
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Review & Giveaway: The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams

Publication Date: November 5th 2019 by Berkley
Pages: 352
Source: Publisher
Purchase Links: Amazon | Kindle | Barnes and Noble | Nook | Target | BAM | IndieBound 

About the book:

The first rule of book club:
You don't talk about book club.

Nashville Legends second baseman Gavin Scott's marriage is in major league trouble. He’s recently discovered a humiliating secret: his wife Thea has always faked the Big O. When he loses his cool at the revelation, it’s the final straw on their already strained relationship. Thea asks for a divorce, and Gavin realizes he’s let his pride and fear get the better of him.

Welcome to the Bromance Book Club.

Distraught and desperate, Gavin finds help from an unlikely source: a secret romance book club made up of Nashville's top alpha men. With the help of their current read, a steamy Regency titled Courting the Countess, the guys coach Gavin on saving his marriage. But it'll take a lot more than flowery words and grand gestures for this hapless Romeo to find his inner hero and win back the trust of his wife.

My Thoughts:
The Bromance Book Club was such a delight! Marriage and committed relationships aren’t always a walk in the park. There’re times when you fight, maybe grow apart or wonder if you’ll make it together long term.  I think this story realistically captured the feelings a couple go through when struggling.  Yet, despite the serious, angsty nature of the subject, the author made Thea and Gavin’s story fun, filled with parts that’ll make you laugh! I thought the idea of having men use romantic fiction to help them understand and solve some of their marital problems was brilliant! I wish men would do this in real life! I’ve certainly gained some perspective and learned a few things about relationships from reading romances, and I think it would do men a world of good to hear how we think, even if it’s from fiction. The scenes with these big-time baseball athletes dissecting and analyzing scenes from a historical romance to gain wisdom were hilarious!

Anyone who’s ever been married or in a long-term relationship I think will really appreciate the reality of the circumstances Thea and Gavin find themselves in. My heart truly went out to them both, each having valid reasons to be hurt and upset, but especially for Gavin, because the realization that Thea wanted a divorce was devastating to him.  But as the Book Club pointed out, “it’s all about the backstory” and Thea’s history definitely factored into her decision heavily. Didn’t help that her sister, Liv, wanted Thea to kick Gavin to the curb without giving him any second chances; I didn’t care for her attitude at all.  You don’t just throw a marriage away when things can be fixed, especially when there are kids involved! I’m happy that Thea didn’t let Liv’s opinions in influence her decisions.

I loved watching Gavin and Thea find their way back to each other, rediscover what brought them together in the first place: that zing of irresistible attraction that made it hard for Gavin and Thea to keep their hands off each other and also the deeper qualities that truly bound their hearts. It was two steps forward, one step back at times, but I loved every minute! I finished the book with a smile on my face and a happy sigh!

Even though Liz was a PIA, after getting a bit of her side in the end I understood where she was coming from.  I’m eager to read her story with Mack next!

4.5 Suns

Connect with Lyssa Kay Adams:

Berkley has kindly offered up a copy of The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams to one reader. Yay!  The giveaway is open to US Residents only.  Fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I read this in almost one sitting yesterday, I LOVED it! So glad you did as well!

    1. I read it in one day too! Yay! Thrilled you loved it! :)

  2. I love the premise of this book! It should be a thing in real life ;-)

  3. I've wanted to read this book since I first read the premise. Thanks for the chance!

  4. I was nodding to everything you pointed out including Liv's obnoxious 'off with his head' attitude. It will be interesting to get her story in the next book since I wasn't that fond of her in this one, either.

    1. Yeah, she really ticked me off in spots. Hopefully she's grown up a bit in the next one.

  5. It would sure have been easier if she had just told him that she was faking

    1. Yeah! Or not faked at all, and let him know he wasn't doing his part? That's what I vote for.

  6. I can't wait to read this book! I have it on hold at the library and am just waiting for my copy to come in. :)

    1. Hope you have fun with it, Lark. I'm thinking of reserving an audio copy for a future re-read. :)

  7. One of the things that stood out for me was that the romance was between a married couple. We don't see enough of that in romance, and it's a nice change. I adored Gavin and the boys, and cannot wait for the next book.

    1. Usually if I read a romance between a married couple it's a historical romance where it was arranged. Those are always fun. I loved Gavin, too, and I was rooting for him from page one.

  8. This sounds like a lot of fun! :)

    1. It was! Get ready to break out some romance novels, Greg, lol. :)

  9. Liz's attitude drove me nut, but I loved Mack and can't wait for their story. I agree with you Rachel that if you can fix a marriage you should not give up so easily. Wonderful Review :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thanks Lindy! I'm looking forward to the author making Liz more likable. :)

  10. I’m at the 90% mark of this one and have unpopular opinions. I’ve never really warmed to Thea. And I can’t stand Liv. I get supporting your sister but she is overstepping boundaries and inserting herself in their marriage. That’s got all my hackles up. LOL But I adore Gavin and I’m loving his friends. These guys are awesome. :)

    1. Yeah, I was more biased to Gavin more too, but I think the story sort of made us lean towards his side. I think when I heard Thea was on her own with the twins for a lot, and her past it softened my attitude towards her. Still, going for a divorce when Gavin wasn't a cheater or anything else substantial was a little overkill for me, but I'm not sure Gavin would've woken up and seen the light otherwise. I think if Thea was more honest with him from the get-go this wouldn't have happened but who knows? Maybe Gavin would've just seen it as nagging. Just glad it all worked out in the end! :)

  11. Looking forward to reading The Bromance Book club! Thank you

  12. I read this and loved it! I want a physical copy of my own!

  13. I'm so glad you loved this one. It's on my wish list, so thanks for the giveaway. I've been hearing awesome things, and I just LOVE the premise.

