’t ring true to me. 

Seth and Arden, however, were multi-layered characters, perfectly flawed to the point where I got them.  I felt their insecurities, fears, desires, and passion, real and relatable.

For erotica to be truly hot, it has to be more than just sex, sex, sex.  With The Muse, Anne Calhoun delves deep into the characters, getting to the heart of what made them tick.  She expertly layered attraction and desire on top of an emotional connection creating a moving and beautiful romance!
4.5 Suns

Connect with Anne Calhoun:

The lovely people at Berkley generously provided a Paperback copy of The Muse to giveaway to one Waves of Fiction follower.  The giveaway is open to US residents only. Just fill in the rafflecopter for a chance to win. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Review: Starry Night by Debbie Macomber

Starry Night by Debbie Macomber
Published October 8th 2013 by Ballantine Books
’Tis the season for romance, second chances, and Christmas cheer with this new novel from Debbie Macomber.

Carrie Slayton, a big-city society-page columnist, longs to write more serious news stories. So her editor hands her a challenge: She can cover any topic she wants, but only if she first scores the paper an interview with Finn Dalton, the notoriously reclusive author.

Living in the remote Alaskan wilderness, Finn has written a mega-bestselling memoir about surviving in the wild. But he stubbornly declines to speak to anyone in the press, and no one even knows exactly where he lives.

Digging deep into Finn’s past, Carrie develops a theory on his whereabouts. It is the holidays, but her career is at stake, so she forsakes her family celebrations and flies out to snowy Alaska. When she finally finds Finn, she discovers a man both more charismatic and more stubborn than she even expected. And soon she is torn between pursuing the story of a lifetime and following her heart.

Filled with all the comforts and joys of Christmastime, Starry Night is a delightful novel of finding happiness in the most surprising places.
My Thoughts
Winter perfection!
Carrie Slayton is a reporter for a Chicago newspaper who takes on a writing assignment in an effort to be promoted from having to covering the Society section to something more fulfilling. She doesn’t realize how challenging this new assignment will be until she is informed that her task is to interview the elusive best selling author Finn Dalton that has published a memoir about surviving in the wild.

Carrie’s persistent ways take her to the Alaskan tundra and convinces a bush pilot to fly her to the remote location where she might find Finn and land an interview.

Forced to put up with a reported that’s invaded his quiet and isolated existence, Finn is determined to maintain his privacy and refuses to grant Carrie an interview that can change her career. However, when she’s forced to remain with him for 48 hours until the snow dies down and a pilot can safely return, these two begin to discover an attraction that surprises them both. Carrie is then forced to make a decision about her career, where publishing an article on Finn can disrupt his quiet existence and land her the job of a lifetime, or sacrifice a love the neither of them expected.

Starry Night is my favorite Christmas novel to date! It’s beautifully written and evenly paced, which makes the romance and connection between Finn and Carrie believable and romantic.

I loved their moments together, and especially enjoyed getting to know Carrie who was just a downright amazing character and good person! She won me over in a heartbeat and continued to prove by her actions that she was a worthy character.

Finn and Carrie truly had a wonderful Christmas love story to share, and I’m glad I came across Starry Night. Once again… beautiful!
4.5 Suns

Monday, December 14, 2015

Release Day Launch: Crazy Beautiful Lies by Kathryn L. James

It’s the release day launch for Crazy Beautiful Lies by Kathryn L. James! I am so excited to share this new contemporary romance with you! Kathryn is sharing an excerpt and giveaway with us, as well as the trailer for Crazy Beautiful Lies, so be sure to check it all out!
About Crazy Beautiful Lies:
CBL 1st revision
Crazy Beautiful Lies by Kathryn L. James
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo
Blake DeLuca is a manwhore with a reputation to prove it. Jenna Capwell thought she had the perfect life until tragedy happens and betrayals unfold. In a chance meeting, Blake mistakes her for the call girl from an elite escort service. Jenna wants nothing more than a carefree, reckless night of passion, so she plays the part, and plays it well. When their paths cross again, Blake stops at nothing to see her again...even uses blackmail. She knows what kind of man he is and yet she falls for him during their angsty relationship. He reminds her time and time again not to get attached to him and he doesn't know what he's about to lose until the table is turned and she makes a bold decision. One that changes the rules of the game and one that brings him to his knees. Can she survive another heart break and can he survive her betrayal? 
Exclusive Excerpt: 
He leaned into the door frame and folded his arms across his chest. Green eyes sparkled at me with amusement as I stared, and my skin must have flushed three shades of red. He cocked his eyebrow up and his lips curved into a delicious, lazy smile. I took in his strong chiseled jaw and his messy, damp, jet black hair. Probably just out of the shower. Him naked… just damn. “You’re late, and I don’t like waiting.” He moved aside for me to enter. Late? Kept him waiting? I tried to snap out of my mesmerized stupor. “Honey, come in. I don’t bite. Unless you’re into that.” He dragged his hand through his hair. The song changed and the tune was slow and sexy. Like the fly drawn to the spider web, I stepped inside. Finding my wits, I managed to ask, “Is Colin here?” “No threesome tonight, honey. Just me and you. The money’s on the bar in an envelope. Once we’re done, you can see yourself out. I only want to fuck. I don’t want to get personal. This is just a fuck. Understand?” Money… Only want to fuck… Just a fuck… He thinks I’m a hooker! I gazed around the room and stared at the thick white envelope on the bar. So thick, I wondered just how much he was paying. “It’s all there.” His voice sounded cocky. I held back a laugh and smiled. A no strings, carefree, reckless night was exactly what I wanted. What I needed. Let the games begin…because, I’m all in.



