
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sunday Post #68

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

So, this whole Covid-19 is a huge thing.  A scary thing for me, to be honest.  I live in Southern California which is now on complete lock-down except for essential businesses which include me, as I work in a hospital. We're all nervous, and I've had to itemize (in a form to the higher ups) the inventory of all available protective gear for my department: as in face masks/sanitizing wipes/gowns.  I think the next two weeks will show the effectiveness of  "sheltering in place" which I think is an essential move to help curtail the spread of the virus. I hope it works! I hope people respect the orders!
Stay at home and read if you can! Or go on a beautiful hike like I did when I was off over the weekend: 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

So yeah, I've been having trouble concentrating and reading so these are the only two books I got through. One of Us is Next was a fun audiobook, and I loved The Sea Glass Cottage even though it felt a little on the long side. Could've been that my head was straining to keep up with all the Covid-19 news!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link:

I couldn't resist Netgalley's offer of "read it now" for What You Wish For after reading and loving What You Save in a Fire. I have no idea what the book is about, but I'm sure I'll love it because Katherine Center wrote it. Smoke Bitten! I love the Mercy Thompson series and I was denied and ARC copy of the latest, so I purchased an e-book copy as well as an audio copy. I'll listen as soon as I finish a couple of library audios. 


Contagion came out in 2011, but the similarities to what is happening today is UNCANNY!!! It was scarily real to what's going on right now!

Also watched:

So funny and a nice change the channel to what's going on now!

 How was your week?


  1. I hope the stay at home orders work as well. My state hasn't done mandatory shelter in place but I wish they would- it seems like if we adopted a nationwide shelter in place it would help mitigate the spread more? Anyway yes the next few weeks could be so telling- let's hope it all goes well!

    I really liked One Of Us Is Next, and Smoke Bitten looks great as well.

    I agree about Contagion! I remember seeing it in the theater when it came out, and that ending was powerful. Sooo relevant to what's happening now!

    Be safe!

    1. I agree! I think at least the highly populated states should go on a shelter in place order. My daughter watched the movie a while back, but it was very different for her seeing it now with everything going on! Very scary.

  2. I am so grateful to the ones working in the hospitals and other essential services right now. I hope you are rested and staying safe.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Thank you! I think right now is the calm before the storm, or possibly we've abated some of the spread by the shelter in place. I hope at least. You stay safe too!

  3. ((HUGS)) to you and all the essential people, who are out there keeping things going for us. Are they doing anything to make sure staff get enough rest in between shifts? Lack of sleep/rest usually results in a lower resistance, I'm just saying. I had a request in for the Center book, and it was granted the same day it went Read Now. Oh, well, glad I got it. I read two more of her books after Fire, and all were so good. Very excited to read the new one

    1. Right now our area hasn't been hit hard. I'm hoping it's because the lock down has made a difference, but maybe it's just the calm before the storm.

      I'm really excited for the Katherine Center book! Hope we both love it.

  4. It has to be scary to be working in a hospital right now. Stay safe and take care of yourself, Rachel. I really do hope that people follow these guidelines. I loved Smoke Bitten. I will probably download and read What You Wish For since I have a widget. I might have to see if my daughter wants to watch Contagion with me. Have a great and safe week!

    1. It is! Thank you Carole. I hope you stay safe, too! Hope Contagion doesn't scare you too much. My daughter and I were a bit shaken after watching.

  5. Stay safe! And fingers crossed this lockdown will help the situation there. This is a scary thing. And what you're doing is so important. I'm sending all my good thoughts your way! :)

    1. Thank you, Lark! I'm trying. So far it's been okay and we haven't run out of supplies. We'll see. You stay safe, too!

  6. Thank you for your work in healthcare. I know how scary it must be for you-not having enough necessary supplies is horrible! Hopefully the shelter in place works in SoCal and elsewhere!

    1. Thanks, Sam! We just inventoried our department and we have enough for a while. I hope that doesn't change. I'm hoping the shelter in place order helped slow the virus down.

