
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Sunday Post #70

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

Above was our project for the day. We bought tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, zucchini, and potatoes. For some reason our cats went nuts over the soil amend we bought and were rubbing themselves all over it,, lol! Finally, Lynx, our gray tabby, settled down on top of one. Our cats make me laugh so much!

So I continue to be slow in my department at the hospital (cardiac sonography), but the hospital is filling up with Covid-19 patients. I'm able to defer Covid patients for testing unless they're very ill and the doctor thinks an echo will help inform their treatment. I had to do an echo on a Covid patient on Thursday. We still have PPE, so I was completely suited up.  I think hope California won't be the tragedy that New York is currently because our Governor put the shelter-in-place order in super early. I think he was first, and according to the news it's really made a difference.  We'll see.
My heart goes out to all those overwhelmed by this pandemic! It's seriously scary times for so many! I hope you all are able to stay home and stay safe! 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

I read and really enjoyed Sasquatch Surprise after seeing a review for it on Mary's blog. A fast paced, sexy, and fun novella which was perfect because my concentration has been shot lately. This was exactly what I needed. Home with You was okay. I "liked" it, didn't love it. I had a hard time focusing on the story. I think the story would've benefited by editing down the page count.  I had no trouble blazing through the first two Mercy Thompson books. This will be my third time through the series, and I swear it gets better with every re-read! 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

I read an enjoyed one book from Heather Gudenkauf in the past so I'm looking forward to This is How I Lied. After the Climb is a gift from Kristen Ashley to her readers in these crazy times. I thought it was really sweet of her! Click HERE for more info.


I've watched World War Z a couple of times before and was in the mood for it last night. We stayed up late to watch it all the way through. So good!

How was your week?


  1. Cats crack me up! Yours looks quite comfortable there. :)

    I'm glad to hear that you're not having to scan too many Covid patients. that would be nervewracking! And I really have to give credit to your governor for acting quickly. I was reading an article today about the states that are bringing up the rear on shelter- at -home/ lockdown and it just... those states are gonna suffer from that, i fear, and it seems so irresponsible!

    Anyway... hope your books are good and stay safe. :)

    1. I agree it is irresponsible! I hope they act quickly to protect their citizens. I think some people just don't get it that this is dangerous. They think this won't happen to me until it does.

      Thanks, Greg! I hope the same for you! :)

  2. The cat is awesome! If it fits, I sits. That must be nerve wracking working with convid patients. Glad you have the PPE though. NYC is a hot mess. I think their situation is a bit more difficult because of population density and the number of travelers they handle. NYC has a population over 8.6 million, whereas the most populated city in CA, LA, has about 4 million. More people, more problems.

    1. So true about cats! Lynx loves to get right in between me and my computer since I'm not properly showering him with pets and scratches. How dare I!

      Very true. California's population is mostly spread out, too, which helps and I always whine about our public transport, but that probably has helped us too. Everyone rides alone in their own car to get to their destination. NYC is a hot mess! Just looking at those huge refrigerated trucks for the dead gives me shivers! My heart goes out to them!

  3. I am glad your Governor acted as soon as he could. I wish more governments are not such morons. Sigh! Be safe!

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  4. Thanks for your service as a healthcare provider, my daughter is a Dr, at a Boston hospital and I wish our governor had acted at least a week sooner. Enjoy all of your books and stay healthy.

    1. Oh, you must be so worried as a mom with your daughter on the front lines! I'm so grateful for everyone in healthcare, too. We're all in this together! I hope you and your family stay safe Cindy!

  5. I'm thrilled you have PPE and I agree about CA early orders. I can't believe other states have been so slow and the federal govt isn't doing anything overall but spreading bad info. I'm mad and sad over it all. We just stay home.

    I'm also taking comfort in rereading Mercy Thompson and so glad you are joining us. I planted some garden stuff early but it's time for the rest now but I'm not motivated to leave the house now.

    You must have linked up at the end of the evening or gotten up in the middle of the night to be so early!

    Have a wonderful week! Be kind and take care of yourself.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  6. Cats are so funny! I'm glad you still have access to PPE. What is happening in NY is nuts. I have a friend who is a staff internist at a hospital on long island and it is crazy. Ohio acted quickly and early, so things are still pretty calm here. I'm grateful for that!

  7. That's funny about your cats getting nuts about your soil. I do love watching our cats' antics, too. Glad you are safely protected while working in the hospital. Our Detroit area hospitals are overrun and they are treating people out at the fairgrounds and one big exposition center. We've had stay at home orders for a few weeks now, but that are people who ignore it. I feel sorry for the police and emergency services and health care workers.

