
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sunday Post #61

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

Can you believe it was 82 degrees here today?! I went on a walk in all black and regretted it, but it was beautiful and sunny outside!  Here's a picture of some of the scenery on my walk. Love those berry bushes (red berries in the winter, white flowers in the spring), and I have them growing all over my backyard hill too. The birds love them!

Anyhow, it was really busy at work this week as I had to adjust to new ultrasound systems.  I could work the old ones in my sleep, but these take more thought and time.  Takes me longer to do a test, but the imaging is so nice!  

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I finally finished up the Lady Darby series, well the released installments at least. I had to extend my library lends for the last two because two weeks just wasn't enough time for me to get through all seven books, but luckily no one else requested them so I didn't have to wait. I highly recommend the series, in audio if you can because Heather Wilds performance is sheer perfection! I had two posts I managed to get up this week, The Third to Die and When You See Me (giveaway HERE if you're interested) although When You See Me was a scramble to get done by Saturday! I just didn't have much free time this week for traditional reading. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I borrowed all of the books above after reading fellow bloggers praise and so I can't wait to get to each of these! Thank you for the recommend: Lark Writes...on books and life, Anne @Books of My Heart, and Carole's Random Life in Books


An old favorite. Cheesy but fun!

How was your week?


  1. 82 degrees sounds awesome! It's about 50 degrees less than that here lol. Beautiful pic, BTW.

    Let Me Lie looks really good.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. 82 degrees does sound amazing! We've had some lovely sunshine here in Shanghai but for very obvious reasons, I haven't been enjoying the outside much xD I love getting recommendations from other blogs and I think I've added 'When You See Me' to my list. I hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend and have a great week coming up! Do pop by my round-up post if you have the time :) Juli @ A Universe in Words

  3. 82 sounds good but I am enjoying the rare 65-75s here in Dubai. I know the hotter months are just around the corner, so I am making the best of the winter.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  4. It takes time to adjust when they bring new tools and new machines to work! And it's totally too hot here as well! It feels like spring rather than winter... Have a great week Rachel!

  5. That's quite a scenic walk. So pretty! I have read and enjoyed a few of Mackintosh's books. Can't wait to hear what you think of Let Me Lie.

  6. The Great Outdoors is an old fave!
    I love the scenic walk! It's starting to look nice today but it's still cold here!
    Happy reading!

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

  7. What a beautiful view on your walk. And 82 degrees! That's even warmer than here in Florida (it's in the mid-60's here today). I love watching old favorite movies from the 80's. :)

  8. I cannot believe it was 82f outside! It's freezing here at the moment so those kinds of temperatures are hazy mirages waaaay in the future for me. :( I'd be jealous but I'm currently jealous about all those people getting snow. I love snow and I rarely get to see that either. Sigh.

    Hope you have a good week!

  9. Holy moly 82 degrees! Thats insane. Its been pretty cold here, but today its suppose to be in the 60's (which for Ohio in February is insane).

  10. 82 sounds good. It's going to be around 70 this week here in NC which is perfect. You have lots of great books! I have When You See Me from the library and need to get to it before it's due. I also have the Louise Luna one. I've been wanting to try the Alison Brennan ones too! KC has been devouring the Anna Huber ones.

    I hope it's another lovely week with some great books!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  11. That is quite a lot of berries, are they edible?

    Wishing you a great reading week, and continued good weather.

  12. I haven't read any of these yet. And here I thought my 45 degree day today was great LOL :) Happy reading!

    Megan | Ginger Mom and Company

  13. Ooh that is warm! Nice! It's a bit warmer today, but it's been pretty chilly lately. We even got a bit of snow on Friday!


  14. 82 degrees sounds wonderful! We have a storm blowing in tonight and I'm expecting 5-10 inches of snow by morning. Sigh. I'm so over winter.

  15. 82 sounds perfect! It's a little colder here but where we are going it will be in the 80s and I'm so excited! I really want to read the Lady Darby series. I've read the most recent few and absolutely loved them. Have a great week!

  16. Wow, it was warm by you this week. We only made it to 73 this week.

  17. Pretty berry bushes and a nice warm day for a walk. Yay for finishing Lady Darby. I'm hoping to start book three soonish. :)
    Tough getting the hang of newer equipment but glad you're coming along.

    Love the Great Outdoors!

    Neat that you were able to borrow some good recommend books.

    Have a great week, Rachel

  18. I don't know where you're located but here in Texas it's also been suuuuper warm! Even for Texas! Usually in January/February we get at least one good freeze and that hasn't happened yet and doesn't seem like it will anytime soon. Looks like you got some pretty great books! Hope they're good ones.

    Ash @ JennReneeRead

  19. The great outdoors does not ring a bell, I must have missed it! Back in the day ;)

  20. It is always nice to hear that someone is going to read a book based on my review. Thank you for the shout out! We had temps near 70 this past weekend which was nice. 82 is leaning more towards hot but I would take it (but maybe not in black). I hope you have a great week!

  21. I loved the sunny weather! Too bad it didn't last! It looks like you got a lot of great books to look forward to! Happy Reading Rachel :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
