
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Post #86

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

I'm getting this post up late, because heck, I was too tired to finish up last night! It's been a busy week! We flew in from Montana early Monday morning and went straight to work from the airport. I had three hours sleep the night before because we had a 4am leave time to get to the airport and I woke up at 2am and couldn't go back to sleep with my head full of things I had to do.  Of course my work week ended up being busy. 

It's been soooo hot here in Southern California and the heatwave is here to stay for a while! It was a 111 F yesterday and I got up sort of early (7am) to run. It was 85 degrees at 7:30! AnNeedless to say I didn't have a whole lot of energy and only ran the flats and downhills. And it doesn't even cool down in the evenings! I went outside at 9:30 last night and it was 96 degrees! It's supposed to be 112 on Tuesday with a real feel of 115! Every day until the 28th is forecasted to be above 100 degrees.  I officially object to Summer! Can we skip it next year?

I did a couple of chores this weekend I'd been putting off for a long time, like cleaning a silver set that I've neglected for like two years. I never use, so I think about putting it away somewhere, but it was an anniversary gift from my husband when we married two years.  Interesting selection for a twenty-three year old, right? I loved it! Back then all things Laura Ashley, fancy and antiques were very in.


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Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
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This came in the mail Friday and I'm not even sure what it's about other than a cowboy, lol! I do love my cowboy romances and this will be the first time reading A.J. Pine. Anyone else read anything by her?


Yay! Finally something other than Heartland to show. Although, I did watch that too, but I'm sure everyone was bored seeing it week after week. I only watched the first two episodes and I liked it. My husband is in love with Joanna Garcia, thinks she is sooo pretty, which she is. And Britney Spears' little sister is "the other woman"?! Wow, I must be getting old!

How was your week?


  1. I hate how hot it's been this month. We'll be in the 100s all week here in Utah. Makes me very grateful for the AC.

    1. Oh, bummer for you too! I don't know what people did before A/C. I'm lucky because I have solar and I can crank it to freezing levels, so there is that.

  2. I am sorry for the heat Rachel!! It's been super hot in Belgium as well! I hope we'll breathe better soon.

  3. Wow that is hot. I rode the Harley to LA in 2014 in late August and it was that hot at Needles CA but LA was more like 90s. We finally have a north wind and are more in the 80s now at least for a few days. But our worst heat is usually mid July to mid August. I'm glad for the somewhat cooler temps to do my planting of daylilies and iris which are just arriving. It's been extra hot in Europe also. I remember being in Norway (long ago) in July and it was cool enough I needed a wool sweater! Well at least we have AC and great books.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  4. Lol I’ve been married nearly 25 years and haven’t ever gotten anything that fancy!

    Wishing you a great reading week, and cooler weather!

  5. Lots of motorcycles in MN , they're not allowed to share lines, but they do.

  6. I can't believe how hot the west is for the foreseeable future. Commiserations. Glad you got back safely and hopefully you can catch up on your sleep soon.
    I haven't read AJ Pine yet, but I have a Christmas antho and she wrote one of them.
    Glad the new show is looking promising.

    Have a good 'cool' week, Rachel!

    1. Thanks, Sophia! I did catch up a bit this weekend. You, too!

  7. Rachel, it has been super hot and humid here in the UK, too... well not as hot as you, but too hot for what we're used to! 🥵 🤣 Also well done on going back to work straight after that flight! Take care and hopefully an easier week is coming your way.

  8. Wow! You are super women. Going from the airport to work and running in that heat. Gold star for you. The silver is beautiful, but yeah, a lot of work.

    1. Yeah, lot of work. I'm ready to box it up next time it tarnishes. :/

  9. We got supa hot heat in San Francisco this weekend. Definitely not normal for these parts during this time of year. Stay cool and happy reading.

    1. I know. It's usually kind of cold and foggy this time of year in SF. Thanks! You, too!

  10. Wow that's hot. I won't even complain about the heat here haha because you've got it way worse than us! I'm with you though, I'm about over summer!

    Hope your weekend was relaxing and hopefully you guys get some relief from the heatwave before too long!

    1. Let's hope this heat wave is the end of it. Stay cool, Greg!

  11. Oh my goodness, straight to work from the airport - after a short night's sleep. Now that's just miserable. And that heat! I hope the heatwave breaks soon. That kind of heat is unbearable. Nice job on the silver set. That's a lot of elbow grease! :)

    1. I'm happy I'm pretty much back to normal with sleep. It is a lot of elbow grease! I'm ready to box it up once the shine wears off.

  12. Whew, that is not nearly enough sleep! I hope this week is a bit better for you there. And the heat is crazy! It's not that bad where I live but it's still pretty gross. Ugh. I'm ready for Fall!

    I loved Sweet Magnolias. :)


  13. It was a pretty eventful week here too. I'm switching to a bit of a different role at my company, so going through training and getting new technology into my home office to help me keep working from home. My boyfriend is also working from home, so we've converted our guest bedroom into a second office.

  14. We’ve been hot here in Scotland but nowhere near as hot as you guys, that is crazy hot. Well done on having a run too, I would be melting!

    Have a lovely week.

  15. it's hot here in florida, but we have had a lot of clouds and rain. i do love the heat, so no worries there, but as i've gotten older, it is harder to handle for long periods of time
    sherry @ fundinmental

  16. I love that antique set ....its so pretty!! I hear Say No More is a fantastic read. And oh boy that HEAT!!! I can't wait for fall hehe Aren't those hot nights the worst? Hope it cools down for you soon.

  17. Weather like that is the only time I'm glad to be here at my Mom's in Arkansas with central AC and not in L.A. in my sweltering apartment with it's tiny window AC.

    Hang in there!

    Love silver and have quite a collection of it myself. Favorites are hotel silverware and cute little pitchers.
