
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

WWW Wednesdays #1

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words.  The three W's are: 

What are you currently reading? 
What did you recently finish reading?
What will you be reading next?

This is my first time doing a WWW Wednesday so we'll see how this goes.  

What are you currently reading?

I need some time to sink into Archangel's War, but this week has been so busy!  I started The Wallflower Wager on my way home from work yesterday (audio book) and I've been laughing so hard!  Penny is hilarious with her brood of animals, and so very sweet. I just LOVE her! Add in a grumpy hero and I'm having a blast.  Not even the horrid ride home (thank you, flaming semi-truck!!) I spent in traffic could dim my enjoyment. 

What did you recently finish?

Usually love Laura Griffin's romantic suspense, while Total Control was entertaining, it was just okay for me. It was a quick read at 183 pages, more of a novella length story.

What will you be reading next?

After seeing a lot of love for Well Met I grabbed up an e-ARC last minute. I hope to dive in this weekend. 

What are your reading plans?


  1. I'm glad you had The Wallflower Wager to keep you company while in traffic and even glader that you are enjoying it!
    I hope you like Well Met, Rachel! :)

  2. I'm hoping to read Well Met and Total Control soon! I usually love Laura Griffin, but lately I haven't been in the mood for her books.

  3. Archangel's War was my most anticipated for this fall. :) Hope the last minute one is good. Looks cute! Glad you're having a good time with The Wallflower Wager.

  4. Tessa Dare's characters usually make me laugh. :)

  5. Hoping to find a book to want to read.

  6. I am excited for you, because I adored Well Met. I hope you do too

  7. Welcome to WWW! Archangel's War looks awesome, and I just LOVE that cover! Happy reading.

    Here's my WWW post.

  8. I actually purchased my first Tessa Dare! I'll finally find out what all the fuss is about! :)
    Well Met is one I'd like to read too. It sounds awesome. Hope you enjoy!

  9. I wanted to read Archangel's War, but I wasn't sure if it's a series that needs to be read in order. I've heard great things about Well Met too! I can't wait to see what you end up thinking it it Rachel!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
