
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Top 10 Books of 2019

I've been out of the country (Cabo San Lucas) on a last minute holiday trip, which is why I've been scarce in the blogosphere, and why I'm posting this late.

  Anne over at Books of My Heart is hosting these end of the year posts and so I'm linking up with her to share my Top Ten of 2019, and Top Ten Tuesday by The Artsy Reader Girl. It's hard to narrow it down to ten, right? But here I go:

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

What were your top ten reads of 2019?


  1. A trip out of the country sounds like a fabulous way to spend the holidays. Hope you're having a marvelous time!

    I've never heard of Sweep of the Blade, but it looks really interesting! I've heard good things about Ilona Andrews, too. I'll have to check out that series.

    Here's my TTT post.

  2. Cabo in December sounds heavenly! Hope you had a great time, Rachel.
    I’m really excited to start Regretting You. I think it will be my very next read.

  3. I love LOVE seeing some of my favorites on here as well! Have a great New Year!!

  4. A Merciful Secret made my top ten list, too. So good! :D
    Have a Happy New Year!

  5. I've read and LOVED 5 of 10 on your list. Elliot, Armstrong, Briggs, Center and Andrews. I'll have to look at those others although I don't read very much historical romance.

    Thanks so much for joining us! I think it is so fun to see all the lists.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  6. Yay for a lovely vacation. I think your list looks fab since I've read and love all, but two of those and I'll get to Hoover and Things You Save in a Fire eventually. :)

  7. The Tessa Dare was so funny! Great pick there

  8. Things You Save in a Fire imprinted itself on my soul. I am getting emotional over here...about a book.

  9. Watcher in the Woods! I love that series.

    Happy New Year Rachel!!!

  10. You read some good ones. Happy New Year.

  11. It was too hard for me to narrow it down to 10!! Regretting You definitely made my list. I loved Things You Save in a Fire - read that one in 2018. I'm glad it made your list!

  12. I hope you had a nice trip away, and Happy New Year!

    I have not read any of these but I have a goal to read at least ONE book by Colleen Hoover this year. :)

