
Friday, December 20, 2019

2019 Audiobook Challenge Final Update & 2020 Sign Up

Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer are hosting their 7th annual Audiobook Challenge for 2019 and I'm posting my final check in. 

I was aiming for the Marathoner 50+ books and I accomplished that and then some. Right now I'm at 86 books, making audiobooks the format I've "read" books for more than 50% of the books I've read this year.  I'm sure I'll be adding at least a couple more before the end of the year. 

Here are a few of my recent favorites:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I'm joining up for next the 2020 Audiobook Challenge as well, and this time I'm going for the 100 Club Audio Elite. Fingers crossed I can make it!  

If you'd like to join up click HERE for the link to the post and add your name. Good luck to all joining!


  1. wow that's amazing! Glad you had such a great year with audiobooks. I really need to get back into doing that myself.

  2. Wow! Impressive. I am so glad I finally gave audiobooks a try, because I have grown to really loving books in this format. I like being able to listen and do other things, and it's really allowed me to work through my backlist.

  3. You really crushed the challenge this year. Go you! And I’d say you’ll have no trouble with Elite status in 2020. :)

  4. Awesome!! Ya on going for the 100. You got this!

  5. You did fab, Rachel. I need to read Sweep of the Blade still.

    Yay, we're going for the 100 Elite together.

  6. I listened to a few audio books this year. I still have a hard time staying focused on the story; my attention tends to drift.

  7. I have read more audio than print too :D Wohoo! Good year for us

  8. Glad to hear you're joining us again next year. Have a wonderful holiday.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

  9. I think that I have listened to a very similar number of audiobooks this year. It is strange that I have listened to more than I have read but it works! Good luck with the challenge.