  7. Rachel, my week has been very quiet, as the school I work at has had to close and while we are not on lockdown here in the UK, we are being asked to social-distance. I hope you stay safe, especially at work, and find some comforting books to escape into.

    Here's my Sunday Post: :-)

  8. I imagine that work is going to be difficult for the next long while. I hope California is successful in flattening the curve.

    Wishing you a great reading week, stay well

    1. I agree, and I hope so, too. You take care as well, Shelleyrae!

  9. I hope you stay safe and that people stay home. We haven't gone out for a week and I don't plan to except a drive thru run to the pharmacy for my daughter's meds. I'm worried about going out after 2 weeks even, because that's just to flatten the curve, it won't mean a new curve won't start. I think things will be odd for awhile.

    I also got the Katherine Center book and of course, Smoke Bitten. Have a healthy week and enjoy your new reads!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. So true, and yeah, I think things will be odd for quite a while. Thank you, Anne!

  10. I haven't read a Katherine Center book yet, but I've seen her recommended a few times. I'll need to add her to my TBR list. Thanks! And thank you for working during these crazy times! Stay safe and take care of you and yours.

  11. All non-essential businesses are closed here too.

  12. Hopefully your health stays strong against the strain of work and being on the front line for this and all sorts of illnesses, Rachel. We've been keeping at home except one grocery run every two weeks and yes, it has been nice to get out for walks each day along the river walk or through the neighborhood. Temps are still in the thirties so its a brisk walk, but worth going out for the fresh air.
    I got Smoke Bitten and also on audio, too. I saw that Forever Romance is putting up some of their books as Read Now on NG, too.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Enjoy your brisk walks! It's one way to combat the stir crazy. I thought that was really nice of Forever to do that, especially since a lot of us are on lockdown.

  13. Rachel we are on lockdown for one week now! Stay safe and thank you for all that you and the other doctors and nurses do! You are literally saving the world!

  14. Thank goodness for you and those like you who continue to work in the medical field. I wish the shelter in place would be mandatory nation-wide. The "recommendations" to stay home just don't seem to be working. I don't think I could handle watching Contagion right now. Ack.

    1. I think people in any state should be reserved in social situations, whether they have the order or not. Yeah, it's not a movie for the faint of heart right now. Maybe when it's not a real threat.

  15. Ooh I'll be thinking of you and everyone else working in hospitals - I know quite a few! I hope that people will listen more and stay at home as much as they can, if they can. I'd really love for things to be getting BETTER in a couple weeks and not worse. Sigh. I haven't read too much, but I'm slowly being able to concentrate on it more, so that's a plus. I really want to see Spies in Disguise. Glad you enjoyed it.


    1. It has been hard to concentrate, right? Hope you have fun with the movie, too! :)

  16. Stay safe! I’m doing the isolation thing and only going out to walk the dog. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Glad to hear you're keeping safe by staying away. Enjoy your walks with your dog. All of need to get out for our mental health. You too!

  17. This really is a crazy time. Thank you so much for all you do and putting yourself at risk to help others! *hugs* Stay safe and healthy!!

  18. I'm in southern California too Rachel. I'm glad we're on lock down and wish they were doing it with all states. I'm one of the at risk, and have been staying inside. Take Care of yourself. This is such a scary time.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I'm happy to hear you're able to stay at home then! Stay well, and safe, Lindy!

  19. Spys in Disguise looks fun! I remember seeing that one advertised for it's cinema release a while back.

    The C-19 situation is insane... I know we flirt with this type of situation in fiction a lot - and that it was always possible in real life - but I never really considered what would happen if it actually happened! It'll take a long time before any kind of normal returns, I fear. :(

    1. My 4 yr old grandson loves it!

      I know, it's like a real-life apocalyptic situation. All we need are zombies! Take care, Nicci!

  20. I liked 'One of us is next' great YA. These days are crazy, I think it's a reminder that we need to cherish each moment. This is my first time to your blog. thanks

    1. Glad to hear you liked it, too! Very true! Thanks for stopping by! :)
