
Monday, June 18, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: My Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Reader where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bookish folk to share their lists on that topic.

This weeks theme: My Summer TBR:

As you can see there's quite the variety here: Urban Fantasy, Romantic Suspense, Thriller/Mystery, Cowboy Romance, Rocker Romance, and last but not least a YA Fantasy.  What is on your summer TBR? Let me know in the comments below! :)

(click on cover for Goodreads link)


  1. I have copies of both Off the Grid and Desperate Girls...unfortunately I'm not sure if I'll find the time to read them this summer.

    Hope you enjoy all the books and have a great week. - Katie

  2. My Plain Jane is high up on my summer TBR too, I loved the first book.
    my top ten tuesday

  3. I have Desperate Girls, and I can't believe I haven't read it, yet! I normally don't wait that long when I have a new Griffin book in my hot little hands. I haven't been much in the mood for suspense until this week...need to pick it up soon!

  4. I've heard so much about My Lady Jane, but I'm not sure if I'd like it. Hope you enjoy My Plain Jane though!
    My TTT:

  5. Plain Jane sounds like a fun read, and I quiet enjoyed My Lady Jane last year. Good luck with all of your summer reading!

  6. Great picks!! My Plain Jane also made my list and Desperate Girls looks like one I'd enjoy!

  7. Definitely a nice mix. I like to read a variety of stuff too, regardless of the season. :) I still need to read My Lady Jane - hope the sequel is good.


  8. I love how varied your list is!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  9. I LOVE Ilona Andrews! I've only read the Hidden Legacy series, but I really want to read everything else she's written. Doesn't she co-write with her partner? Also, Wild Child was AMAZING. I read/reviewed it recently and could not put it down. I lost so much sleep, haha. Lovely choices! <3

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

  10. These all look like they'll be fabulous. I hope you enjoy them! :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

  11. That really is a good variety! The Karin Slaughter looks good.

  12. Great list! I'm thinking both Desperate Girls and Abandoned look like books I'd like to read, too. :)

  13. I need to try Ilona Andrews one of these days, I keep hearing so many good things about their books. And Desperate Girls looks good too!

  14. My Plain Jane is on my summer TBR as well. I loved the previous Jane book, and cannot wait to see what that trio cooked up for us.

  15. Yeehaw! I love some cowboy romance :)

  16. Oh yes, you sure do have a lovely spread of genres. I want to read the new Andrews for sure, but I've got my eye on Plain Jane, too.
