
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sunday Post #82

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

The heat is here with temps in the upper 90s low 100s. Not a fan.

I'm excited that Netgalley added audio books since nearly 50% of my reading is now by audio book. The book I'm currently listening to sounds a little tinny on the app. though. Has anyone else noticed that?

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

I'm having a great reading week and I enjoyed all three books here. Carolyn Brown never fails to make me smile. I started Secrets From a Happy Marriage a while back and I couldn't get into it because of my mood, so I set it aside. I finally picked it up again and I'm so happy because I ended up loving it. Instacrush was so good! Loved Theo to bits!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link:

I'm excited for The Ghost Tree the newest by Christina Henry since I loved The Girl in Red. A Change in Tide and What You Wish For are both audio books from Netgalley. I'm loving A Change in Tide. World War Z is a library lend I requested after enjoyed Devolution. I'm a big fan of the film adaptation so we'll see how the book compares.

Nothing but glimpses of Sponge Bob Square Pants in the background (grandson watching).

 How was your week?


  1. Audiobooks and I never have gotten along. Maybe Netgalley might lure me into it? Either way, great work on your new ratio.

  2. I am so happy that Netgalley has audiobooks now, even though I have yet to install the app on my phone. I know myself, and I know my lack of self control, so I'm terrified of going completely bonkers requesting if I have Netgalley so easy to reach lol Let us know which is your favorite audiobook you've read from their list <3 Happy reading and have a wonderful week!

    My TTT

  3. I wish I could get into audiobooks but I always get distracted and miss bits. But it’s great NG has them now as I know a lot of people love them.

    Have a good week.

  4. I adored Theo, and Instacrush is one of my favorites by Meader. So glad to hear you enjoyed it. It's supposed to be 98 today in NJ, and we don't enjoy that dry heat that you get on your coast, so it feels even hotter.

  5. I can commiserate with you on the heat. It's been miserable here. I haven't tried any audio books from Netgalley yet but I'm excited to have the option. Hopefully the sound quality is just an isolated incident. (I hope.)

  6. Stay cool. Enjoy your audiobooks.

  7. The heat here is awful as well. It hasn't rained in a while either which is getting concerning. I haven't tried the audiobooks from netgalley.

  8. The heat has been high 80s/upper 90s here, too, and I'm quietly waiting until I can open the windows again. On the flip side, last July was barely summer weather, so I'm enjoying it while it's here. Happy reading!

  9. Hope you enjoy World War Z! And I'm excited Christina Henry has a new book coming out. We're hovering around 96 degrees all week where I live, too. Not fun. But that's July. Stay safe and cool! :)

  10. Sonce 18 months now I am in love with audiobooks! They make chores much more fun!

  11. I'm happy to hear your reading is going so well and you are enjoying audiobooks. So do the NG audiobooks play in their app? Which means they disappear at the archive date? I'm usually timely with my ARCs but not always. Have a lovely week! Stay safe and be kind.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. They do play in their app, so I'm sure they disappear after the archive date which is a bummer. Thanks, Anne, you too! :)

  12. I really need to read a book by Christina Henry! I'm so curious about many of them.


  13. I'm doomed for ever getting caught up on Net Galley now that we have the audiobook choices too. :) Glad you had a good week of reading. Whew, it's hot there!

  14. I used to read audiobooks a ton but then I got into podcasts and yeah I haven't listened to them in forever. Curious to see how this netgalley app for audiobooks will work out for readers.

  15. Yep, we’re having the same temperatures here. I am also not a fan. I hate being hot. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  16. It's so hot here too. Bleh. I'm also excited for audiobooks on NG. I listen to them less in the summer without my commute, but come fall I'll be loving it. Happy reading!


  17. I don't do audiobooks but I'm glad everyone is enjoying them. Things are finally starting to move forward here and I am glad for that.

  18. DUnnoif I can try and request, but I am curious

  19. It has been hot here as well and yeah, not a fan! It always gets hot and I've lived here my while life, you would think I would be use to it by now but nope, still shocks me every summer how hot it can get. The Ghost Tree looks so good! I can't wait to see what you think about it! Hope you are doing well!!

  20. Nope, I am not a fan of the heat either! Makes me super grumpy, lol. (And I'm permanently grumpy at the moment even without it!)

    I don't think I'll ever reach 50% of my reading being audiobooks but I've been working them into life more and more so who knows? :)
