
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Sunday Post #41

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

So nothing exciting happened this week other than a super fun mammogram!  I always dread those appointments, but it's a necessary evil.  I'm always worried about what they'll find, especially since my mom died at 42 from breast cancer. I did have the BRCA test done a couple of years back and it came back negative, so that's a relief, but it doesn't guarantee you won't get cancer. I'm even more paranoid this year after the heartbreaking loss of Grace.

We're having triple digit degree weather.  Yeah, not fan of the heat. I'm traveling to Cambria this next weekend which is a town on the beach just below Big Sur in California.  I'm really looking forward to it since it's just me and the hubby. There's wine tasting on the way in Paso Robles at a couple of our favorite wineries.  Looking forward to getting out of the heat and having some fun. Must get through four days of work first, though. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Loved Sapphire Flames, and now I'm dying for the next book! Just love everything Ilona Andrews writes! Passion on Park Avenue was okay with some irritations.  Lone Wolf Cowboy was good but not my favorite Maisey Yates. A little too much introspection and inner monologue for my tastes.  Still, the story was full of emotion and a HEA that left me wanting more.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Love historical romance but I've never read Kate Bateman so I hope This Earl of Mine is good. I'm dying to read The Best Thing, but I need to get a few review copies out of the way first. Wherever She Goes is a library lend, but I don't know when I'm going to fit it in since it's not an audio book. 


Watched two movies. Both were good, with sad bits, but I liked Wind River better.

How was your week?


  1. I never did watch WInd river, hmm, I think I meant to

  2. I haven't had a mammogram yet, and turned 40 in May. Your post is a reminder that I need to set up an appointment. I LOVED Sapphire Flames too! It's so hard having to wait a year for each new book when you find a series you like. I can't wait to see what you end up thinking of The Best Thing. Have a great week Rachel :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  3. I've heard some fairly in between reviews for Passion on Park Avenue. Still, that cover is gorgeous. I hope your next batch of books are more than just okay and the week ahead treats you well!

    Also, ack, triple digit weather is the freaking worst. I don't know how I survive heat. It's just... nope.

    I dread mammograms as well. I've only gone in for one so far but I'm rounding in on needing to go again soon-ish. Now that I'm nearing 30, I'm a bit paranoid about these things too and I can definitely see why, what with the loss of Grace, you're feeling doubly so. It's good that you got the BRCA test and that it came back negative but I 100% feel you on the concerns (cancer runs in my family as well).

    Anyways! I hope you have fun on your little trip and that the wine tasting is fantastic. Good luck on the four days of work!

  4. I'm sorry for your loss. Stay cool friend.

  5. I've been told to watch The Imitation Game! There's also another movie that I always forget the name of (I'll look for it that you might enjoy better than Imitation Game). I can imagine how scary getting the MAM must be especially after everything going on :/ I always suggest having a better lifestyle. You have no idea the amount of people who get cancer (even terminal) and they change their lifestyle completely including how they eat, and the cancer goes away. Basically, all of the illnesses we have, if we changed our lifestyle, we wouldn't have them. Not only that, some people can be healthy but their body isn't getting all of the nutrients. It's why it's suggested that the plate always has fruits or veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, in order for the body to receive the nutrients needed :)
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  6. I can imagine mammograms being stressful. I still think about Grace all the time. :(
    Wasn't Sapphire Flames so good? I didn't love it as much as the Burn for Me books, but I still loved it! I'm really excited for more. The Baylors are too much fun. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Kate Bateman book!
    I hope you have a good week, Rachel!

  7. I have to start getting mammograms next year. I'm not looking forward to it, but youre right-its necessary. I thought of Grace as my doctor talked to me about it. So sad!

  8. I think we are all having similar feelings about Grace. :(

  9. I hope it’s cooler in Cumbria, enjoy the tip!

    Have a great reading week

  10. I hope you enjoy your trip! I'm not a wine fan but my husband would love the wine tasting. :)

    I enjoyed The Best Thing but it wasn't a favourite of mine... I seem to be in the minority though as it's getting great reviews. I'm curious as to what you think when you read it!

  11. Yikes on the triple digits. Hope your central California trip with your hubby goes great. It sounds like a great beat the heat trip.

    I agree about Ilona Andrews books being the greatest. :)

    Have a good week, Rachel!

  12. Mammograms are so much fun! I am sorry to hear that you lost your mom when she was so young from breast cancer. My mom has fought breast cancer 3 times starting in her mid forties. I am lucky to still have her.

    I hope you enjoy your trip. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Rachel. So young. :( Good for you for staying on top of those mammograms - even after testing negative for the BRCA gene. Never fun but so important. I have mine coming up in a couple weeks. The wine tasting sounds wonderful - hope you enjoy! I've yet to read anything by Marianna Zapata but she's definitely an author I want to try.

  14. I feel you on the triple digits! We can't go to playgrounds anymore because the equipment is too hot. Pools are warm, and splash pads are too exposed to the direct sunlight.

    I pre-ordered Sapphire Flames and cannot wait for it to arrive!! I love that author duo.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  15. Ugh! Mammograms are always dreaded yet I do it once a year. Mine is scheduled next month an I always fear bad news! You can now enjoy the weeks stress free Rachel!

  16. Have fun in Cambria! That whole area around Big Sur is beautiful from what I've heard. Hope it's a little cooler over that way too- triple digits is no fun.

    I think I need to check out Wind River.

  17. Have a wonderful trip! I am so impressed by how much of your state you visit.

  18. Have a great trip and enjoy the wine tasting along the way! I'm still so shocked and devastated about Grace. She was such a wonderful woman - I'm so sad for her family. Mammograms sound painful - I haven't had one, yet. Not looking forward to those days.

  19. I hope your trip is a lot of fun and the weather isn't too hot. I'm always a bit paranoid about just never know!


  20. Hope you're doing all right love, keeping Grace's family in my prayers as well. <3
