
Friday, February 15, 2013

Author Spotlight: Interview & Giveaway Tarryn Fisher

The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies, #1)Dirty Red (Love Me With Lies, #2)

Today I’m giddy with excitement because I get to share the interview Tarryn Fisher granted to Waves of Fiction.  (Be sure to scroll down for a chance to win The Opportunist and Dirty Red below.)

Arlene and I recently read The Opportunist and Dirty Red, the first two novels of Tarryn’s Love Me With Lies series, and have become BEYOND obsessed.  I’m not sure obsessed is a strong enough word for what we feel about this captivating story!!  After countless emails and long conversations speculating, rehashing, and tearing our hair out, I thought it would be a dream come true if we could corner Tarryn and ask her some of our pressing questions.   So read below and see what we were able to pry out of her:
About the Series
Rachel: How did you come up with this addicting and twisted romance?  Was it inspired by real events in your life?
I was heartbroken and I thought up the idea for this story while sitting in Starbucks caffeinating my problems away. "If only he'd lose his memory…" Then, I thought it would make a great storyline, so I went home and started writing. I think that most woman have a relationship in their past they'd like to hit the rewind button on. 

Arlene: Out of the three main characters, which was the hardest perspective for you to write? Olivia, Leah, or Caleb?  
Definitely Leah. Obvious answer right? She drained me emotionally because I didn't like her. I grew endeared to her, but I definitely didn't like her. Caleb's is the easiest by far. 

Rachel:  How did you keep all the facts straight throughout the series? 
Most of the time I just reference The Opportunist.  I also text Luisa Hansen, who is the creator of The Pressed Penny fan site. She is the TO expert She even has a timeline that blows my mind. She knows more about my book than I do. Fact. 

Arlene: When you first started writing The Opportunist, did you have some idea of what the ending would entail, or did this come to you as you developed the story?
I had no idea. I wrote the story blindly and I was shocked with the way Olivia and Caleb ended things. I cried. I know exactly what my readers are talking about when they say the book caused them to be emotionally drained. 

Rachel: How long after TO did DR take place?
Shoot, it's midnight and Luisa is asleep. I can't ask her :)

Rachel: When does Thief take place?  If it’s after DR, will we have some flashbacks to tell us what Caleb was up to (besides wrapping a present with airport blue paper). 
Thief starts after DR. But, you will get to see what everyone has been up to. 

Rachel: Will Dobson Scott Orchard, the rapist Olivia is defending, figure into Thief prominently?
Dobson will play into Thief's storyline. I can't tell you how. 

Arlene: Noah gets so little stage time, but truly makes a huge impact in this story. Will we see more of him in Caleb's book? Does he get a chance to share his story?
Yes, you will learn more about Noah. Not too much. I try to keep the side characters on the side and focus on Olivia and Caleb. But, since he's married to Olivia he definitely plays a role. 

Arlene: Do you foresee any of your secondary characters (ahem... ahem... Sam Foster) getting their own story sometime in the future?
No. I see characters like Sam and Cammie and Noah as supporters to the main storyline. They add some seasoning. But, none of them interest me enough to write a whole book about. I like to write about broken people. Most of the supporting characters in my books are pretty healthy. 

Rachel: I’ve also read that Leah’s story is over.  Will she be in Thief at all? 
Leah has a couple of pivotal scenes in Thief. But, quite frankly, I'm really effing tired of her. I'd like to put her in the ring with Cammie. I think Cammie could take Leah. 

Details About the Book (Possible Spoilers!!)
Enter at your own risk but we HIGHLY suggest you don’t read these if you haven’t read The Opportunist and Dirty Red.  You will see questions without answers below.  For our followers who are fans of the series, please feel free to speculate and give your thoughts on those questions, below in the comments.
Arlene: Who was the woman that Olivia caught in Caleb's office the night of their demise?
If I answered any of the below questions there would be no need for a third book. I will tell you this; the present that Olivia received at her birthday party was from Caleb. He was making his intentions known.  

