
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday Post #39

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I'm posting a little late today because I was gone just about all day.  We drove out to Huntington Beach for a BBQ and the traffic both was was horrible! It took us over two hours to drive each way! 

It's been hotter than heck out here, triple digits, but I'm heading out to Park City, Utah on Tuesday and it looks like it's a little cooler out there.  Mid 80s is better than 100s for sure. It's my first time out there, and we have a lot of activities planned: zip-lining, hiking, and rides. I'm excited!
Even with the weather so hot I managed to get out for a few walks to "cool" down after my workouts and came across this pretty butterfly:

(click on cover for Goodreads link)

I've seen love for Three Mages and a Margarita and my library audio copy finally came through. It was fun and I already have the next one on hold. I just hope she sticks with the one guy she kissed, and doesn't switch around with the other guys. Loved Nothing But This! It's a Kindle Unlimited both e-copy and audio, so grab it up if you subscribe! Marry in Secret was also lovely!
I have a bunch of giveaways up right now listed here on the right, one of them is to celebrate Lauren's @Shooting Stars Mag twelve years of blogging, so check it out!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(click on cover for Goodreads link)

I was so excited when Outfox showed up in the mail yesterday as I'm a huge fan of Sandra Brown! Can't wait to start it! Love Virginia Kantra, but it's been a long time since she's had something released, so I was thrilled to see Meg & Jo. I guess it's a take on Little Women, but a happier version? Nalini Singh rarely disappoints so I'm looking forward to A Madness of Sunshine.  Someone to Remember features a "mature" romance with the heroine being in her 50s (I think) and I'm thrilled! 50 is the new 30, lol! At least that's what I keep telling myself, haha. 


I didn't get to watch to the end because I had to run out before it finished, but I liked it! Must watch the rest soon.

How was your week?


  1. I hope Utah will be colder Rachel! I love that state by the way LOL Here we got hit by a heat wave too!

  2. Ugh, terrible traffic and heat are two things I understand all too well. Texas has been unbelievably hot this year, and there are always an insane number of people on the road -- even in the middle of the week!

    I'm really looking forward to A Madness of Sunshine, so I'll be looking forward to your thoughts!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. The heat has been awful all over the country I guess. :( Stay cool! I hope we both love A Madness of Sunshine! :)

  3. People who don't live in SoCal always looked at me funny whenever I would say I was going somewhere and needed to pack water and snacks for the drive. Was the BBQ worth the trip at least?

    Your adventures coming up in Utah sound like a blast! Enjoy!

    Love the butterfly.

    1. I know! You never know when you're going to get caught up in traffic. It's never about the miles you cover out here, it's about the traffic. Thanks! I'm excited for our trip. :)

  4. I watched Alita this week too! I liked it but didn't love it.
    I'd legit DIE in triple digits.

    I'm glad you liked Three Mages!! I don't want to spoil anything with regards to romance and the guys but she's not flighty and doesn't bed hop... But that's all I'm saying!

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Nicci! I appreciate it and it makes me more eager for the series. :)

  5. Have a fun and safe trip to Utah. --Sigh-- I hate summer weather. I think we are forecast for temps in the 80s, but with the humidity, it always feels really hot.

    1. Thanks, Sam! I'm so over summer already. I don't think 80s in Utah is as bad as your neck of the woods. I think the humidity is much lower. Stay cool!

  6. Aw gorgeous butterfly! And Utah sounds great. I'd love to go hiking out there someday. Have a safe trip!

    Three Mages and a Margarita- that whole series looks so fun!

    1. I've heard great things about the series, and I'm eager to get onto book two. :)

  7. Have a great time in Utah and enjoy the cooler weather!

  8. I can't wait to read Outfox!! Enjoy your trip - sounds like fun!!

  9. Have fun in Utah and I hope it's somewhat cooler for you. These crazy high heats definitely bring me down. haha


  10. Beautiful pic Rachel! I love the beach! Have fun in Utah, it sounds like you have a lot of fun activities planned! My husband has been wanting to see Alita. We'll ;probably rent it soon :) Have a great week Rachel!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  11. I hope it’s much cooler for you at Park City, especially with all you have planned. I’m curious about Meg & Jo.

    Have a great reading week:)

  12. Mid 80s is definitely better than those triple digits! Enjoy your time there! I really want to watch Alita!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters
