
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Sunday Post #18

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I'm back up in Northern California, got in after midnight Thursday night after our original 4:20 pm flight was canceled and then moved to 9:50 pm.  The rain made travel a complete nightmare, and I probably would've been up here earlier had we just drove. *sigh* Friday was a great day, though.  It was raining off and on all day, but I had fun going taking my grandson on a bike ride, and I got a run in  between breaks in the rain.  I got caught in a light hailstorm, but nothing too terrible. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on title for Goodreads link:)

I loved the first two books from Jo Goodman's historical western/cowboy romance and so I was thrilled to get a copy of the newest installment, A Touch of Forever, in the mail! Just love the cover.  Darkness Returns is a title that captured my interest even though I've never read Alexandra Ivy before. I see great ratings so I couldn't resist. Bound For Temptation is a new to me author so I guess we'll see. 


Fair Game was a interesting movie that brought back a lot of political shenanigans from the past. I forgot a lot of what happened until this movie brought it to the surface again. Survivor wasn't going to win any awards, but still an action packed fun, weekend movie. 

How was your week?


  1. Hmm, I do not think I hav watched Survivor. And action is always good ;)

    1. It wasn't the best action movie I've seen, but it was entertaining. :)

  2. Ooh Say You're Sorry looks good. I need to check that one out! And hope you have a great weekend in Northern Cal. Hopefully the weather cooperates...

    1. Thanks Greg! We had a great long weekend, excluding flight drama. :)

  3. Boo to the bad weather and traveling in it. Say You're Sorry looks good. Have a great week!

  4. Darkness Returns sounds like a good one!
    Glad you're having fun with your grandson despite the travel delays.

    1. I hope I like it. Been a while since I read a vampire book. Thanks, Nicci!

  5. I haven't seen Fair Game or Survivor, but they look interesting. I'm currently binge watching Blindspot on Hulu.

    1. I'd recommend Fair Game over Survivor. I haven't heard of Blindspot. I'll check it out for sure.

  6. Say You're Sorry looks interesting. I have not watched Survivor yet.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  7. Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip, even despite the rain. weather is so weird. First it was snow storms, now everyone is getting poured on. I long for spring and some stable weather patterns.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks, Laura! While I do appreciate the rain, we definitely need it here in California, it's not much fun to travel in. :/ Oh well, what can you do? I did have a great time with family so at least there's that.

  8. I have never watched Survivor...I don't like reality shows.

    I did like Fair Game...Naomi Watts is an actor I enjoy.

    Say You're Sorry is on my list.

    Have a great week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I'm not a fan of reality shows either. This Survivor was an action movie, not the long-running show. Honestly, I didn't even know it was still on until I went to look for a picture of the movie and a bunch of stuff popped up about the show, lol. I really like Naomi Watts, too!

      Hope you enjoy Say You're Sorry, too. Laurel! You too!

  9. Blech on the delay. Glad you enjoyed time for a run and being with your grandson. I love Jo Goodman's books, too.

  10. That's a strange looking Pierce Brosnan on the Survivor poster?!
    Sorry to hear about your travel woes. Aeroplanes seemed to often get cancelled or delayed for us too so now we avoid them whenever possible!

    1. Yes, an older, silver fox Pierce Brosnan, maybe why he looks strange? His character was a bad guy here, which was a change from his normal roles. As far as airplanes, sounds like you have the right idea, Stephanie! :)

  11. I cannot wait to read Say You're Sorry. I haven't read or watched any of the others on here.

    Ash @ JennRenee Read
    Our Weekly Wrapup

  12. The travel delay makes me tired just thinking of it. Running in a hailstorm doesn't sound pleasant either. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. Yeah, me too! The hailstorm wasn't too bad, they were super small and it was a short burst. Thanks, you too, Carole!

  13. You have been getting a ton of precipitation. And, nothing makes me more insane, than travel delays. Glad to hear things were great once you arrived, though.

    1. We have! We need it, but it makes travel a nightmare. Thanks, Sam!

  14. Oh Goodman is wonderful. Hope you have fun with it!

  15. I've never heard of Alexandra Ivy before but you're right - that cover is fabulous. I'll be interested to see what you think of that one. Hope your week is starting with better weather, Rachel!

  16. I hate running in the rain - I try to avoid it. :D You've been killing it on your steps the past week!! I had to take the weekend off because of a flu bug. Trying to get back into the swing of things today.

  17. Air travel can be so frustrating sometimes. My husband is waiting for a flight at this very minute and it's already been delayed twice. So annoying!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  18. Sorry about the rough plane ride, but I'm glad you had a nice Friday. :)


  19. We've had rain but not hail. UGH. I've read and enjoyed Say You're Sorry and A Merciful Death. I hope you love them too. Anne - Books of My Heart
