
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Teaching Willow Session Two by Paige James

Teaching Willow Session One by Paige James was an addictive novella so I'm thrilled to be part of the Blog Tour for Session Two hosted by Wordsmith Publicity.  You can follow the tour which includes review, guest posts, excerpts by clicking HERE. As part of my tour stop I have my review as well as an awesome giveaway of 2-$25 Amazon Gift Cards so be sure to scroll down to the bottom and enter for a chance to win!

Publication Date: April 8th 2014
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords

About the Book:

Infatuated. That’s how it began.

Desperate. That’s when it escalated.

Addicted. That’s what I’ve become.

Just when I think that I’ve discovered the one thing I wouldn’t do for Ebon, the one extreme to which I would not go, I find myself exceeding it. Looking back with regret, looking forward with dread, and living the now like it’s all I’ve got.

Because it is.

It’s pure bliss. It’s unimaginable hell. It’s all I know, all I want to know. A runaway train that I can’t stop, one that I don’t really want to.

But disaster is coming. It will turn sweet into bitter, deception into devastation. Perfection into wreckage.

Ruin. That’s what’s coming.


My Thoughts:
Teaching Willow Session Two picks up and carries on with the deception, lies and all consuming lust from the first book. Willow has dug herself in deep, but with the intense connection she shares with Ebon, you can’t really blame the girl. Well, you can, but you’ll be so distracted with the scenes that are so HOT they-will-incinerate-your-panties! These two write down their fantasies and then act them out making both Ebon and Willow panting, squirming messes before they even actually touch each other (I was a panting, squirming mess as well!)! Whoa!

If you haven’t read Session One, STOP HERE, because there are spoilers for the first book (my review) here on out.

We pick up where we left off with Willow still carrying on as Sage, her sister so she can have a relationship with her professor Ebon. Ebon thinks he never really saw the real Sage, and is falling hard for this new, more open and deep version. Little does he know!  While Willow is over the moon at finally getting to be with Ebon, a man she fell in love with and longed for from afar, she feels a hurt knowing that he isn’t really with her as Willow.  Still, she’s addicted and can’t give him or the lies up.

I was worried going into this that the dread of the situation would overwhelm me, but as I stated before you will be completely distracted. Still, I wished that Willow would stop this charade, because you know the shit will hit the fan at some point.  I wanted more of Willow’s back story in the first story and we did get a little, but I still wanted a bit more.  It was surprising to me to find Ebon has a few demons in his closet as well, but we had very little info, and I’d like more revealed about both Willow and Ebon.

I was a little disappointed that, again, Ebon doesn’t seem to clue in at all, but the way things end I can’t see (at least I hope not!) how this deception will last. The ending is a game changer which was nice because I wanted more plot progression with this installment.

Like the last installment this will literally take you no more than an hour and a half to read through. The time just flew by as I read this because it was that addictive! Can’t wait to see how things play out.

3.5 Suns

Click on book for Goodreads link:

Teaching Willow: Session One

Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

About the Author:
My name is Paige James. I'm a fairly shy bookworm and lover of all things romantic and steamy. I'm a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a drinker of wine, an animal advocate (even the ones that look like rodents) and a spinner of tales. Thank you for taking a chance on my work. You're making this working girl's dream come true.

Connect with Paige James:

We have this generous giveaway of 2-$25 Amazon Gift Cards as part of this tour! Simply fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win. Good luck!

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