
Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sunday Post #172


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

Got a lot accomplished this week. Besides the usual, working, keeping up with the garden we met with our cabinet maker finalized the details and got on the schedule! We're in contract now and should have work starting the third week in October. I loved this new house on sight, it has a lot of character and the wood floors are gorgeous, but the kitchen and bathrooms needed to redone.  Both bathrooms are in the works, but it takes so long since contractors are booked up out here. I have the new vanity for the master, although the top had to be sent back because it was broken. We're finally getting the replacement tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be in one piece. So much time goes into all the updates. Just choosing something takes a lot of time and then trying to get it is another hurdle. 

It rained out here on Thursday and it was so nice! I didn't have to drag the hose all over the property to water, and it was cooler! Finally we're dropping down to more pleasant temps, high 80s to low 90s which is a lot better than 100+! 

Rainy day!

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Doesn't seem like much but both were long books. Storm Echo was 368 pages which I guess isn't that long, but Quarter to Midnight was 608 pages! Despite being long, it didn't feel that long. It was one of those reads that fly by. I enjoyed both!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:


One of the two giveaways I'm currently running. See the sidebar on the right for the links. 

How was your week?


  1. We got a little bit of rain this week, but it just made it muggier. Ugh. I want to read that new Julia Whelan book. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yes it did make it more humid, but it brought the temps down, too so I was happy with that effect. You too, Lisa!

  2. Yes, the contractors are really booked here as well! It sounds like you will have a practically brand-new home after the work is finished!
    Quarter to Midnight sounds so intriguing. I understand how it would fly by! I just added Thank You for Listening to my TBR – sounds great!
    Happy reading!

    1. I just started Thank You For Listening and I'm really enjoying it! Hope you do too! Quarter to Midnight was really good too. Loved the setting.

  3. I know exactly what you mean about the rain and the watering. Oh construction. I want to redo the master bath a bit but don't want to deal with contractors. You read some great books this week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. Everyone seems to be suffering from heat waves. Here in Seattle 90d is a heat wave and we just had a record setting 6 days of over 90d. Cooler now at 80d. Looks like you finished some good books.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. That's hot for Seattle especially since there's not a whole lot of A/C there. Stay cool!

  5. Renovations can be a struggle, but at the end, you will have what you (hopefully) wanted. Good luck! Hope it all goes well

    1. Agreed! I hope it turns out the way we envision, but you never know. Thanks, Sam!

  6. Glad the weather is cooperating more! A cooldown is nice. and best of luck with the renovations! I bet it'll be beautiful when it's done. :)

    Chill Factor sounds good and very suspenseful!

    1. Chill Factor was sooo good! One of my favorites! Yes, I was happy it's not as hot lately.

  7. Good luck with your renovations! And yay for rain. We got some good rain yesterday, too. It was so lovely and cool. And so needed! :D

    1. Thanks, Lark! Yes, the rain is welcomed after days of heat! Can't wait until summer is over!

  8. There's always something with a house. I tested positive for COVID last week, so my husband and I have been isolating. Thankfully I'm feeling much better, but we woke up yesterday morning to no AC. I can take being sick or no AC, but I can't handle them at the same time! Thankfully a repair guy was able to come out and fix it under warranty, so I didn't have to melt too long in the Texas heat.

    1. I agree! I hope you feel better! Being sick with no A/C sucks! I'm happy to hear you didn't have to suffer in the heat too long!

  9. Karen Rose books are always super long! But good! Storm Echo was great too. Glad you got some relief from the heat.

  10. Your property is so beautiful. I hope your renovations go smoothly.

    1. Thank you, Wendy! I sit out on our porch to soak up this view almost every day. I hope so too!

  11. All week there been thunder and lighting but no rain where I live. It nice when the weather start to cool a little.
    Have a great week.

  12. Sounds like a productive week. Hooray for the rain. We've had a bit here and while it is slightly cooler (hovering around 90 for the last several days) it's so humid and muggy. Hits you like a wall as soon as you step outside. Wow, that Rose book was a long one! Glad it didn't read that way. Hope your week is off to a good start, Rachel!

  13. Hope your week goes well. Regine

  14. Yeah that Karen Rose is a massive book haha but I really need to try her stuff out, is that one a good one to begin with? Or should I start with another one? I also adored Storm Echo by Singh.

  15. We got a little rain this week too. It was most welcome.

  16. Happy to hear you got a little rain - we did as well. Have a great week!

  17. I am sure everything will look fantastic when it is done :D

  18. Well you have an amazing view from your garden! Also it's exciting perspective to remodel the kitchen and bathroom! Let's just hope the contractor will finally get to work.
