
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sunday Post #72

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

Nothing really new going on other than it still being slow for me at the hospital. My hours have been cut and I'm mostly okay with that because it's given me some time to do a couple of things I've always wanted to do. Like vegetable gardening and canning.
I planted a vegetable garden a couple of weeks back and today I tried my hand at canning. I planted a few tomato plants so I thought I'd give it a try just in case I get a bumper crop. I bought a bunch of tomatoes at the Farmer's Market for a test run.
Yes, only three, but I was happy with the results. :)

(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

Still on my Mercy Thompson re-read binge. I did pause after finishing book five, Silver Borne, to read the newest release, Smoke Bitten, book twelve because I had to know what was going on after reading a few reviews. I'm now back into my re-read and have started book six again for the third time. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Not a thing, but I'm eyeing a few books...


I started watching Heartland a long time ago, but only got to season two. I couldn't find anything I wanted to watch so I started it up again. It's set in such pretty country and I love the idea of horse ranching. Didn't know there are eleven seasons and it's still going strong, but I'm game. 
Re-watched Virgin River with the hubby because he didn't see it the first time I watched. Still want Charmaine gone, and now I need season two!

How was your week?


  1. I started my garden too and of course it snowed here so... yay....
    I loved Virgin River, have yet to see Heartland.

    1. That's a bummer about the snow! I can wait for the 2nd season of VR!

  2. I love tomatoes, whether from the garden or the farmer's market haha! Yummy! Good luck with the gardening.

    Virgin River looks good, I've had several people recommend it.

    1. I hated tomatoes when I was a kid, but now I love them too!

  3. Good luck with the gardening! I am glad the canning went well! I need to try something by Robyn Carr. I hope you have a good week, Rachel. Stay safe and well.

  4. As someone with no place in my apartment for gardening, I envy you and your produce! I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. My sister and her husband garden inside with hydroponics, so I guess you could garden in your apartment too. You too! :)

  5. Hooray for the gardening and canning. My mom is starting a garden and I don't know what all she has planted. I think her endeavor is more a time-filler than anything. LOL Rereading a favorite series is such a comforting feeling.

    1. I hope your mom has success in her gardening endeavors. I agree, I'm really enjoying my re-read! :)

  6. We had a glut of tomatoes last year! They all went ripe at the same time and I resorted to cooking up bulk batches of tomato soup and pasta sauce and freezing it because we couldn't eat them all, lol. Canning would work too but feels like a skill I just dont have the patience to learn. :)

    1. That's exactly why I tried it out. I was worried everything would go ripe at the same time. It's really not as difficult as you might think, but I totally understand. :)

  7. That's a great way to spend some time. I hope you have an amazing veggie crop and I cannot wait to see what you make.

  8. I'm glad you got some canning done. I picked up a customer who said she's helping her son plant some tomato seeds. In mpls, you rarely see anyone gardening..just saying...although you do find cultural groups interested and they have plots and so forth.

    1. Yeah, gardening isn't for everyone. :) I've always wanted to try it out, though. Not sure what mpls is...

  9. I never quite got into the Mercy Thompson books even though they seem right up my street. Maybe I should give 'em another try! :D

    My weekly roundup post.

  10. I have canned before but have not had any luck gardening. I should work on that! This seems like a perfect time to immerse yourself in Mercy's world. I hope you have a great week and stay safe!

    1. We'll see if I do. We're about to get temps in the 90s next week so it'll probably fry the heck outta my plants, lol. I'm loving Mercy all over again! You too!

  11. I enjoyed the Virgin River series and I'm eager for the next season. I also finally read the book!

    Enjoy your week, and those canned goods look good. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Glad to hear you liked it! The books are sooo good. You, too! :)

  12. Yay for gardening and canning! I would love to try that. I've never read the Mercy Thompson series but I've heard so many good things.

    1. I've always wanted to give it a shot. We'll see how it all turns out. Love Mercy!

  13. I still have not canned any tomatoes since I've started vegetable gardening! They just go so quick with my Little! I have a bunch of pickling cucumbers growing right now though!
    Have a great week!

    Stacy Renee | LazyDayLit

  14. You're lucky you've already got some vegetables planted. It's still a bit too early here in Utah for that, unless we planted them inside. :)

    1. We'll be having temps in the 90s here this coming week so it'll probably fry all my plants. We'll see. :)

  15. Well it's maybe only three but that's a great beginning Rachel! I bet they taste delicious ;-)

  16. I've never tried canning but my mom did. She canned peaches, made pickles, made some strawberry jam and it was all good.

    1. My mom did, too. I'd like to try some fruit and jams someday.

  17. Ooo Rachel, doing some vegetable gardening and canning sounds wonderful - Enjoying a bit of the 'good life'. 😊 I have felt a little under the weather this week - Thankfully, though there has been more sunshine so I could relax in the garden. There is some lovely blossom coming on our apple trees.

    1. Hope you feel better, Jessica! Nice that you were able to enjoy the outside and I hope the apple blossoms are lovely!

  18. Woohoo on a successful canning venture. I have my seedlings up in the window growing until the weather warms up enough to plant outside. I've got Smoke Bitten and have thought about reading it now b/c I'm curious too, but I'll stick with rereading for now.
    Virgin River is still a show on my waiting list.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Good luck with your seedlings! I couldn't help my self with Smoke Bitten. :)

  19. Canning. Too much work. My grandma was awesome with it. I do garden though.

    Yay with the Mercy Thompson but we don't start book 6 River Marked until the end of this week! lol I know I want to read them all right now but I am staying on pace with the Read-along. Don't forget to link up reviews you have. Thanks for joining us.

    Stay safe and have a great week! Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. It wasn't as much work as I thought it would be, but it's definitely more than just buying it at the store, lol. You too, Anne! :)

  20. Every year I say I am going to grow tomatoes but I never get around to it. Maybe I should start now since I have the time!

  21. Whenever I plant tomatoes, I get tons of them. Canning is a good idea. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Canning or I could give them away to friends too. We'll see if I get a good crop. You too!

  22. I hope you are enjoying the Mercy Thomson re read binge, those are always fun to do especially during such anxiety filled times.

  23. I definitely want season two of Virgin Rive as well, it was so good! And yay for canning! I need to do more of that for sure!

  24. Glad your veggie garden and canning is going well! That's good your hours being cut at the hospital is a positive! :)


  25. I’m allergic to raw tomatoes but I’ve always wanted to try making pasta sauce from tomatoes instead of cheating by using pasatta (I can eat cooked tomatoes)
    I’ve watched both Heartland an Virgin River.. right now I’m binging on The Golden Girls :)

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

  26. I always wanted to try canning, but I am hopeless with all those kinds of things :D I hope it tastes good

  27. Gardening seems so fun, I've always wanted to try that :)

    Beena @ Beena Khan

  28. I was just saying how I would like to grow my own vegetable garden. Canning sounds neat too. It's nice to get to try new things :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
