
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sunday Post #37

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

After we got back from Sacramento I ended up getting sick feeling off on Monday and Tuesday and then pretty wrecked on Wednesday to the point I called in sick. Fever and body ache which turned into stuffy nose and cough.  Good times.  I slept a lot on Wednesday and worked a short day on Thursday, but I feel a lot better, but I'm still stuck with stuffiness and a cough. It's been pretty hot this weekend, but not as bad as last. I got some pool time reading at home this weekend which was really nice. 


I did a buddy read with Genesis @Whispering Chapters of Good Guy and I loved it! Hard to go wrong with Kate Meader.  I know I'll always have a good time with Carolyn Brown's romances and Cowboy Rebel didn't disappoint. It started slow, but had more suspense and danger than I've read in any of her books before. I was on the edge of my seat there for a while!  The Right Sort of Man was engaging mystery set in Post World War II.  I look forward to the next installment. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

My library audio copy finally came through for Three Mages and a Margarita.  I've seen a lot of love for this series so I can't wait to start listening.  A Cowboy Under the Mistletoe sounded good. I can never resist a sexy cowboy story!  It's been a while since I've picked up Suzanne Wright, but her shifter stories are fun and hot! 


Still binging (and laughing).

How was your week?


  1. Hope you feel better! I hate being sick in the summer- the heat just makes it worse, seems like!

    Three Mages and a Margarita does look like a lot of fun. :)

  2. SUcks being sick :/

    New Brown! New Meader :D

  3. I'm hoping you feel better! I'm almost done with Good Guy! I can't wait to finish it! And yes, you can never go wrong with Kate.
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  4. Sorry you were unwell, but glad you are back on the upswing. I loved Good Guy too. I am excited about the series. I have thing for hockey romances, and I am happy to be back with the Rebels.

    1. I'm excited about the rest of the series, too. Wonder if it'll be Kershaw up next.

  5. Glad you got pool time! Hopefully you are feeling better! Its been dangerously hot here but today is suppose to be the last day of it.

    1. Thanks, Samantha. It was cooler for us this weekend than the start, hopefully it won't get any hotter.

  6. Sorry you got sick this week, fingers crossed the remaining stuffiness passes quickly.

    *screams, fangirls and flaps like a loon* I'm so glad you got Three Mages and a Margarita! I hope you love it! I love it so much, I'm actually nervous in case you don't because... Sad face. lol

    1. Thanks, Nicci! I get nervous too when someone tries a book on my recommend. I'm sure I'll love it! :)

  7. I hope you are feeling better today.
    The Right Sort of Man sounds like something I’d like.

    Have a great reading week

  8. Hope you feel better soon Rachel. Have a great week. Here is my post

  9. I do hope you are feeling better:) I plan to enjoy some pool time tomorrow if the weather stays nice.

  10. Oh no, I'm glad you're feeling better! That's the worst! I love Big Bang Theory! I still need to watch the last season. Have a great week!

  11. Ugh, being sick is not cool. I'm glad you're feeling mostly better. Yay for pool reading time though!


  12. I'm sorry you were sick - glad you're starting to feel better! Summer colds are brutal. :(

  13. Being sick in the summer is the worst! Hope you're completely over it now.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  14. I hope you8're feeling better Rachel! I love Kate Meader, and agree that you can't go wrong with her books! Buddy reading is always so much fun!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