Rachel: Was the ring Olivia tried on in TO the ring Caleb intended for her?  Or was it Leah’s ring?

Arlene: In your opinion, why did Caleb return to Leah that night in Rome after he heard Olivia's heartfelt confession?

Rachel: Was Leah pregnant already in Rome when Olivia flew out there?

Arlene: Olivia's birthday present from Caleb... object or note... or both? Smaller than a bread box? Details please!

Rachel: In another interview you were asked how Caleb and Olivia will get there happy ending now that she’s married to Noah.  You answered: “Did they get married?” Care to clarify?
I was probably messing with people. There was a lot of speculation after I published TO about whether Caleb was really standing outside the church or not. She did marry Noah as you've seen in DR. 

Rachel: Does the house that’s in Olivia and Caleb’s name have a special significance in their past relationship?

Final Questions
Arlene: For your diehard fans chomping at the bit for the final book, can you share how far along you are with Caleb's story?
I am about halfway. But, writing is a touchy thing. Right now I need a break from those characters. I know everyone hates to hear that, but I want Thief to be good. Really good. And I have to be in the right frame of mine to write it. I know where it needs to go and as soon as he starts speaking to me again, I will finish his story. 

Arlene: After you complete the Love Me With Lies series, what future writing projects do you have in mind?
This is my favorite question. There is a secret group on Facebook where people talk about the Opportunist. Someone said something in there one day that kind of jarred my imagination. I started writing a story based on an idea that stems from The Opportunist. Just like The Opportunist, the idea is a bit far fetched, but it's going to grab you and it's not going to let you go. 

Both Arlene and I would like to thank Tarryn for answering our questions!! We eagerly anticipate Thief and anything else you write!

Tarryn Fisher's Casting Board on Pintrest

About the Author

I am a real life villain, truly. I drink sick amounts of Starbucks. Most of the time my hair smells like coffee. I was born in South Africa, and lived there for most of my childhood. I moved to Seattle just for the rain. Rome is my favorite place in the world so far, Paris comes in at a close second. I read and write more than I sleep. When I was eleven, I wrote an entire novel about runaway orphans, using only purple ink. I am addicted to Florence and the Machine and will travel to see concerts. I love scary movies and giraffes. I spend way too much time on Facebook. Meet you there?…
We are offering an eBook of BOTH The Opportunist and Dirty Red by Tarryn Fisher to all entrants that can receive an electronic copy through US Amazon or US Barnes & Noble. Simply fill out the rafflecopter and share with us either a thoughtful comment on the interview or if you're already a fan of this series, tell us your guess on the spoiler questions. We'd love to hear your thoughts!  Good luck and thanks for stopping by!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love how when writing The Opportunist the characters shocked you. When characters tell their own story then it's a good thing because they are taking on a life of their own.
    Raffle name: Fiery Na

    1. This entire series is a complete mind spin. I hope you get to read this story soon. :)

  2. Thanks so much for the review. I have not yet had the chance to read the Opportunist, although I have heard it is awesome! I do have it on my Kindle, but have yet to get to it. But, I will very soon!

    1. Maria, you have to read it soon!! Soo good.

  3. Wonderful interview can't wait to read both of these!!

    1. Thank you Amber! Good luck with the giveaway. :)

  4. OH MY GOD! Thank you for this! So awesome!! I love love loved both of these books so much and it is so exciting to read this interview. I cannot wait for the third book - like, seriously dying here

    Thank you Tarryn - you are a goddess!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Did you see the cover reveal for Thief? We are right there with you Eva. We canNOT wait for the third book. :)

