
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Sunday Post #73

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

Hope everyone is doing well. It's heated up quite a bit here and I'm really hoping that we're not going to have summer temps from here on out. Tuesday it's supposed to feel like 105 F even though the actual temperature is predicted to be 97 F degrees. I always look at the "real feel" on my weather app instead of the actual temperature. What about you?   Either way, I wasn't pleased to have these sizzling temperatures when we're only just into May! 

I did this hike a month ago now in Central California, and I was admiring the picture wishing I could do it again as we were up here again this weekend, but I sprained my ankle this last Thursday. I was just going down our stairs and rolled it. It's still swollen and painful! I've never sprained an ankle so I'm wondering how long it takes to heal? I've been trying to prop it up ice it with frozen peas, but if I'm on it a while it feels like I'm back at square one.  I'm on it quite a bit when I'm working unfortunately. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

This is two weeks worth of reading. Still enjoying my re-read (3rd time through) of Mercy Thompson. Stages of the Heart and Cowboy Come Home were wonderful! 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)


SNL was hilarious last weekend! Well, mostly. You know there's always a few skits that are kind of duds. Loved Brad Pitt playing Dr. Anthony Fauci, Whiskers R We, Stuck in the House, and the Gretchen Whitmer skit! 
A View From the Top never fails to make me laugh. An oldie but goodie. 

How was your week?


  1. I popped my ankle a few years ago and man did that smart! Ouch. I hope you feel better soon! i think it was a good couple weeks before I was moving around easily again but it varies I'm sure depending...

    Hope your reads are good this week! And yes it is too early for those kinda temps, I agree!

    SNL :):)

  2. Oh man! I'm not looking forward to that crazy hot weather. I hope your ankle gets better quickly, so you can enjoy your walks and hikes again. Have a great week Rachel!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I know! I hate the super hot temps. I can deal with 80s but anymore than that has me wanting to pack up and move to Northern California. Thanks, you too, Lindy!

  3. I don't care much for hot weather, though I do wish it would stay warm in Missouri. Some days are in the 40s and others are in the 70s.

    1. That's quite a range! Yeah, not a fan of the hot temps.

  4. I had to go check the week's weather when you mentioned it's supposed to feel like 105 where you are. Ninety-nine on Thursday. I'm not ready! I'm enjoying having my windows open . . . I like to look at the "feels like" temp too--but my phone is across the room, and I am too lazy to get up right now to check it. LOL

    I am so sorry to hear about your ankle! Sprains can be so painful. I've had a few over my lifetime, unfortunately. I hope you are able to rest if as much as possible in between work and other responsibilities. Hopefully it heals quickly.

    I think I'm just going to have to start over with the Mercy Thompson series and then continue where I left off. It's been so long. A Rogue of One's Own looks like it will be cute. I'm anxious to read Hidden as well.

    I need to look up the skit online of Brad Pitt playing Dr. Anthony Fauci. I heard it was good.

    I hope you have a good week! Happy Reading!

    1. I'm not ready either! Hopefully we get some Spring appropriate temps back. I hope you enjoy Mercy Thompson! Love that series so much. I'm excited for Hidden too. Thanks! You too!

  5. Sprained ankles are the worst! I think healing time depends on how bad it is and how much you can stay off it. We hit 105 and it's supposed to get hotter later this week. These temps are 10 to 20 degrees higher than our average here, so I'm not too happy. I was looking forward to some 80s weather or at least low 90s for a bit longer. I hope you have a great week and your ankle heals!

    My Weekly Update

    1. Thanks! Yeah, more mild temps please! It's hard to even be by the pool when it's so hot.

  6. That sounds painful and hope you are feeling better soon. I am gonna install that "feels like" app. Dubai desert temperature would be a fun thing to watch out for.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  7. Well high five for people who have to stumble through the house right now. I came from a run and my foot has been hurting ever since, but I can't see a thing on it, it's not blue or swollen, but I am stumbeling around the house for a week now, lol.

    LOVE the picture btw, The Netherlands is so boring compared to beautiful countries.

    1. Lets hope our injuries heal quickly! Thanks, we do have amazing spots in California!

  8. Sorry to hear about your ankle. I hope you are able to rest it, and get all healed up quickly. I will never be ready for 100+ temps. We don't often get there, but the humidity in NJ is killer in the summer, and it just feels awful. I think it's supposed to be quite warm today. Upper 70s? Which is a big change from the 50s/low 60s we have been having. I recently read the first Want Me book, and will be eager to hear your thoughts on the 2nd one. I will definitely be continuing that series. And, yeah! for Playlist. I really loved that book. I hope you enjoy it too.