    I thought that was really neat of Kristen Ashley to publish that story. I have been somewhat distracted when I try to read, too. It's early to put in our garden, but I've enjoyed clearing the winter branches and leaves out and start my seeds up in one of the sunnier windows.

    Have a Good week, Rachel!

  8. Thinking of you and crossing my fingers Rachel! But yes early lockdown seems to help a lot!

  9. World War Z is so good.

    I hope it doesn't get as bad over there as here in Europe... Stay safe! I know the people that work in hospitals are hit pretty hard as well.

  10. I'm glad you liked Sasquatch Surprise. I thought it was fun too. Your cat is funny.

    1. Thanks for featuring it! He is, right? So happy to have these critters around! :)

  11. I'm so glad you have the protection you need for treating COVID patients. And thank goodness much f the testing you do is being postponed unless absolutely necessary. I see so many articles mentioning how CA and WA should be the models for how to react to the pandemic. Your governor and the governor in WA were quick to act and take drastic measures to slow the spread. Ours here in FL was so slow to act. It was reprehensible. He wouldn't even stop all the incoming flights from NY. Everyone is dumbfounded but how long it took him to give the shelter in place order (just this last Wednesday) and even the national media refers to him as a "mini-Trump" because he just follows the party line. *sigh* I'm so glad you're enjoying your Mercy Thompson reread! :)

    1. I'm happy we have what we need now, but let me tell you they're monitoring what we use and requesting we re-use N95s as much as possible. I get that we need to conserve PPE, but getting these lectures from hospital managers that don't have direct patient care is frustrating. I had a bit of a dust up with a manager today that made an already emotionally draining day worse.

      I'm thankful for the Mercy Thompson series, because I definitely needed to change the channel mentally on the way home from work today!

  12. Wow, you are really work on the front lines...That's not easy I wish you all the best:))

  13. It is the perfect time to start the vegetable garden. We fertilized our yard this week, so that may be in the plans for this week!

    1. I'm so excited about my garden! It's the first time I've ever tried to grow vegetables and I know I'll be outside checking their progress frequently. Good luck with yours!

  14. Wishing you all the best in your treatment of the Covid-19 patients.

  15. Thank you for all you're doing! I need to rewatch World War Z. It's been years. Stay safe and happy reading!


    1. Thank you! I'm just doing my job. :) World War Z continues to be one of my all-time favorite movies! Hope you enjoy it again!

  16. My concentration has been shot lately, too. But I'm enjoying the spring weather and the sunshine. Although I am going a little stir crazy at home. Stay safe! And have a good week. :D

    1. I'm not home enough to go stir crazy, but I can understand how it would make you a little nuts. Hope you enjoy some fresh air while staying safe! You, too, Lark! :)

  17. Aw, your cat is so cute. I'm glad you had enough supplies for working on a Covid patient. It's so scary. I definitely hope that people stay home when they can - I know not everyone is, but I can hope!


    1. He's so sweet, too!

      I am too, we'll see how it goes in the coming weeks. Stay safe, Lauren!

  18. We just planted potatoes in buckets the other day, hope yours goes well!

    1. I saw something about that when ordering my potatoes. I'd like to try that sometime since my gardening space is limited. Good luck with your potatoes!

  19. I'm glad things aren't too bad at your hospital, and you still have PPE. I hope this shelter in place is working too :) I'm so glad you've been enjoying your reread of the Mercy Thompson Series. It's good to have a go to set of books that you can enjoy, especially when it's so hard to concentrate with everything going on right now. I'll have to check out World War Z. I haven't ever seen it before. Take Care, and congrats on your new project!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thank you, Lindy! I'm worried about you (just read your Sunday Post!) and I hope you feel better!

  20. The lack of protection for health care workers is criminal, I’m glad you are not having to face it. Our measures seem to be flattening the curve here.

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

    1. I agree! It seems like the stay at home orders are being extended since we're not out of the woods. Happy reading to you, too!

  21. Stay safe out there and thank you so much for all you do for others!!

  22. Take care! California does seem to do it right and started early, so there is hope

  23. Cats can be so weird! I do hope that your hospital stays at a manageable level. This virus is rather scary and it seems that states are all at different places. I don't think my state will hit the peak for a while yet. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. I love cat behavior, which is the same for the big and little ones! They're so entertaining.

      The virus is scary! It seems to be mild for some but devastating for others and there's just no way of know which category someone will fall into until they get it.

      You too, Carole!

  24. It does seem that the states that sheltered earlier are doing a lot better. Illinois was pretty early too, and they've been pretty strict about it, thankfully. I think our numbers would be way higher otherwise.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
