
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Post #90

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. 

I'm back in Northern California this weekend and the temperatures in California have dropped both at home and up here. The smoke has cleared a bit too, which is nice. We still have fires burning in the state though, but I think the cooler temps have helped. I went on a six mile hike up here:

You can see the smoke has cleared a lot, but still there in the hills.

More cows on the trail

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Loved Never Look Back. It was hard to stop listening. It took me about 50% before everything started coming together on Anxious People. The audio before that was driving me a little nuts, but I ended up really liking the story by the end.  Laura Griffin is a pro at romantic suspense and has a large backlist. I've had some I loved and then some that weren't as stellar like Hidden. Still, it was an entertaining read.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link:

April Hunt is a new to me author, so we'll see how Fatal Deception turns out. I'm a little hesistant to pick up Christina Lauren right away because I've had both hits and misses. In a Holidaze seems to be getting positive reactions so I picked it up. Like the Ground Hog's Day sort of premise. I've read At Bertram's Hotel several times, but years and years ago. I thought I'd start re-reading some of Agatha Christie's by audio book and this one just came through from the library.


Started Yellowstone. The scenery reminds me of parts of Montana. Seems like a gritty show, but I'm liking it so far. 


  1. I'm so glad the weather has cooled off there and here. I figured out this week that one loop in our naighborhood is 2 miles which is all I could manage with Lulu's short legs. I think she was tired. But I hope to do more and can probably figure out a bigger loop.

    Hidden is the only Griffin I've read and I rated it the same as you. I'm going to check out her backlist sometime. I am going to do Holidaze on audio and closer to Christmas. I like April Hunt so far and I have Fatal Deception too. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of my Heart Here is my Sunday Post

    1. Glad to hear you got to get out for a hike! I'm happy to hear you like April Hunt since I haven't read her before it's nice to know. Thanks you, too!

  2. You know when I saw that picture, I shouted, "Oooh, cows!" Love it! Glad to hear you are getting some relief in your state. I just finished A Man Called Ove last night, and I was bawling. Backman always hits me in the feels.

    1. I know, I love the cows. I love seeing the babies. It's hard to see but there are two babies in that pic. One is a black one laying down and the other is the rust color one in front of her mom.

  3. I'm so glad to hear things are better in CA. Seeing cows on a walk would probably freak me out. Ha!

    1. They're pretty harmless as long as you keep your distance. They just look at me as I pass by.

  4. I love your pictures. That's some hike.

  5. Been loving the fresh new cover art for the Agatha series. I just picked up Death on the Nile to read soon.

  6. Yeah, you guys needed to catch a break with the temps and the air quality. Whew, a six mile hike- way to go!
    I've not tried April Hunt, either so I'll look forward to seeing what you think.
    What a coincidence! I've been re-reading/listening to Agatha Christie books, too. :)

    1. I know, finally! Fun, they seem to be making a comeback around the blogs. :)

  7. Looks beautiful there, and love seeing the cows! Glad to hear the smoke and fires are a little better too. Hope that continues.

    In a Holidaze looks fun.

    Be well this week! :)

    1. Yes, lets hope the cooler temps help put them out for good! Thanks, Greg, you too! :)

  8. I hope the temperatures continue to drop so the firefighters can get on top of the wildfires. I’m still slightly bemused by the resurgence in reading Agatha Christie by book bloggers, I haven’t read this one though

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Me too! They do seem to be making a comeback. You, too, Shelleyrae! :)

  9. The smoke has finally cleared here as well from all the fires on the west coast and I couldn't be happier about it. Oh how I have missed the sun! Glad you are doing well!

    1. It's such a relief, right? The smoke all the time and news of the fires is soooo depressing.

  10. COWS!! I love that! All of our Florida cows are behind fences. I hope you enjoy your new reads. That Christina Lauren book looks like it may need to go on my holiday TBR!

    1. I love them. They're so cute. I make sure to give them space, but I think they're pretty used to seeing us hikers on this trail. It's a well-traveled one.

  11. BF talked about yellowstone, we really need to check it out

    1. It's pretty good, although I haven't watched that many episodes. My daughter says it's good.

  12. Rachel I really hope the fires will stop soon because that's been an awful year!

    1. Me too! It has been a really terrible year, and things don't seem to be looking up anytime soon. :(