Kathryn L. James Bio
 Kathryn L James Author Photo
Kathryn James lives in a southern small town with her husband and kids. Being a hopeless romantic, she loves to read and write about bad-boy sexy alpha males and a strong heroine. She weaves her characters along a roller coaster ride full of angst before they reach their HEA. The beach is one of her favorite places to relax and write. But most days, when she’s writing, you can find her snuggled under a blanket in a recliner with her sweet apricot poodle curled up beside her. She’s loves diet coke, and is certain it helped her stay awake pecking away on her laptop writing her debut novel Crazy Beautiful Lies.   
 For information about Kathryn L. James or to stay updated on upcoming releases, please drop by: Facebook | Website | Twitter | Goodreads   
 Enter Kathryn’s giveaway! 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Review: Merry Christmas, Baby (Lucky Harbor #12.5) by Jill Shalvis

Merry Christmas, Baby (Lucky Harbor #12.5) by Jill Shalvis
Published December 2nd 2014 by Grand Central Publishing
New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis brings you a heartwarming tale that could only happen in Lucky Harbor . . .


Wild child Chloe Thompson can't believe how much things have changed. She still can't get enough of her sexy husband Sawyer, but he seems to prefer working to thinking about impending fatherhood. So tonight, a very pregnant Chloe is escaping her troubles at the town Christmas party.

Sheriff Sawyer Thompson hopes surprising Chloe at the party will give him a chance to set things right. But as the snow begins to fall and the wind rages, he wonders whether he can make it back in time. While mother nature conspires to keep Sawyer and Chloe apart, an unexpected arrival will require them to kiss and make up . . . and ring in the happiest holiday Lucky Harbor has ever seen.
My Thoughts
Merry Christmas, Baby is part of the Lucky Harbor series, which I haven’t read. But after diving into this short novella and falling instantly for the characters, I’m all the more eager to pick up this series and meet more of the characters in this cast.

This story is set around Christmas time… obviously… where Chloe Thompson is eight months pregnant with Sawyer’s child. When Sawyer takes an assignment that will keep them apart for a couple of days, Chloe is determined to enjoy the holiday festivities and cast away her gloomy mood. The pregnancy has taken both Chloe and Sawyer by surprise, and their daughter’s arrival is just around the corner leaving them worried about how it will change their lives and if their relationship will be able to survive the unexpected surprise.

I really enjoyed this story because it felt honest and believable when dealing with two people that are scared about being parents, as well as how that will change their relationship. I appreciated not only the honesty in the novel, but also how the main characters coped with their nerves.

Chloe’s sisters were also a nice addition to the storyline. I liked the backdrop of the bed and breakfast, and the tight knit ways of the girls.

Merry Christmas, Baby has it all in one quick punch… Christmas miracles, sentimental moments, and loveable characters to make this a perfect holiday read.
4 Suns

Friday, December 11, 2015

Review: The Heart of Christmas (Whiskey Creek Series) by Brenda Novak

The Heart of Christmas (Whiskey Creek #7) by Brenda Novak
Published October 28th 2014 by Harlequin MIRA
Just call her Christmas Eve…

Eve Harmon has always enjoyed Christmas, but this year it reminds her of everything she doesn't have. Almost all her friends are married now, and that's what Eve wants, too. Love. A husband and kids of her own. But the B and B she manages, and even Whiskey Creek, the small Gold Country town where she was born and raised, suddenly seem…confining.

Eve's worried that her future will simply be a reflection of her past. There's no one in the area she could even imagine as a husband—until a handsome stranger comes to town. Eve's definitely attracted to him, and he seems to have the same reaction to her. But his darkly mysterious past could ruin Eve's happily ever after—just when it finally seems within reach. And just when she's counting on the best Christmas of her life!
My Thoughts
The Heart of Christmas by Brenda Novak is yet another new-to-me author and new-to-me series that I picked up during my holiday reading frenzy. After diving into this enticing holiday read, I definitely want to continue with the Whiskey Creek series.

In The Heart of Christmas, we meet Eve Harmon during the winter season as she prepares her B&B for another Christmas. At thirty-five, it’s the holiday season that accentuates what Eve is missing in her life. After several failed relationships, she wants nothing more than to fall in love, as she sees all of her friends getting married and having children. So, when she indulges in a one-night stand before her birthday, the mysterious man she brings home also comes with tons of secrets and a shady past that has her family and friends leery about this stranger.

