
Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday Post #59

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

 When we got home last weekend from Sonoma the police were just leaving our street after interviewing our neighbors.  A truck was stolen in the early hours on Sunday and the mail was stolen from anyone with mail in their box. Our Nest cameras picked up the whole thing.   We didn't have anything stolen because luckily we had just had our son come to pick up our mail the day before. It's pretty frustrating because it happened again the next night on another street close. Hopefully the police will catch these criminals.

I'm back up north and it's been cold and rainy but beautiful. We'll be on our way home today and I'm trying to decide on an audio book listen for the drive.

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Still working through my Lady Darby binge. Still deciding if I'll listen to the next one on the road home today. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

My Favorite Things is a library lend audio book. I finally gave in and downloaded The Honey-Don't List. Hope it's good, because CL can be hit or miss for me.  Sweep With Me is a novella that I'm really excited to read. Love Ilona Andrews! 


Have watched the first four episodes and it's pretty addictive!

How was your week?


  1. Wow, that's mighty bold of the thief! I like that we have locked mail boxes here because if we didn't I know that all our mail would be stolen too.

    1. They are pretty gutsy, and I really hope the police set something up so they catch them I wish we'd get locked mail boxes. We really need them.

  2. I hope they're caught soon. You have great books to keep you company.

  3. Did the police use your camera feed for the investigation? Because, it's awesome that you have that. I am glad they didn't get anything from you, but sorry your neighborhood is being violated like this. Safe trip home!

    1. No, they didn't and we keep missing the neighbor across the street to let him know we have the theft on camera. I don't think it'll do much good as the thieves were wearing hoodies and we couldn't see a license plate at the angle our cameras were aimed. Very frustrating. :(

  4. So sorry that you've had these thefts in your neighborhood! Hope the cameras got something that will help!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  5. That's scary. I've been fortunate to live in very safe neighborhoods in NC, and even in MN once I moved to the suburbs.

    Ilona Andrews is a favorite and so is Christina Lauren. I don't read much historical but I am LOVING the Gaslight mysteries by Victoria Thompson on audio. I'm able to get them at the library which is great.

    Have a lovely week with some great reads!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. We've had a pretty safe neighborhood here for the most part. Maybe that's why they've targeted us? Easy pickings because it's been kind of lax here. :(

      I'll have to look into Gaslight! :)

  6. Oh wow, I hope they catch whoever is stealing the mail - and I'm glad nothing was taken from you!


  7. Uggh! I hate it when people steal stuff like that. I hope the police catch the criminals soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  8. It is so disappointing at how much theft there is anymore. I just learned that someone stole my neighbor's car the other morning. I am glad you had everything on your camera and weren't at risk. I keep hearing that Ozark is something I should watch. I might have to give it a try. I really need to buy the new Ilona Andrews book soon. I hope you have a great week!

    1. It is disappointing! It seems to happen more and more. I hope you like Ozark! It's kind of addictive. You have a great week too, Carole. :)

  9. These thieves are getting bolder and bolder. Glad to hear you weren't victimized. Have a great week!

  10. The whole Federal crime thing doesn't scare off the thieves any more, but home cameras should help. Is it to get a big list of identities to hack, I wonder? Too bad about all that, but glad you were away and your property was safe.
    I'm still back on book two but glad to know you're addicted good to the Lady Darby series.
    Ooh, I want to get that next Innkeeper Chronicle, too.

    Have a great week in pretty, but wet NorCal, Rachel!

    1. I know, they just don't worry about getting caught, because I don't think they get caught often. Yeah, I think they capitalize on credit offers and such. I need to opt out of banks sending me offers through the mail. Hope you enjoy Lady Darby as much as I have! Thanks Sophia Rose!

  11. Good grief that's crazy- you just never know know! Yeah I hope they catch the jerks.

    Those Huber covers are all amazing.

    1. Yeah, I hope they catch the jerks, too!

      Huber's covers and stories are amazing! Such a great series. :)

  12. It makes me so angry when people don't respect other people's property! I hope the police catch these criminals! Nice Haul :) . I'm glad you're still enjoying your awesome book binge. Those are the best!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  13. Sorry about the mail thief. That stinks for people who had their mail stolen!

    I read the first book in that Ilona Andrews series last year and really enjoyed it! I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

    Have a great week!

  14. Mailbox/ package theft seems so prevalent in the US, it’s a wonder you don’t all go with post office boxes instead. I hope these thief’s are caught.

    Wishing you a great reading week.

  15. Wow, that sucks! I hope they catch whoever it is.

    CL has been hit or miss for me lately, too. I really hope this one is a winner!

  16. I hope they catch the criminals! We’ve had a spate of car theft attempts in the neighborhood. Or at the very least, they’re trying to get into the cars to take what they can. People have been catching the activity on security cameras and posting it. Same two guys. We’ve been making sure to park in the garage instead of the driveway. I hope we’ll both enjoy The Honey-Don’t List!
