
Monday, February 25, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Places Mentioned in Books That I'd Like to Visit

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Reader where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bookish folk to share their lists on that topic.

The top for this week is: Places Mentioned in Books That I'd Like to Visit.  A few of these books I read a while ago and so since I loved the location I've already visited some of these places, but here's some of the books that either make me want to visit a place or have already inspired me to go:

(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

In The Lucky Ones, Tiffany Reisz described the Oregon Coast beautifully, from the moody weather to the breathtaking cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  I visited this past September/October and it was even more beautiful than I imagined!  Both The Gamble and Gone Too Deep make me want to take a trip to Colorado.  The Gamble describes a quaint town with gorgeous pines and picturesque mountains.  Katie Ruggle reminded me of the majestic beauty encountered by backpacking.  Never backpacked in the Colorado Rockies, but this sounds like an amazing, and dangerous place to explore!

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Anna and the French Kiss sparked my desire to visit Paris with her tantalizing descriptions of the city. Luxembourg Park factored heavily into a love scene and I ended up staying across the street the first time I went and close by the second. If Anna & the French Kiss sparked my desire to visit Paris the Amour et Chocolat series by Laura Florand ignited it and lit it on fire!!  I actually visited a couple of the shops she based her settings on the second time I visited.  Back in the States, Tami Hoag made the  Louisiana Bayou come to life, moss hanging from the trees, sultry summer nights, and the sounds of Cajun French whispered into a lover's ear.  I still need to get there!

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I've often dreamed of selling my house to buy a ranch in Texas! Daisies in the Canyon had it all: horses, open pastures, beautiful sunsets, throw in a sexy cowboy (guess I need to buy my husband a cowboy hat & boots) and I'm so there! Darkfever made me want to visit Ireland and the famous Temple Bar. Still need to get there!  Kindling the Moon is set near by Big Sur and I absolutely love the area. Jenn Bennett brings it to life.  Marie Force based her Green Mountain series on the real-life Vermont Country Store. I've wanted to visit Vermont ever since reading and loving the series! 

What books sparked your desire to visit?


  1. I remember loving Anna and the French Kiss as an adorable YA contemporary, and it certainly made me all the more interested in SOMEDAY wanting to see Paris. Plus, I'd have to take this book with me for all the bookstagram photos. :D

  2. The Oregon coast does sound beautiful, and the pics I've seen definitely have me wanting to go there! And Paris is a must- see destination for me one of these days.

    Ireland's another one. :)

  3. I'm happy to see Texas on your list. Yes, that was my grandpap's dream, too, and so here my family came to Texas and here I live. It is quite paradisiacal.

  4. The Oregon coast does sound like a beautiful place to visit.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

  5. I've been to Paris, it was stunning!
    My TTT:

  6. I'd love to visit the Pacific coast in Oregon someday. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  7. I've read some of these and I couldn't agree more! What a fun topic this week!

  8. I haven’t read a single one of the books you mention! Gah! But I would love to visit Paris. Definitely a Bucket List destination.

  9. Wonderful picks, I'd love to see the Oregon Coast :D

  10. I've found Big Sur so lovely too. Yes, to Paris and a Texas ranch and Vermont!

  11. Ruggles books always sound like good places to visit, except for the constant danger

  12. Paris, the Louisiana Bayou and the Oregon Coast! Such great choices. I'd love to visit all of them, too. :)

  13. I love when the authors really incorporate the setting into their story, because I am too poor to travel. I really have not seen much of the US outside of the east coast, and these books sound like they did a great job taking you on a tour of many of the western states.

  14. Tiffany Reisz Is so good at describing! I would probably love to visit the Oregon coast too if I read that book!

  15. Paris would be a beautiful place to visit. I've been to France, just not that part. At least we can go in books whenever we want!

  16. Oh I love Brown. A set up in Texas would be nice (especially if it came with a cowboy lol) I looked years ago but so far still in NC :)
