
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sunday Post #80

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

Seems like July 4th celebrations were very subdued. I don't have special plans, but that's not really different from any other year in the past for me.

Due to the uptick in Covid-19 cases we're once again basically on lock down. Dining-in for restaurants, bars, and a bunch of other things have been canceled.  I get it with the possible crowds that 4th of July promised to bring. It could be an even bigger surge of cases than we're already seeing. Last week at my hospital we were almost at capacity with Covid patients so I understand the caution.

I don't understand the aversion to wearing a mask in public. I mean what harm does it cause to the person wearing it? I basically have to wear two masks and a face shield throughout my workday, so what does it matter to a person if they have to wear one mask for an hour or less while they're out shopping or whatnot? If this prevents the spread, then why not? Are your rights so important that you don't care about infecting someone who may have serious consequences contracting the disease even if you don't? Yeah, I just don't get it.

On a happier note, look at my wisteria!  This vine isn't that old so I'm so excited to have blooms even after Springs burst of flowers! The flowers are all over the vine that's on our patio cover!

(Click on cover for Goodreads link:)

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Got this approval last minute so it'll a while before I'm able to pick it up.


When I heard about this adaptation from Kristen Ashley's The Will I was both excited and nervous! I loved this story so much I was worried how it would turn out. To my surprise it was pretty good, although I think if you hadn't read the book prior to watching you'd think it was a little cheesy, and the romance was a little out of the blue. The characters and setting were perfect! The book was really hot, but I was surprised at how hot the movie was too!  Didn't expect it to deliver in that regard! 

How was your week?


  1. I won't say that I love wearing a mask, but I do it, if I am going into public places. I don't wear it when I am alone or when I am driving in my car by myself (which I know some people do), but I put it on before I go into the store. I bought a bunch of fun masks (one has sparkles), and my company sent 5 home to each employee. Maybe the local governments should distribute reusable masks to those who don't have any. I am not sure what accessibility is in all places.

    1. Yeah I don't wear one in the car or when I'm walking/running/hiking alone because I'm never around people when I do, but in the grocery store or Target for sure! You're right, I think it would be a good thing for them to be handed out. They do on flights and as you walk into the hospital if you don't already have one.

  2. I wish my state would back off on the reopening and put restrictions back in place. It's so needed. Last week the mayor finally said masks in public were mandatory but so many seem to refuse and flaunt it. I just don't understand. It doesn't hurt and can only help... so why take such a stance? The wisteria is so beautiful! Glad you enjoyed The Will. I'm always wary of adaptations but it sounds like they did a good job.

    1. Yeah, I don't get it either. I can see opening up in places where the virus isn't really around, some counties in California were not put on restrictions again, but places where cases are on the rise people should stay away from others.

      Thanks! I love my wisteria. I had to replace it a few years back because the drought killed my first one, so I'm happy this one is thriving. I know, I get really nervous about watching too, so I was happy this one was pretty good.

  3. I don't get the aversion to wearing a face mask in public either. Maybe if people would stop thinking only about themselves and start putting other people and their safety first it would make a difference.

  4. I was just saying that mask opposition seems like a dumb stance. I just don't get it. the wisteria looks great!

  5. Hey Rachel, I am sorry to hear about the rise in Covid 19 cases by you and the return of many lockdown restrictions for you all. It has been the opposite here, as yesterday many more businesses were able to start opening again, including: barbers, hair dressers and pubs! But knowing they would be jam packed, I had another quiet weekend at home - I also needed the rest after returning to work almost full time. Take care and happy reading. 😀

    1. I'm so happy to hear the cases are going down for your area, Jessica! Happy reading to you too! :)

  6. I don't get the mask thing either. We wear ours whenever we have to go out. I'm going to try to make a few more this week. Personally we are just staying in lockdown. You are reading things that are on our blog, but mostly Robin and Sophia's recent reviews. I love the wisteria. It looks like a couple of my daylilies might bloom and I only planted them just over a week ago so that would be a shock. Enjoy your week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. I didn't realize I was reading Robin's reviews. I don't think I've ever interacted with her before. Nice to have flowers in bloom. Glad to hear you're staying safe.

  7. They've made masks political which is stupid. You can't fight the virus with politics, you need science. Ugh. Be safe!

  8. We were never allowed to wears ones at work, which sure I get, the kids would be scared, so I am glad it worked out for us

    1. I don't know why they'd not allow you to wear them. Weird.

  9. We had a low-key 4th, too. It was fun sitting out in lawn chairs and watching all the neighborhood celebrating. They put on a good show. :) Your wisteria looks great. I must try to get it growing here again. I forgot that KA's book was adapted to movie. I need to read that one still. The mask issue is a real eye-roller for me, too. So easy so why so complicated. Stay safe!

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. Hope you love The Will, Sophia. Yeah, I don't get it either. You too!

