
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sunday Post #55

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

Well, the wallpaper is gone and the paint is drying! My husband even has the baseboard done. It was a lot of work, but my bedroom is almost done. Yay! 

I went to my sister's last night for a family dinner. Stuffed myself with good food and then we all played bingo.  Been doing waaayyy too much online shopping with all the sales.  I blame Instagram influencers nudging me to buy, and deals too good to pass up!

It's been raining here since Wednesday which is really unusual for Southern California, and I love it, especially since I'm not having to commute to work with the holiday time off and all.  I'm finally seeing some Fall colors here (my backyard below)! 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Into the Dark was really good! I part read and listened to the audio copy. I'll have my review up next week sometime (I think, lol). The Dispatcher, a novella narrated by Zachary Quinto, was one of my Audible free picks with membership. It was really entertaining and helped me soldier on while removing wallpaper, lol.  The Retreat was a story I discovered through Lark's wonderful review. It's a Kindle Unlimited read & listen to for free with membership. I listened to the audio version and the narrator was fantastic.  It was a great spooky, atmospheric mystery, and that ending! 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I've never read anything by Debbie Mason or Adriana Anders, but both books were on offer so I grabbed them since I liked the book synopsis. I loved Treacherous is the Night (book 2 of the Verity Kent series) so I downloaded the audio copy of Penny for Your Secrets. The narrator is really good so I highly recommend "reading" by audio with this series. Carolyn Brown has a new release? Sign me up!


My daughter recommended this one to me.  Don't tell her, but my husband and I thought it was a total cheesefest! I guess we just weren't in the mood for teen angst. Lol! 

How was your week?


  1. Ooh bingo haha! Sounds fun. And I'm starting some shopping too, which is pretty good for me lol. We'll see if it lasts and I get done before Christmas Eve...

    What a beautiful pic- looks like you have an amazing backyard!!!

    Have a super weekend :)

  2. My mother usually makes us play Bingo after the big family meal, but my niece's boyfriend's parents were there, so we got a reprieve this year. Well, it may be raining, but the results are lovely, if that picture is any indication. I have done no online shopping, but I hope you got some great deals.

  3. Your back yard looks beautiful. Ours is simply brown straw thanks to the lack of rain and water restrictions.
    The Retreat does sound good.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  4. Black Friday shopping is so hard to resist!! :)

  5. Your backyard looks fabulous Rachel! And we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Europe but I am glad to know you had a great time!

  6. The backyard is gorgeous!!! I loved Into the Dark as well. Karen Rose lives in my hometown (Cincinnati) and she writes about places that really exist here!

  7. Glad your bedroom is almost done! And I'm glad you liked The Retreat, too. I thought it was a good mystery. :D

  8. Oh lovely photo. I'm glad you are enjoying your holiday. I also loved Into the Dark and The Dispatcher. I'll have to look into the Mark Edwards one while I have KU. I love it when they also include the audio version. I also got Whiteout. I suggest you go get the freebie Turn the Tide which has the novella which starts the story. I have read another series by Anders and enjoyed it. I hope you do! Have a wonderful week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  9. Yay good food
    And for buying lots of stuff ;D

  10. Oh my, I watched After and sat their with a "wtf did I just watch" face on... What is the fuss with that movie?! I have the book too (bought before watching the movie) and I honestly don't know if I'll ever bother reading it now.

    Nice that your bedroom is almost finished! I don't think I'd have been brave enough this side of Christmas to start any decorating... Mostly because it takes me forever to do anything!

  11. Glad Thanksgiving was great and you're getting some good rain. Your fall colors are lovely. We're into the barren months now so I want a dusting of snow.
    I have Into the Dark so glad to know you loved it. I had a good time with The Dispatcher, too. Oooh, nice haul.

    Have a good week, Rachel.

  12. Wow, your backyard is pretty. Mine is all covered in snow. I hope you have a good week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. lol, I have no desire to watch or read After. I know I would hate it. I'm glad you had a nice holiday break!!

  14. I'm glad your bedroom is almost done - that's exciting!! I have The Dispatcher on my wish list. And I've been doing quite a bit of online shopping too, but I'm ALMOST done with holiday shopping.


  15. I love your backyard. Gorgeous! Sounds like you are having a wonderful break:)

  16. I have been wanting to read the After series for a while now. I, too, decided to watch the movie on Netflix just to see if I would like it. And I agree! Total cheesefest! LOL However, now I am curious if the book is better than the movie.
    Have a great week!
