
Monday, September 30, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Titles with Numbers in Them

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Reader where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bookish folk to share their lists on that topic.

This week we're asked to share our Book Titles with Numbers in Them.  Here are books on my list that I've actually read. Didn't know if I could come up with enough, but I actually had more than I thought.
 I read everyone of these except one. 

Okay, so the only one I didn't read from above was Nine Minutes. It's in my TBR but I doubt I'll read it. Too much crazy drama and angst.  Read and enjoyed every one of the other books!


  1. I own Tell Me Three Things, but haven't yet read it. Still, I'm hopeful I'll enjoy it after liking Julie's newer YA romance. :)

  2. I also have two can keep a secret! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO PUT HOW TO LOVE A DUKE!!! GAHHH! I'll see if sometime today I can add it because it needs to be there!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  3. TWO CAN'T KEEP A SECRET! The Ten Tiny Breaths Series have such pretty covers (yay for them because covers are usually the first to get me interested in a book BEFORE I read the blurb). I loved The Simple Wild so I plan to check out more of Tucker's books.

  4. We chose several alike. :) And I've read several of these and really loved them. I almost used Nine Minutes but I already had November 9 and didn't want to duplicate. I really need to continue on with the Nine Minutes follow-on books.

  5. I like the way you arranged your books. Good job.

    My TTT.

  6. I had a lot more than I thought too! I'm surprised how different everyone's lists are!

  7. I wonder if I have read 1 to 10...

  8. I love your list!
    Maybe one day you'll get to Nine Minutes.
    Cora |

  9. I've been wanting to read the Darynda Jones series for a long time now!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  10. I've read most of those and really enjoyed them, Rachel. It seems so long ago since I read the Ten Tiny Breaths series.

  11. Great list! I wouldn't mind reading most of these books. :D

  12. Two Can Keep A Secret was so good, and I love that cover for Tell Me Three Things!

  13. I've only read Two Can Keep a Secret, but Tell Me Three Things is on my TBR! I actually requested the audio from my library, but my hold expired before I could get to it (they all seem to drop onto my phone at the same time).

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  14. I haven't read too many of these, but the first three was fantastic! Everyone always talks about Me Before You, but One Plus One is one of my favorite books by Moyes.

  15. I still need to read Two Can Keep a Secret!

