
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway Locked (The Alpha Group #1) by Maya Cross

Today I'm excited to be participating in the Blog Tour for Locked (The Alpha Group #1) by Maya Cross because I loved this story!  Be sure to scroll down to the end of the post to enter in the fabulous giveaway offered by the author!

Locked (The Alpha Group, #1)

Locked (The Alpha Group #1) by Maya Cross
Release Date: May 25th 2013
Purchase: Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
About the Book: Who is Sebastian Lock?

The bar Sophia Pearce is in doesn’t look like much. The wine is bad and the decor worse. But when a sudden attack of curiosity leads her to sneak past security and into the back room, she discovers something unimaginable. The most lavish party she’s ever laid eyes on, in the most unlikely of places.

But that’s nothing compared to what comes next, to the man she meets back there. Sebastian Lock. Gorgeous, commanding, and radiating charm, he is exactly the sort of silver-tongued rake Sophia has sworn to avoid. Unfortunately, he doesn’t care much for her promises.

Every instinct tells her to run, but the chemistry between them is as inescapable as gravity. Soon, he’s opening her eyes to a whole new world of pleasures, pleasures she never thought she’d enjoy.

There’s just one problem. Sebastian is more than he seems. Between the famous company he keeps and the almost paranoid secrecy of his employers, he’s a puzzle Sophia can’t quite solve, and his insistence on keeping things casual forces her to confront the demons of her past.

Can she learn to trust again? Or will Sebastian’s privacy tear them apart?

Contains light BDSM, including spanking, restraint, and anal play

Note: This book is the first part of a trilogy that is designed to be read together, much like The Blackstone Affair. Sebastian and Sophia will get their happily ever after, but not until the last book.

Lockout: The Alpha Group Book Two - Due May 2013
Unlocked: The Alpha Group Book Three - Due June/July 2013
My Thoughts:
Wow! I just finished this book and I’m now I’m HOT AND BOTHERED, and also eagerly awaiting the next installment!! This was a quick read but it was utterly captivating.  This is my first Maya Cross novel but I can already tell she’s one to watch!

Sophia is out at a dingy sort of bar having a good time with her friends.  When beautifully dressed and high class people start showing up and going through a back door, their interest is piqued.  Sophia probably would let it go if she wasn’t pleasantly buzzed with some liquid courage after having a few glasses of red wine.  So with some mild encouragement from one of her friends she gets up to see what the fuss is about.  What is going on in that room?  What she finds is a lavish party and one mysterious but charismatic man: Sebastian Lock. 

After a very confusing and exciting encounter that has her literally running out the door, she doesn’t know what to make of the situation.  All she knows is meeting Sebastian had all her senses humming, but also filled her with panic.  

Oh, I really liked Sophia! She wasn’t some whiny and weak woman needing to be rescued.  Sophia was a busy and successful woman and one who’s learned from her past relationships. She doesn’t want someone who will twist her heart up into bits, and she’s scared that’s exactly what Sebastian will do.  Her first brush with him has all the red flags flashing: DANGER so she rejects his advances.  Of course you know that won’t last for long, where’s the fun in that? Lol!  When she finally gives in we’re rewarded with some seriously sizzling scenes! Whoa!

“I’m sure it works for some people,” I stammered, “but I don’t think that’s me.”

“Who are you trying to fool?” he asked, his eyes ablaze. “You wouldn’t have come tonight unless you were curious. It was always going to come to this.  We’ll go as slowly as you like, but you’re coming home with me, and I promise you that by the end, you’ll be begging for more.”

The build up and sexual tension in one of the scenes had my blood racing, anticipating right along with Sophia what was going to happen next! *shivers*

At this point Sebastian is a massive mystery.  He’s rich, determined, gorgeous, and inclined to some kink, but we’re in the dark as far as any of his background, personality or feelings.  I’m sure this is all part of the author’s crafty plan to hook us into the story, and it’s working! This is the first book in a trilogy so I’m hoping to discover more about Sebastian in the next book. 

Now let’s talk about that ending!! To be fair, I was warned this was a cliffhanger.  But dang it!! I need the next book immediately if not sooner!  Ms. Cross just left me hanging, and let me tell you Sebastian better have some good explanations!  I would’ve done exactly what Sophia did!  I can’t wait to continue this story, and fortunately I don’t have to wait too long.  The next one comes out sometime in May. 
5 Suns

About the author: Maya Cross is a writer who enjoys making people blush. Growing up with a mother who worked in a book store, she read a lot from a very young age, and soon enough picked up a pen of her own. Her previous work spans many genres including horror, science fiction, and fantasy, and she has now started this pen name as an outlet for her spicier thoughts (they were starting to overflow). She likes her heroes strong but mysterious, her encounters sizzling, and her characters true to life.
She believes in writing familiar narratives told with a twist, so most of her stories will feel comfortable, but hopefully a little unique. Whatever genre she's writing, finding a fascinating concept is the first, and most important step.
The Alpha Group is her first attempt at erotic romance.

When she's not writing, she's playing tennis, trawling her home town of Sydney for new inspiration, and drinking too much coffee.

The lovely Maya Cross has generously provided an awesome giveaway!  We have 2 e-copies of Locked (The Alpha Group #1) and a $40 Amazon giftcard to offer up.  PLUS, to one random (but lucky) commentor we have one more e-copy to giveaway.  So make sure you leave a comment as well as fill in the rafflecopter below.  Good luck and thanks for visiting Waves of Fiction!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds interesting so I have added it to my TBR.... Thank you for this giveaway and the chance to win...

    1. I hope you like it, Angela! Good luck on the giveaway. :)

  2. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway!
