
Monday, January 6, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Book Releases for the First Half of 2020

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Reader where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bookish folk to share their lists on that topic.

It was hard to narrow down to 10 even with this only being my most anticipated reads for the first half of 2020.  What about you? Any here you plan on reading?


  1. ONE OF US IS NEXT sounds a little creepy. Is it a mystery? My new TTT list

  2. The 'Bromance' books look fun, but I first need to look into them a bit further to see if they'd be the kind of reads I'd enjoy. Hope these all live up to your anticipation! :)

  3. One Of Us Is Next - ooh can't wait! I may have to buy it today haha! Alone in the Wild is another one I'm really looking forward to- I feel like I've missed the Rockton gang!

  4. I see some great books on your list. I received an early copy of Alone in the Wild and really enjoyed that book. I just got my hands on Smoke Bitten and cannot wait to read it. I have Dark Corners of the Night on my list as well. Actually, I think that I pretty much want to read all of these books! Great list!

  5. The Bromance books sound right up my alley.

  6. The new Meg Gardiner...yes!! I love that series!

  7. I completely forgot about this prompt, BUT I will have some posts coming up all about books I want to read in various genres, etc. From your list, I want to read One of Us Is Next and The Dark Corners of the Night (love the first two in that series).


  8. Yes to seriously almost all of these! I love that we get so many great books so early in the year, I can't wait!

  9. I'm slightly behind, but I love the Mercy Thompson series! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  10. I mostly read PNR these days but I do have a few books lined up for the next couple of weeks. I'm hoping most of them are good reads. Enjoy your books.

  11. I've got four of those on my own list, but oooh, I'm not familiar with a couple that look like mystery-thrillers and need to look them up.

  12. A lot of people are excited about One Of Us Is Next because I’ve seen it on a ton of lists today. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. McManus' book is everyone, and well, I really am dying to read it too. I am super excited about more Bromance too, and am eager to see that character meet his match.

  14. Alone in the Wild! I love Kelley Armstrong's books, so I'm going to read this one even if it terrifies me! Haha. One of Us is Next is on my TBR, and Chasing Lucky is definitely one I'm going to read -- Jenn Bennett is my jam! ;)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  15. I forgot to put Unforgiven on my list! I want to read that one, too! I have a few others that are the same as yours.

  16. I just finished reading All the Best Lies, which I really liked, and I'm looking forward to reading the new Patricia Briggs novel 'cause Mercy is one of my favorite characters. :D

  17. I'm also really looking forward to One of Us is Next! I loved One of Us is Lying and I just started Two Can Keep a Secret today.

    claire @ clairefy

  18. I love the Jenn Bennett covers! Chasing Lucky looks beautiful.

    I've just started reading the Mercy Thompson series (i.e just finished Moon Called, lol) and I enjoyed it! I'm sure I'll get to Smoke Bitten at some point this year. :)

    Hope you enjoy them!

  19. I have When you See Me! I have to read it still.

  20. I'm looking forward to Undercover Bromance as well! I love Jay Crownover's stories and need to check out Chasing Cassandra and Chasing Lucky, because I'm loving those book covers :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
