
Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Sunday Post #78

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

It's been a busy week for me. My hours were back to normal and I was dead tired after work every day. 
We're painting my bedroom bookshelves this weekend. They were medium wood color and now will be white and I'm excited for the update. I might show before and after pictures next Sunday. 

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

So yeah, not much got done in the way of reading this last week. We've been binge watching Heartland and so my reading suffered.  I did absolutely love The Guest List, though!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Looking forward to both audio books.


Still binge watching Heartland. The hubby and I are addicted.We can't help ourselves! 

How was your week?


  1. I thought this week flew by! Hope your painting project goes well, and have a nice weekend. :) I need to get The Guest List!!!

  2. The Jane Austen society looks and sounds adorable. Me wants it.

  3. Rachel, I hope you are able to get used to being back at work full time quickly. I also have a copy of The Jane Austen Society, which I am looking forward to reading. Take care and happy reading.😃

    Here's my Sunday Post: 🙂

  4. The shift back to regular hours had to be tough. I just love white bookshelves. They look co fresh and inviting. I've been seeing great reviews for The Guest List!

    1. I'm excited to see how they turn out! My husband is painting right now. :)

  5. I am dreading when I have to go back to work. Not doing that commute every day was an absolute vacation. I just googled Heartland. It has many seasons, yet I don't recall it.

    1. I've been going to work as but shortened hours. Now it seems my hours will be back to normal and my commute time is going back up, too. *sigh* Heartland is a Canadian TV show, I love it though.

  6. One of the perks of working from home even when there isn't a pandemic is that my hours haven't changed all that much. Just sharing my home office for the foreseeable future. My boyfriend is considered non-essential for everyday productivity, so they're telling him to stay home until at least September. Happy reading/watching, and best of luck for readjusting!

    My Sunday Post:

    1. Yeah, that is nice! Thanks! Happy reading to you too.

  7. I'm glad that you loved The guest list! I have the audiobook I'm hoping to get to soon!

  8. It hasn't been a vacation for people who have been off work, just too much anxiety and then back to full-time when things are not really good yet. We will just continue to stay home. I hope you get more settled with your work.

    Happy reading and stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  9. Yeah my work schedule is back to normal, and I am EXHAUSTED. I just want to sleep for a week. Hopefully with my healthier habits this week, I will adjust quickly. I need to watch Heartland. Especially in seeing how much you are loving it.

    1. I know, right? It's a lot more work with covid! So many steps and sanitizing adding work on top of an already busy workload. Hope your healthier habits help! I have a meal plan and plans to exercise more this week, too. Heartland is a feel good show. Hope you like it. :)

  10. I hope next week won't be as tiring Rachel!

  11. I'll bet getting back to the usual is tiring. One of these days I will try out Heartland. Loved both books in your haul!

    Have a good week, Rachel!

  12. Yay pretty shelves, yes do take a pic later.

  13. I imagine it's going to be an adjustment going back to working such long hours. Hopefully your Netflix binging and reading will give you the R&R you need to unwind. I can't wait to see before and after pictures of your bedroom. I hope you have a fantastic week Rachel!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  14. I'm excited to read The Guest List. :)

  15. I loved both of those books. Enjoy! Yay for updating your bookshelves. I hope this is week is an easier adjustment to working full time hours again.

  16. Yeah, working normal hours again has to be super tiring! Stay safe!
    I loved The Guest List too. Need to read her book The Hunting Party soon.


  17. I her ya about being tired. I struggle to stay awake when I get home from work. LOL I hope you share pictures of your shelves:)

  18. I'd be tired too after getting back to regular hours. I've not been reading because I'm in a complete slump but binge watching is something I'm all on board with! I've been binge watching Medici on Netflix... Never seen Heartland. Sometimes the magical viewing box is just what we need.