Rex McCreedy has been on the run for many years. At eighteen he was imprisoned for some mistakes that seem to follow him no matter how much time passes, and now the Crew he joined in prison, which he’s been trying to escape, is after him once again. When he lands in Whiskey Creek, he indulges in what he hopes is a quick reprieve, but Eve eventually becomes a safe haven for him at a time when his life seems so out of control. As they begin to fall in love, he knows the best thing he can do for Eve is to leave Whiskey Creek rather than bring the dangers of his past to this small town and her community.

Eve and Rex were a great couple to come to know. I have no experience with Eve’s past, so I didn’t have any preconceptions about her friends and their decisions that seemed to affect her life. These two characters definitely had a ton of chemistry to melt plenty of snow! I enjoyed journeying with Rex and Eve as they fell in love, faced some difficulties, and came together to find a way to make things work.

The secondary characters in the novel also grabbed my attention enough to want to pick up the series, so I’m eager to get to know more about Eve’s friends.

Lastly, the whole mystery around Little Mary's death and her ghost added a touch of intrigue to the novel, which was a perfect blend to the Christmas romannce, drama and adventure in Whiskey Creek!

Overall, I enjoyed this Christmas story that takes place amongst a tight group of friends, a small town and a quaint B&B. I'll be sure to dive further into the Whiskey Creek series to learn more about the rest of the cast.
3 Suns

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Review: The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson

The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson
Published October 17th 2011 by Little, Brown and Company
The tree is decorated, the cookies are baked, and the packages are wrapped, but the biggest celebration this Christmas is Gaby Summerhill's wedding. Since her husband died three years ago, Gaby's four children have drifted apart, each consumed by the turbulence of their own lives. They haven't celebrated Christmas together since their father's death, but when Gaby announces that she's getting married--and that the groom will remain a secret until the wedding day--she may finally be able to bring them home for the holidays.

But the wedding isn't Gaby's only surprise--she has one more gift for her children, and it could change all their lives forever. With deeply affecting characters and the emotional twists of a James Patterson thriller, The Christmas Wedding is a fresh look at family and the magic of the season.
My Thoughts
I’ve had my eye on The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson for a few years now, but the holidays come and go and this book has fallen off my radar one too many times. Well, I’ve finally had a chance to dive into this holiday story. Definitely a good book to enjoy with some gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate. This is a novel that shares one’s family story about heartbreak, sickness and disappointment during a time when we should be rejoicing life. However, despite the chaos in the Summerhill family’s life, coming together during Christmas to celebrate proves to be the perfect remedy.

It all starts with Gaby the matriarch of the family. Through her series of videos she sends to her adult children, who have all drifted off, she entices them to come back home during Christmas for her wedding. No one knows who the lucky mad will be, not even the groom! As the wedding plans come to fruition, we learn about the four children and their current situation. Lizzie’s husband Mike is battling with brain tumors, but remains optimistic through the entire ordeal. Claire is going through a separation from her loser husband. Seth is a struggling novelist hoping to land a publisher for his book. Emily is the most successful of the four, as a high paid attorney, but even with wealth and a perfect marriage, she realizes her career dreams are hindering her happiness.

As we learn about the Summerhill children, it’s evident that they are a tight knight family when they take the time to come together. Gaby proves to be a perfect balance to their chaotic life, where she always offers a word of advice in a way that never feels like she’s dictating their decisions.

Throughout the novel, I was definitely curious who the groom would be considering she had THREE suitors. All three were great men, so it was a shame to see that two were cast aside in favor of the perfect match.

There were moments where the story felt a bit contrived and weird. Yes the whole wedding idea where the groom doesn’t know he’s getting married until the bride picks him felt a bit odd… However what captured me was the secondary characters and their situations.

Lastly, The Christmas Wedding did have that holiday feel I was hoping for, so overall not a bad story to dive into during this time of the year.
3 Suns

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Teaser Blast: Bait & Switch by Kendall Ryan

RELEASE DAY: February 9th 2016

Bait & Switch
Alphas Undone Book 1

             Love is a trap, a trick only other people fall for. Former Navy SEAL Nolan has no such illusions. The only things real in his life are his beloved bulldog and the two women who regularly share his bed. One is light—soft, innocent, and tender touches. The other is dark—and gives him all of the wicked things he craves behind closed doors. It’s not cheating when each is aware of the other. But when he begins to feel much more than he ever bargained for, the order of his carefully crafted world is shaken, and he stands to lose everything.

             Nolan thinks we met by chance. We didn’t. I sought him out, seduced him, and in return got the sanctuary I needed to survive. But now, impossibly, I’ve fallen in love with him. I don’t care that he has another lover, because when he finds out who I am, it’s going to ruin any chance I ever had with him anyway. She’s the least of my worries.

            Bait & Switch is Book 1 in a new contemporary romance series by Kendall Ryan.