
Friday, November 8, 2013

Review: Greed (The Seven Deadly #2) by Fisher Amelie

Greed (The Seven Deadly #2) by Fisher Amelie
Published October 29th 2013
Gather ‘round, love, because I want you. I want what you have, I want what you don’t have, I want more of what I already have. I want. But if you so much as ask for something in return, go ahead and walk away. Know if you want to play in my world, it’s every man for themselves and the weak become mine. Leeches will be obliterated because I make it my job to destroy them. I protect what’s mine and I take what’s yours…because that’s what I do. I want.

My story will not endear me to you and, frankly, I could care less if it does because I’m in this for the money and nothing else. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a corrupt, money hungry, immoral asshole from Los Angeles. I’m every man’s worst nightmare and every girl’s fantasy.

I’m Spencer Blackwell…And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most coveted guy to the guy no one wanted around and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
My Thoughts

Greed is a strange, strange sin…Greed is more powerful than the will to do right.

Well, first let me start off by saying what a huge fan I am of Fisher Amelie. It took just one book to convince me of this author’s potential. I remember highlighting so many passages in Vain, as well as being rewarded with a truly unique reading experience that there was no way I’d let the next installment pass me by. So, when I discovered that Spencer Blackwell would grace us with his presence in Greed, I had my countdown activated to make sure I didn't miss a beat.

Unfortunately, it wasn't quite what I had hoped it would be. Mind you, I love the whole seven deadly sins take that’s planned for this series and one book will not deter me from continuing. In my reading history, I've had the opportunity to journey with death, vanity, sorrow and so many other virtues and vices, so to add greed to the list was exciting. That would be the twisted side of my character revealing itself so gracefully... ;)

What I think fell short in this book was that I was expecting Spencer Blackwell to personify Greed and test the limits of redemption. I was hoping to meet the twisted, dark side of Spencer before he shed a new skin. Once that was accomplished, I would have liked him to spend the later half of the book battling his demon Greed and even if failure were the result that would be okay because let's face it - greed isn't the worst vice to suffer from, right? This could have been that book! Not all characters have to be redeemable. Anywho, I digress...

From the beginning of the story Spencer comes across as a likable guy who is simply a victim of his father’s maniacal influence. He carries his regret on his shoulders and bears the burden of protecting those he loves. The sacrifices he makes at the onset of the story doesn't allow for the reader to truly believe his vice is a deep seeded part of him, and simply relying on him to share what he’s done in the past, isn't quite enough.

I did have a few hang ups, all of which I won’t share because I don’t want to rant on this book completely. But let me just mention a couple… One being Cricket. I never quite connected with her and the insta-love didn't catch me completely off guard, but it still managed to irritate me. There was a part of the book where I’m pretty certain I was supposed to break down and cry, but I didn't even expel an emotional sigh. That right there clued me into my disconnect with this character. And lastly, the Click got on my nerves. If Spencer were within striking distance, I’d take the opportunity to flick him. Click that... Okay, I'll stop there because truly, I didn't dislike this book completely, but rather I was a bit disappointed is all.

Lastly, I have to say that I was excited to meet Ethan Moonsong in this installment, and I understand he takes the stage in Fury. I hope he fuels that pent up anger and regret and explodes off the pages of his book. Maybe Ethan will convince me that Fury run deep in his veins before he strives for redemption. Make it work Fisher Amelie...please! Despite this book not quite being what I expected, I still look forward to the next deadly sin because any time I have the chance to meet a broken, twisted, dark soul my arms automatically begin to open for a possible embrace. ~evil grin~ :/
3 Suns

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