
Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sunday Post #220-Late Edition!


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

I have my daughter and 2 grandkids staying with us and we're having a good time despite the on and off rain. We installed a tetherball in the front which has been a big hit. Playing Skip-Bo, matching game, visited a indie bookstore downtown, lunch and had a dinner with friends and my sister to visit my daughter and grandkids. Very busy! I haven't had much time to myself. Thus the late Sunday Post!

Fall seems to be coming early. You can see my tree on the right is already turning red! That's okay, I've been in the fall mood for a while!

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Loved Talulah! Giving away a signed copy HERE. My Roommate is a Vampire was silly and fun. I'm almost finished with two other books, but like I said. Not much time lately. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Two ARCs and a library lend.


My zinnias have been all-star performers this summer so I couldn't resist using them as a backdrop for Mixed Signals and the other two Lovelight stories.

How was your week?


  1. I remember that I loved tether ball! Sounds like a fun time with your visitors.

  2. Definitely signs of autumn on the way — we are like you. Red leaves. Flocking birds. Harvested produce. But still hot.
    best, mae at

    1. Yes, we've had the geese going by as well. It is still going to be warm, but not too hot. I love this time of year!

  3. How fun! I am sure your tetherball matches are not as cutthroat as the ones I experience in HS phys ed. What was it about that class?

    1. Yes, not as cutthroat, but the 8yr old is pretty competitive, lol!

  4. Our dogwood tree out front has changed dramatically and is rather pretty in its fall colors. The red maple in back is also getting orange. Fall is here! Have a good week.

    1. Sounds beautiful! Our dogwood was one of the last trees to change colors last year. I guess we'll see what happens this year. I'm happy to have the change in weather!

  5. I'm amazed, with all the things you have going on, that you had time to squeeze in a post at all. My g-kids love to play cards, and I'll have to try tetherball with them.

    Talulah's Back in Town sounds intriguing. Enjoy your time with your family.

    1. I'm amazed too! I enjoy playing cards with them! My grandmother used to play cards with me and I treasure that one and one time.

  6. Enjoy the time with your family! And please send that rain here to Texas! We could really use it!

    1. I hope you get some rain, Ethan! Texas is where my daughter, SIL and the kids live now. Yes they said it's hot there. Just now it's getting cool enough to play pickle ball outside at night!

  7. We used to have a tetherball when we were growing up and I loved it!! Haven't seen one in years... thanks for reminding me. Sounds like you've had a great week. Enjoy your books.

    1. I played in school and thought it would be fun to install one here for the kids for something to do. We have! Thanks!

  8. Late is ok. Glad you had the family and Skip-Bo! I'm going to hold back on Check & Mate because it's YA. I am really fussy about that. We are getting a HOT week but leaves are falling so it's coming.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I don't usually read YA anymore either, but as it was Ali Hazelwood I couldn't resist. I was surprised over the cool, rainy weather we had. Yesterday was beautiful. Yes, the leaves are falling here too! Hope you get some cooler weather!

  9. I was never very good at tether ball but it is fun that you are playing it with family. I know what you mean about not having a moment to yourself. I am starting to feel ready for fall myself.

    1. I can't say I was ever good at it either, but my husband claims he was the "tetherball champion" in school, lol! I don't doubt it. He's very coordinated. It's annoying! I'm loving the weather right now!


  10. Ah fun to have the family for a visit even with the rain keeping you inside more. Tether ball! I loved that when I was a kid and visiting a bookshop is always a hit. Your zinnias are gorgeous. I'm sure your reading will pick up after your guests are gone.

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. It was fun! We did puzzles and played cards, visited a book and candy shop when the weather was less than great. The weather was gorgeous yesterday so we had a great time outside. I hope so! I have some books I need to finish! Thanks! You too, Sophia!

  11. I loved tetherball when I was a kid. I was irritated that there was no tetherball in high school because we could have played it for PE. LOL

    1. Yes, tetherball would've been more fun than the other things they had us do in PE!

  12. We had that game Skip-Bo when I was growing up. Can't remember how to play it now, but I liked it back then. :D

  13. Skiup-Bo is fun! My grandma used to love to play. Good times. :)

  14. Enjoy the visit with your family, it sounds awesome. Have a great week.

  15. What a great visit with your daughter and grandchildren! My Roommate is a Vampire has been everywhere lately. Glad you enjoyed it. :)