  5. You moved to Seattle for the rain? Love it! I too live in the Seattle area, Enumclaw, in fact. Looking forward to reading your books. Thank you for sharing. :)

    jukyjoauka at aol dot com

    1. You're welcome Kyla. So lucky you live in Seattle. If I did, I'd be stalking this woman's porch for book 3!! LOL

    2. I think Tarryn would have to get a restraining order on both of us Arlene!

  6. Great interview!! Can't wait to read the book!!

    1. Thank you Lariza. Hope you get to read them soon. They are incredible!

  7. Loved the interview and can't wait to read the book!!!! thank you for the chance to win in this giveaay also!!!

    1. You're welcome and good luck with the giveaway.

  8. Thanks for this awesome interview, Arlene and Rachel! I can't wait for Thief.

    Charlie @ Charlie, Coffee and a Good Book

  9. Great interviw most definitely have to look up The Opportunist it looks and sound awsome!:) thanks for the givaway!

    1. You're welcome Katiria! Yes, you have to look into these books. They are really good!

  10. Great interview! I need to read these books. Thanks you soo much for the great giveaway!

    Julie K

    1. I hope you get a chance to read them soon Julie! Good luck with the giveaway. :)

  11. My word. Love the interview. Though I'm pulling my hair in frustration! :)

  12. I have the first book sitting on my kindle waiting to be read. Have heard great things about this series. I really need to get my butt in gear and read it.
    Would love to win Dirty Red!!
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Elizabeth, this is a MUST read!! I hope you try it out soon. Good luck with the giveaway! XD

  13. Those "crickets" answers are killing me! I want to know the answers so bad!

    1. Right??!!! We are on the edge of our seats for more answers!! LOL

  14. Even though I'm not from the US, I can manage to get electronic copy through US Amazon or US Barnes & Noble delivered. Maybe because I come to the US like twice a year.

    I sign to blogs/newsletters with my adilasblog(at)gmail(dot)com email.

    However, the email I use at B&N & Amazon is esmeralda10az(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Adila (from Azerbaijan)

    1. Sounds good. If you can get a copy, we'd love to provide you the opportunity to win. :)

  15. This is the first I am hearing about this series and I am really excited to check it out.

    1. Dani, you have to give these books a try. Really good!!!

  16. I loved the interview! I also loved the covers, they're great!

    1. Wait till you see the cover for Thief!! Lovely!!

  17. My thoughts:

    Was the ring Olivia tried on in TO the ring Caleb intended for her? Or was it Leah’s ring?

    I believe it was Olivia's ring. When Olivia tries on the ring and it gets stuck, Caleb says, " Your fingers are probably swollen." If it was Leah's ring, the logical explanation would be that the ring got stuck because it was not sized to fit her finger, but Leah's.

    And after reading the teaser from Thief, I really do think that Caleb was standing by the church on Olivia and Noah's wedding day. Cammie did tell him when the wedding was.

    Great interview! These books really mess with my head. I really wish we could see that timeline that Luisa created.

    1. Oh wow Aamirah!! Good point! See I thought from the beginning that the ring she tried on that night was always intended for her. I think that's what was in the box that he gave her on her birthday.

      Thanks! Yes, these books are a mind spin!! Dying for the third book. :)

    2. It could be the engagement ring in the box. Just a thought... Maybe Caleb gave Leah Olivia's ring. Since she assumed it was for her when she saw it, if Caleb didn't give it to her, wouldn't she have questioned him about it before?

    3. I've always thought the ring that Olivia tried on was the one intended for her. I think the present in the "airport blue paper" was that same engagement ring and that's why Olivia was so shaken up.

      I think Caleb bought Leah another ring and she couldn't really question why it was a different ring when she got it because she would've given herself away to snooping in his drawers.

    4. I hope you're right Rachel. It would be horrible if Leah was given Olivia's ring.

  18. Oh and I think Cammie asked this same question in the Thief teaser as well. And we got an answer from Caleb.

    "In your opinion, why did Caleb return to Leah that night in Rome after he heard Olivia's heartfelt confession?"

    1. I've read that teaser TWICE!! Another good point!

      GAWD I hope they end up together!!

    2. We did get the answer in that teaser! I've read it more than twice, Arlene and Aamirah! My obsession sparked up all over again after reading that! Where is book 3?!!!

  19. I'm crazy about The Opportunist! It's one of my all-time fav books and I've been DYING to read Dirty Red!! Thanks for posting the interview - NOW I REALLY HAVE TO READ IT SOON!!! Hope to win an ecopy badly!

