
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sunday Post #38

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I'm back in Northern California, but I did not beat the heat. It's hot just about everywhere in the state and it was well over 100 today.  Down where I live it was 108, so we're having quite the heat wave.  Went to the pool today to cool off.  Here's some hearty flowers at the pool that managed to survive and thrive in this awful weather.  Summer is to be my least favorite season, and I'm already so over it.

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I'm about half way through a review book and one I bought but set everything aside to finish Untraceable, it was that addictive, despite a sometimes annoying heroine.  My husband and I listened to the majority of the story on our drive up North on Thursday.  No Mercy was really good, and now I can't wait for book three! I have to thank Lark for introducing the series! 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Just downloaded an audio copy of Unspeakable (book 2 of the Tracers series by Laura Griffin) from the library after finishing Untraceable.  We'll be listening on the car ride home tomorrow. I'm halfway through Lies but I set it aside to finish Untraceable. I downloaded a copy of A Wedding in December after reading this lovely review from Lindy


Went and saw this Friday with the grand-kids and really enjoyed it! 

How was your week?


  1. Awww! Your flowers look so beautiful!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays

  2. 1-0-freaking-8?! No, count me out for sure. It was 90 in Puerto Rico yesterday, felt like 102,and I was sweating! Those flowers are so pretty!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Yeah, no fun with the heat, and the humidity doesn't make it any better. :)

  3. OMG 108 is scary, and to think we are reaching there as well, is terrifying me. I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  4. I need summer to hurry up and end, because I am not a fan. I am a moderate type of person, and am not a fan of extremes. Glad you were able to escape the heat of your hometown AND see Toy Story.

  5. I'm over summer too. I'm a teacher so I love the time off, but otherwise, its my least favorite season by far!
    I really enjoy the Tracers series so I am glad to hear you like it too!

    1. I guess it's a mixed bag for you then. Nice to have the time off, but only without a heat wave! :)

  6. We've had hotter than usual temperatures over here in the UK too but nowhere near the highs you guys are suffering. I hope it relents soon for you. I still haven't seen Toy Story 4 but no doubt will get the blu-ray.

    I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reads, Rachel. Here's my Sunday Post
    Flora x

    1. Thanks, Flora. I am happy to have air conditioning and I've heard that a lot in the UK don't so when you have a heat wave it's pretty tough. Thanks, you too! :)

  7. I hear you on summer- -I always look forward to it and then the heat gets crazy and I'm like- is it fall yet? Haha.

    No Mercy looks good, and glad to hear Toy Story 4 was good!

    1. I kind of never look forward to it, but I don't have school-age kids anymore so not much reason to. :)

  8. We were watching toy story 3 but then she grew bored and now I do not know what happened! ;)

    1. I think your baby is still a little young to really enjoy those stories yet. Just wait, lol. :)

  9. I googled what 108 is in Celsius and nope, just nope! I wouldn't be able to breathe in that heat.
    I haven't seen Toy Story 4 and part of me doesn't want to, I feel like Toy Story 3 left it in a good place, you know? But I'll probably watch it when it releases on DVD.

    1. Yeah, It's pretty bad. I know what you mean about Toy Story. I was a little hesitant, but I liked the way it all turned out. Hope you do, too, if you get around to it. :)

  10. Oh yeah, the heat has been obnoxious. Nice stack of reading.

    Have a good week, Rachel! Stay cool! ;)

  11. The weather has been all over the place around me. I did get to swim on Friday for a bit, so that was nice.


    1. Nice that you get get breaks here and there. I wish we'd get a cool off. :/

  12. Ugh that’s so hot, even the pool water would be lukewarm.

    Wishing you a great reading week, stay cool!

  13. We've been having a crazy heat wave in SoCal and have been staying in the air-conditioning for the most part. Swimming sounds like a fun time. I need to take my daughter to the pool more. She loves it! I hope you enjoy A Wedding in December Rachel! Thanks so much for the shout out. It made me feel really good :). We loved Toy Story 4 too! We saw Aladdin a couple weeks back and loved it, and my parents took my daughter to see Lion King, and they really enjoyed it. I'm glad that there's so many good kids movies out right now. Happy Reading and I hope you have a wonderful week :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  14. We had some awful heat a few weeks ago, but it thankfully cooled down to normal summer temps. I can't believe summer is almost over!
    I love Sarah Morgan Christmas books! Can't wait to read that one!
    I think it's awesome that your husband listens to audio books with you. Mine never would, lol! :D

  15. It's been sooo hot here lately. Similar temps. I'm fairly certain I want to yell "I'M MELTING" everytime I'm outside because it literally feels like the heat is melting me!!! (That made more sense in my head.)

    Ah, those flowers are so beautiful. I'm swooning!

    Hope this week treats you well!