    1. We didn't used to have so much humidity, but it's higher than it used to be. Probably due to the urban sprawl. I love Lorelei James' Want Me and Need You series', they're connected.

  9. Ouch, sorry about your ankle. I hope that it heals fast. Have a great week and enjoy your books.

  10. I'm starting to think we are NOT #saferathome because you are the second Sunday Post / Sunday Salon person who has sprained her ankle and I seem to have somehow sprained MY NECK. LOL

    Please, may Advil cure us all.

    1. Oh no! A sprained neck sounds awful! Yes, Advil, save us, lol.

  11. Ouch on the ankle! That sucks. It can be a couple of weeks for a sprain/strain to heal depending on severity and strenuous activities (running etc) should be avoided for a while longer after that to avoid re-aggravating it. You could try a compression bandage for when you're having to be on it at work? That will help especially when you're elevating/icing it at home.

    Hope this week is a better one!

  12. I hope your ankle is better soon. My daughter had a really bad sprain in high school and it took a couple weeks. The compression bandage is a good suggestion.

    I also got Hidden and Say No More and of course, I'm loving the Mercy Thompson books.

    It's funny about the weather. It's going to be almost 90 today and then around 67 the rest of the week with one day of rain.

    Take care, be kind and sensible!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. Crazy weather for sure. Nice that you get a few mild days, though! I'm looking forward to Hidden and Say No More!

  13. Our weather has been the opposite: it was warm and gloriously sunny and then this week the April showers took over! I am so sorry to hear about your ankle. My dad badly sprained his ankle last year and it took about 10 weeks to completely heal - Rest up and hopefully it won't take too long to heal. Take care and happy reading!

    1. Eeeek! I hope it doesn't take 10 weeks! I don't mind the rain much if I don't have to drive in it. Hope you get the sun back soon. Thanks, you too!

  14. Ugh its too early for temperatures like that! Blech! Hopefully your ankle heals quickly. I've never sprained an ankle either, so I'm not sure out heal time. Maybe us a crutch so you aren't putting weight on it when walking?

    1. I agree! I hope so, too. I'm using a compression bandage at work, so hopefully that helps.

  15. I hope you feel better soon. It's going to be hot here too. It's been near 100 all week and I just hate it. Why do I live somewhere that my brain boils in the Summer? lol

  16. I am so sorry to hear about your ankle! Injuries are never fun but especially if you have to be on it all day. I am not ready for hot temps yet. It was in the mid 80s here and I was hot so highs in the upper 90s sounds crazy! Enjoy your new reads. I am going to have to get my hands on The Happily Ever After Playlist soon. Have a great week!

  17. Central california seems beautiful Rachel! I hope to get back to California in the coming years. When we visited, four years ago the heat was so strong we had threats of fire all the time. Stay safe!

  18. Poor ankle!

    Also, that is so warm! Wow

  19. Sprained ankles are the worst. I hope yours feels better soon!

  20. oh NO!!! I am so sorry you got hurt, sending you healing vibes. I love going on hikes...looks like a beautiful place to hike. I do love visiting California. Hope you enjoy all of those books. I am planning on picking up that Chantal Fernando series soon.

  21. We've had cool mornings but the sun is killer before noon. Seems like the weather patterns are way off this year.
    Sorry about the sprained ankle! Rest up! Happy reading!

  22. Jealous! A Rogue of One's Own is one of my most anticipated releases! I absolutely LOVED Bringing Down the Duke, so I'll be eager to see what you think of its sequel/companion. I also look at the "real feel" on my phone, because that's what it feels like! Haha. :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?😷 💬

  23. The California picture looks beautiful, it's been super hot these days. It was so cold just a couple of days ago in New York. Happy reading :)

    Beena @ Beena Khan

  24. I look at the real feel temps too! Lots of great books read and grabbed!

    <a href=">Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my!</a>

  25. Oh gosh, I hope your ankle feels better soon. I fractured mine years ago, and I've hurt my ankles in general over the years so I know how painful and annoying that can be! Woah, your temps are getting high!!! I have to look at what it's going to feel like too, because we get humidity bad here.


  26. The Texas heat has finally started to arrive and I fear it is here to stay. I'm happy to stay inside and work during the days. The evenings are still cool enough to tolerate being outside, for now.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle. Unfortunately the only thing you can do it let it rest and heal. But hey, you have a built in excuse to stay on the couch or in bed and read!
