
Friday, March 6, 2020

Five Star Friday: February 2020

Five Star Friday
I'm joining Sam @We Live and Breathe Books in her Five Star Friday post this week. Five Star Friday is where she shares her 5-star reads for the previous month, so here's my 5-star reads for February:

All the Best Lies (my review) is the third book in the Ellery Hathaway series,and I devoured the story in one day! The series is a mystery/romance best read in order.

Two Girls Down is the first in a series and the first time I've read Louisa Luna and I was impressed! Another crime, mystery with Alice Vega a private investigator/badass. I loved her! Max Caplan is a former Police Detective assisting her in her current investigation, searching for two missing girls.  I listened to the audio which was fantastic! I'm currently listening to book two, The Janes and it's been a wild ride.


  1. I love the idea of sharing your five star reads. That Louisa Luna is on my list after reading your earlier remarks on her books.

  2. Fun! That's awesome you had two 5 star reads last month. I think I did too - one was The Dark Corners of the Night by Meg Gardiner.


  3. I need to check out those Louisa Luna books! :)

  4. These sound good. Happy Friday.

  5. That's awesome that the first book in a new series was a hit. It always gives me something to look forward to.

  6. Thanks for sharing the 5 star reads. I have Two Girls Down from the library on audio and hope to get to it soonish.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  7. That's great that you had two-five star reads last month Rachel :) You know a book is good when you devour it in a day!

    A Bookish Escape
