
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mini Reviews: The Girl in Red & Marriage for One

I read The Girl in Red by Christina Henry and Marriage for One by Ella Maise after reading fellow blogger's reviews,. Visiting other blogs is one of the prime reasons why my TBR is an ever expanding, out of control list, lol! But I'm grateful for the recommends, because it prompts me to read books not just because they're offered by ARC and also tempts me to try independent authors I probably wouldn't have taken a second glance at otherwise.

The Girl in Red by Christina Henry
Publication Date: June 18th 2019 by Berkley
Pages: 302 Audio Length: 8 hrs 21 min
Source: Kindle Purchase/Library Lend Audio book
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

My Thoughts:
While I found parts unbelievable (like an axe being that sharp, and why in the world would a woman wear a red hoodie when she's trying to evade notice?! other things too), but still, unputdownable! I switched from audio to e-book, listening when I wasn't able to sit and read. If you're a fan of end-of-the-world-scenarios The Girl in Red is a fun and riveting read.

There is no romance, but if Christina Henry decided to write a sequel, there's a certain someone I can totally see her with: (Highlight for Spoiler) Sirois!. I've looked on Ms. Henry's website she says there's no plan right now for a sequel, but there's a lot of potential for a sequel here! I'd totally be on board for that! (Highlight for Spoiler)It's kind of an abrupt ending, happy for now, but even if she doesn't write a sequel, I'm fine with how everything left off.

January LaVoy did an excellent job with narration. I listened at my standard 1.25x-1.5x normal listening speed.

*I reserved a copy a my library after reading the lovely Lark's review, which is far more eloquent than mine above, lol. Thanks for the recommend!

4 Suns

Publication Date: May 8th 2019 by Ella Maise
Pages: 520 Audio Length: 15 hrs 48 min
Source: Kindle Unlimited e-copy/Audio book
Purchase Links: Amazon | Audible

My Thoughts:
This started out a bit slow, but once it got going, I really enjoyed Marriage for One! It was on the longer side, over 500 pages, but I still managed to finish in two days by alternately listening and reading, because I wanted to see how it all turned out.

Jack was a broody, stern guy at first, hardly talking, but his actions spoke volumes about his feelings for Rose. There's a mystery behind his marriage proposal, and I enjoyed getting to the bottom of it.

My first Ella Maise and I'd like to read more by her. Her writing sort of reminds me of Mariana Zapata. Her hero did, at any rate.

Loved Stella Bloom and Lance Greenfield's narration, although, I still wish that the male and female narrators would perform all their parts throughout the book, instead of just the character's designated chapters, but each did a good job with narrating all voices. Listened at my usual 1.25x-1.5x normal speed.

*I downloaded Marriage for One after reading Genesis' fab review, which is far better than mine above! 

4 Suns


  1. Same here when it comes to always piling new books to the TBR after reading a review. :)

    I loved Christina Henry's take on the Peter Pan tale. I'll have to read this one, too.

    New to me author for Marriage of One, but I do enjoy Lance Greenfield's narration work so that might be the way to go.

    Well done on the mini reviews, Rachel!

    1. Thanks Sophia Rose! I do like Lance Greenfield's narration on other books, too. :)

  2. I'd be on board for a sequel to The Girl in Red, too!! :)

  3. Well you need a red hood to have little red riding hood, lol, but I so see your point, and since I like her books I need it

    1. Yes, but it didn't fit with the circumstances, but still, this was fun. Hope you like it!

  4. I enjoyed the one book I read by Christina Henry, so I am curious about her take on Red Riding Hood. great reviews!

  5. Great reviews Rachel! I haven't read either of these book. I love end of the world books, and despite certain parts not being believable, this sounds like a good read. Marriage foe One sounds good with the broody guy who shows how much he cares about the heroine, based on the things he does. I like the book cover too!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
