
Monday, August 3, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Colors in the Titles

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Reader where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bookish folk to share their lists on that topic.

This weeks topic is: Books with Colors in the Titles. Gotta say I didn't realize how many books have blue in the title! Other colors weren't as easy to find. I tried to keep to books I read. Here you go:

(click on covers for Goodreads link)

Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey:
been a long time since I read it, but I do remember loving it.

The Girl in Red by Christina Henry:
So amazing! The audio was superb.

The Yellow Rose Beauty Shop by Carolyn Brown
Classic Carolyn Brown and sure to make you laugh!

Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews:
Even though I didn't get approved for the ARC (sobs!) I'm looking forward to reading *listening* to it when the audio releases.

A Crown of Bitter Orange by Laura Florand:
Ms. Florand's writing is so beautiful and enchanting. She makes me laugh and cry and writes the sexiest scenes! Oh my!

Written in Red by Anne Bishop:
The first (original) five continue to be my favorite, but I love all the books in this series!

Into the Blue by Chanel Cleeton:
I know many readers love Ms. Cleeton's recent historical novels, but I LOVED her Flying Aces series. Into the Blue was my favorite.

Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick:
There are not many YA romantic suspense/thrillers I've liked, but this is a standout.

The White Christmas by Colleen Wright:
Such a heartwarming story. Several romances wrapped into one story and the setting was perfection!

Silver Silence by Nalini Singh:
Book one of the Trinity/Psy-Changeling series, and still my favorite of the series. Bears!

What titles did you come up with?


  1. Haunting Violet has been on my list for a long long time - I definitely need to read it! Great list!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  2. Written in Red caught my eye.

  3. Great list! The Girl in Red and Written in Red both made my list this week, too.

  4. Oh, don't show me the Christmassy covers. I keep telling my BF every week how much I'm looking forward to Christmas lol.

    I'm that weird person that would wear Christmas sweaters as soon as December starts!

  5. These are all new to me, Rachel! Here are my colourful book title choices: 🙂

  6. Another Flying Aces fan! *high five* That was my second series by Cleeton (after the London School), and I loved those guys.

    1. Yay! I loved that series so much. I feel like it didn't get enough attention.

  7. I have noticed that blue is popping up quite frequently on lists today! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday

  8. I thought this was a fun TTT to do. I stuck with books I own...and the only colors I found on my shelves were blue, red, green, black and white. :)

    1. This was fun! I stuck with the books I've actually read, too.

  9. Funny you mention all the blue titles because I found the same thing when I was choosing mine. :) I also used Written in Red and I feel the same - the original five books are so special to me.

  10. I really ought to read The Girl in Red sometime.

    My TTT .

  11. I really want to read a book by Christina Henry! And yeah, some colors really are used a lot more than others.


  12. Awww Written in red, all the FEELS!

  13. One for each color. Great job picking. I've read many of those and love them, too. Yellow Rose Beauty Shop was one of the first of hers I read and cracked me up.

    1. Oh, yes! Carolyn Brown had me cracking up with that one, too!

  14. I need to start on that Ilona Andrews series! I have the first book on my shelves, but I'm so far behind on reading their work...

    Here's my TTT!

    1. You're in for a treat if you have a lot to read from them! I'm almost jealous. They're soooo good! :)

  15. Written in Red made my list today too. Great picks!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  16. I really love this theme in titles and now that I think about it, we see so much in the titles we read....gotta love colors.

  17. Haunting Violet looks amazing, and I love The Girl in Red as well.

  18. My favorites are the "Red" books!

  19. some great looking books and i love The Girl In Red cover

    sherry @ fundinmental

  20. Great list. Some of the books I would read. Here is my TTT.

  21. Haunting Violet and Written in Red sound promising! Going to have to look them up. TTT always makes my TBR list grow!

    My TTT
