
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sunday Post #60

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

I'm back up north and have had a nice long weekend up here. I've shared pictures of the wild turkeys that roam the hills up here. Well, sometimes they camp out at my daughter's place at night, sleeping in the trees (see picture below) and then start gobbling when the sun starts to rise. I guess they're East Bays version of a rooster crowing with the rise of the sun.  As soon as it's a little light they start flying out of the trees and start their turkey walkabout all over the neighborhood. Pretty entertaining even if they are waking me up at the crack of dawn.

Turkeys are the black blobs circled in red.

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Didn't get a lot read, but I had fun with Cowboy Courage, and like most Carolyn Brown's stories it made me laugh.  The Country Guesthouse was a win as well. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I was thrilled to get a copy of Unforgiven since I loved the first book so much and because it's Jay Crownover! RaeAnne Thayne's sweet romances are usually a hit with me so I of course I downloaded The Seaglass Cottage. Highland Sword, Home With You and Call it Magic are all from authors I've never read before, so I hope they're good!


I had never seen Finding Nemo, but my grand kids wanted to watch it. It was really cute! Dory definitely stole the show and had me cracking up. Very cute!

How was your week?


  1. There's a town near me struggling with wild turkeys. I never realized they were such a menace until now. Nice haul. I was eyeing Home with You. It looks cute.

  2. Those turkeys do sound kind of entertaining! :) And Finding Nemo is definitely fun!

    Have a great week ahead.

  3. Look at those wild turkeys lol

    Great books you have gotten will enjoy Janet Chapman. She is a favorite of mine. Last book of hers to be released as she passed away last year. So I hope you love it.

  4. I have kookaburras that next in a tree in our yard that wake me up during Spring..they are so loud!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  5. Wild Turkeys? That's so cool! We really only see pigeons and sparrows around here in the tree's.

  6. Bwahahah you made me laugh with your East Bay version Rachel! We don't have wild turkeys in my country so I'd love to spot some! Have a great week!

  7. I did not know turkeys could climb trees. That would freak me out!!

  8. I did not know that turkeys sleep in trees!!!! We have wild turkeys here in Arkansas but none have ever come through our yard. Just turkey buzzards. I would love to see a turkey coming down out of a tree some morning!!!

  9. I read the novella/prequel for that Jay Crownover series but haven't continued on with it yet. I just loved her Marked Men and Saints of Denver series so I'm sure I'll love this one, too.

  10. Just a little jealous you've gotten to see wild turkeys. That's so cool.

  11. I had no idea turkeys slept in trees. There was a pair that used to visit my mom's neighborhood in Utah, but they roosted somewhere else so I never knew.

    I'm hoping to read Cowboy Courage this week. Oh cool! I got Justified, too.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

  12. I've seen some wild turkeys around me before - but it's not an everyday occurrence. lol And I love Finding Nemo!!!


  13. I think I've only seen Nemo once, but it was super cute. I don't think I'd love being woken up by turkeys all the time. LOL. Hope you had a nice weekend!!

  14. I didn't know turkeys could fly! We had some in the wooded area near the house in Minnesota, also deer. I used to be afraid I would hit them with the Harley. Have a nice week and enjoy those new reads!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  15. Your daughter's place sounds like a neat time! Love the picture! My daughter loves Finding Nemo. You need to see Finding Dory next! Can Unforgiven be read as a standalone, or should the other books be read first? Great haul Rachel :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  16. I still giggle at the mental image of wild turkeys wandering around doing their turkey business... I don't know why! I think it's because we don't have wild turkeys here. And I had no clue that they could fly! I figured they'd be flightless like chickens!

    Finding Nemo is a favourite pixar. It's so sweet. Finding Dory is also cute but not as good as Finding Nemo, imo. :)
