
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Post #50

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

I'm getting this up late, because I've been super busy this weekend!

This has been a week of traffic jams and fires, thankfully although the fires were within miles of my house they put it out quickly, but it did still take out three homes. More inland (about twenty miles from us) they're not so fortunate and the entire freeway route out that way was closed all day Friday. I think it's burned twenty-five homes, and it's still not out.

On a happier note, I went to the Los Angeles Flower Mart super early on Friday because a friend asked me to make two arrangements for her wedding ceremony:

(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

Enjoyed all three!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

I got a lot this week, and I have a lot to read in November! I just couldn't resist, though!
I don't read much YA anymore, but Day Zero sounded really good. Carolyn Brown stories always make me smile so I'm looking forward to The Family Journal. Detective D.D. Warren is teaming up with Kimberly Quincy and Flora Dane again in Lisa Gardner's When You See Me, and I love the character combination! I hope we get some romance for Flora!  First Cut is a new to me author, hope it's good. Love Allison Brennan so of course I want to read her newest series. 


Continuing on my super hero movie journey and watched Thor: The Dark World. Better than the last Thor movie. To be honest, the Thor movies aren't my favorite in the super hero collection, but it was still entertaining.  I need to figure out which movie I'm supposed to watch next. 

How was your week?


  1. Love the flower arrangement! I also got Cowboy Christmas Redemption! I'm excited for it!

    1. Thanks, Genesis! Hope you love Cowboy Christmas Redemption as much as I did! :)

  2. The Thor movies are deff the weaker ones in the beginning but once you get to Thor Ragnarok the tone changes and its AWESOME! Happy reading and hope you keep enjoying the MCU.

    1. Nice! Thanks for telling me because I'm more excited to watch it now. :)

  3. Pretty flowers! You also got all the pretty books, many I would like to try! But I have plenty to read right now and November. Have a great week and enjoy those new reads!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. Thanks, Anne. I have quite a few books to read now, too! And now I just need to stop adding more, lol.

  4. I'm glad your house is okay, but those fires are so crazy!! Love the flowers! And Thor: Ragnarok is probably my favorite of the Thor films.


    1. I know! I guess it's the new norm for California and it's disturbing! I'm happy to hear the upcoming Thor is the best! I look forward to watching it now.

  5. Gorgeous flower arrangement! :D

  6. Glad you're safe from the fires. My heart goes out to those who lost their homes.
    I got The Family Journal and Third to Die this week. My first time trying Allison Brennan. :)

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. I know, me too, it's so sad. I hope you enjoy Allison Brennan, and you, too, Sophia Rose! :)

  7. The flower arrangement is so pretty! And stay safe with all the fires it must be scary rachel!

  8. That flower arrangement is beautiful. Those fires are so scary. I'm in WA and they keep us up to date on it all the time.

    I'm so far behind on Ward's books I don't think I'll ever catch up!

    And I really enjoyed the second Thor movie too.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. Thanks, Karen. I know Oregon had a lot of fires last year and the year before. Hopefully nothing spreads out your way.

      I'll probably never catch up with Wards books either, but I love the spinoff series.

  9. You are a true artisan with flowers. Beautiful arrangement! I feel bad every time the fires start. I wish they could figure out how to prevent these from happening or causing so much destruction.

    1. Thanks, Sam! I know, I wish they could prevent the fires, but it's a perfect combination of dry weather and winds that we keep getting out here.

  10. The fires are so scary. Thank goodness the ones closest to you were managed quickly. The floral arrangement is simply stunning! I actually just purchased Cowboy Christmas Redemption a few days ago. I've never read anything by the author, never read a cowboy romance, and I don't think I've ever read a holiday romance! But the synopsis caught my eye and I decided to give it a try. :)

    1. I was so happy they got to it quick. Thanks, Tanya. I hope you love Cowboy Christmas Redemption! :)

  11. Stay safe!!! Wildfires really scare the crap out of me!!

  12. Oh my those fires are awful. So glad you weren't affected but to all the people who lost their homes, my prayers go out to them. Unbelievable.

    When You See Me looks nice and suspenseful. :)

  13. I can empathise with the fire situation, we are currently ringed by several blazes, and blanketed in smoke.

    Wishing you a great reading week, and stay safe!

  14. So scary to live that close to the fires! I'm glad your house is okay. Beautiful flower arrangement! Have a great week, Rachel!

  15. The fires are terrible and I'm so glad your house and all of you are safe!

  16. That is horrible about the fires. I'm glad you and yours were safe!
    And what a gorgeous flower arrangement!! I love it!

  17. A lovely arrangement!

    I am glad the fires did not reach you guys

  18. Continued good thoughts for you and the fires.

    Happy Reading!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    Here's my Weekly Wrap Up

  19. Pretty flowers!
    The wildfires must be scary. I can't imagine what it must be like living in an area prone to it. Glad it didn't come too close to you though and was put out quickly!

    The Thor movies aren't my favourites either but I LOVE Ragnarok. It just struck a chord in me. :)
    I think I'm in the minority with my Marvel preferences because my favourites are the Captain America's movies. (I love him. LOVE him! lol)

  20. What a beautifully flower arrangement! It looks like you've read and received a lot of good looking books recently! I love Thor :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