  10. Your wisteria is so pretty! I don’t understand people’s aversion to masks. They’re not comfortable, but they’re not awful either. I have no problem wearing one when I’m around other people. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. We had a very subdued 4th here too. Chili dogs, ice cream sandwiches, and watching Jaws.

    I share your struggle to understand people not wanting to wear masks. I was also alarmed to see on my social media how many people were not taking any precautions for the 4th of July celebrations. Many seemed to be carrying on as if nothing was happening. I'm afraid we are going to continue to see cases rise and lockdowns extended. What a strange time to be living through!

    1. Omg! You've names 3 of my favorite things: Chili dogs, ice cream sandwiches and Jaws! Sounds like a perfect 4th!

      It's disturbing that people just don't seem to care. To wear a mask isn't hard to do and I'd think people would care enough about others to do it if it meant protecting someone from contracting covid. Even if you don't think you'd have an issue, I'd hate to give it to someone else who had a medical condition and then have serious complications from getting it. How awful!1

  12. I hate the feeling of wearing a mask but I do it because it is the right responsible thing to do, I can’t understand people who kick off about wearing one. It’s a crazy world we live in just now.

    Stay safe and have a good week.

    1. I agree, it's not fun. I wear one at the very least, and usually two all day at work, but if it helps even one person from contracting and possibly having major issues, why not? I agree, it is a crazy world now!

  13. Sorry to hear you're locked down again. :(
    I've been watching the surge in cases in the US and thinking it's only a matter of time before we get another surge here. England just opened pubs, restaurants, and non-essential retail and the pictures from the "opening weekend" have been disturbing.

    I also dont understand the backlash against temporarily wearing a mask either. It takes some getting used to but it's not like you're wearing them for long when just popping to a shop. *sigh*

    Enjoy your book haul!

    1. I know, it sucks. I'm sure the protests contributed to this surge of patients because a lot weren't wearing masks or trying to socially distance. Yeah, I just get really annoyed that people take offensive at wearing a mask for an hour or so shopping about when I as a health care worker have to wear several masks and a face shield to deal with this nonsense all day, every day!

  14. I couldn't agree more about the masks. To me it's common sense and caring for others, the more vulnerable- when people complain about their "rights" I just don't get it! Anyway... love the wisteria. :) Looks nice!

    We had a low key 4th too, and it wasn't bad! Hope you have a great week ahead!

    1. I feel like telling those who want to complain about their rights if they have to wear a mask for an hour or so *sobs* to grow the f*ck up! Thanks Greg!

  15. Your wisteria looks beautiful! I love how you have it on the lattice! Hope you and yours continue to be safe and healthy!

  16. The Wisteria is so pretty. I don't get the mask debate either. My brother and his girlfriend refuse to wear one and have been kicked out of several stores because of it. They are going to Texas for her sons graduation and wanted to come here for a visit afterwards and I had to turn them down. I can't take the chance they will bring something here with them that would get Ken sick. His CD4 is only 22 so his immune system is bad right now. They're mad at me but I don't care. They're both idiots.

    1. Thanks, Mary! Wearing a mask is imperative to protect people in Ken's condition and a bunch of other people that don't realize the danger they're in because they don't realize they have health issues that could really screw them if they got the virus. I guess most people thing they're invincible, but even so what about the people we come in contact with on a daily basis?

  17. I am not a fan of the mask, its miserable, but I wear it to protect my loved ones. But I don't judge those that don't though, I may think its foolish, but its their right to do so. I think we have forgotten that with freedom comes responsibility. But I think the uptake in cases is a combination of things like opening up, testing way more available than before and the protests are a huge factor. But the positive---deaths are going down. That is a huge plus.

    I am so happy you enjoyed The Will!!! It can be cheesy, but they stayed close to the book and yeah its HOT...especially the locker room scene WOWZA!!

  18. People refusing to wear masks in public is so selfish. Like, get over it! Seriously. It can save so many people, and it might even help yourself. Sheesh. I think so many people just think it's a hoax or they won't get that sick or whatever. It makes no sense to me, and yeah, it sucks that numbers are rising again. I hope you're staying safe and healthy!!


    1. I don't get it either, Lauren! To me it's not asking that much. Thanks! I hope you are, too!

  19. I have a wisteria vine that climbs all over our front verandah, flowered it’s very pretty though the vine can get quite invasive.
    We aren’t in a situation to need masks where I live, but I wouldn’t hesitate in your circumstances.

    Wishing you a great reading week, be well

    1. Your wisteria sounds lovely! I'm so happy to hear covid isn't as widespread in your area as here. God knows you don't need another bad thing in your neck of the woods after all the devastating fires you had out there! I'm touched to hear you'd step up and take precautions to keep people safe! Thank you, Shelleyrae! You, too!
