
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Post #93

 The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I'm posting this late because I got caught up in a book last night and didn't want to stop to work this up, lol! Then I went on an early morning run to beat the heat, yes, it's still hot out here.  Supposed to be 94 degrees today. It was nice and clear and the trees are just starting to change:

I got my flu shot on Tuesday and was a bit achy that night and Wednesday, but it's better than getting the flu. I've been getting the vaccination annually for several years now because I work at a hospital, but this year my husband also got the flu shot, first time for him.  Not sure I'll get the Covid vaccine right away once it's released.  I need to do some more research on it since it seems to be getting rushed through the usual process.  We'll see.

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Blacklisted was the reason I postponed my Sunday Post write up.  Loved it! A Pretty Deceit was is the newest Verity Kent installment and I really enjoyed the story. Wildflower Road was my first read by Janine Rosche. I liked but didn't love the story.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Sally Hepworth and Suzanne Enoch are new-to-me authors. Both books sounded good so I thought I'd give them a try. Anyone out there read them before?


Went on a Forensic Files watching spree over the last week. I've always loved the show, but I hope I get to newer episodes soon. The season I'm on is pretty dated.

How was your week?


  1. I find it hard to believe that major pharmaceutical companies would risk their reputation putting out vaccines that are not ready to be administered, and they need FDA approval as well.

    1. Yeah, you'd think, but I still want to do my due diligence in looking into it first. I'm totally on board for vaccination, though. I do not want to get Covid.

  2. Sounds like a good weekend. I read until 3:30am and am doing ok today but tomorrow may be rough. I've gotten the flu shot every year since 1998. The last time I had the flu was 1996. I'll be cautious about a COVIID vaccine also. It's gorgeous weather here with temps of 75-80 this week. More yard work for me. Have a lovely week and happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yeah, it's been a long time since I've got the flu as well. I also haven't been sick at all since wearing masks out and about, and washing hands about a million times, lol, which tells you something about how bugs are spread. I guess that's one positive about the Covid pandemic!

      Oh, I'm jealous of your lovely weather! Happy gardening and reading!

  3. I do want to take the flutshot, but, I have heard nothign this year

    1. I get them at the hospital every year. They offer up to all employees for about three weeks before the flu season. You can get the flu shot in our drug stores here in the US or at the Dr's office. My husband went to a CVS. Not sure if they have those in your neck of the woods, though.

  4. I'm feeling the same way about the Covid vaccine. I might wait and see how things go before I get it. I understand staying up all night to read a book. I've done that so many times. lol

    1. I'm curious to see when it'll actually get released. Seems like there's been some issues lately with the trials. Yes, I love it when I get sucked into a story. :)

  5. I need to get a flu shot. I usually never get them, but now that I've had Covid I'm not in a hurry to get anything else lol so it's time for me to get with the flu shot program. :) And glad you had a good book! I say finishing a good book always trumps doing a blog post haha.

    I do hope they do the Covid vaccine right and the first ones aren't a mess... I imagine they'll improve as they develop them further? It does make one kind of nervous about the first ones out of the gate...

    I love those Huber covers!

    1. You should, Greg, especially with some of your history. Not fun, but the flu is worse. I do hope the Covid vaccine is good right off the bat, but I'd like to see what happens. It's not like me taking it will mean I don't have to wear a mask anymore, so I don't think there's any harm in waiting a bit.

      Yeah, I love it when I get sucked into a story that makes me push everything to the side. :)

  6. I made my whole family get a flu shot this year (our flu season starts in May). I think it will still be at least two years til there will be an effective covid immunisation
    Sally Hepworth is a great writer from my neck of the woods (Australia), I hope you enjoy The Good Sister.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I hope they get an effective vaccine sooner, but I guess we'll see. I definitely don't want to take something that's been rushed.

      I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed her work! I'm looking forward to the story.

  7. That's awesome that you were so lost in a book - good excuse for not wanting to do anything else. ;) I'm getting my flu shot this evening. I'm also supposed to get a shot for pneumonia since I've had all those lung issues this year.


    1. Oh, hope you don't feel achy after, Lauren! Better than the alternative, though.

  8. Glad your flu shot went well and you are doing better!

  9. Glad to see your sky is clear even if, wow, it's still sweltering. I'm so glad to see Blacklisted kept you riveted. I"m planning to read that after Fraterfest readathon finishes. Loved the latest Verity Kent, too. I've heard great things about Sally Hepworth and have read a Christmas novella by Suzanne Enoch that I enjoyed a lot.

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. Oh, nice to know you've enjoyed Suzanne Enoch. I'm looking forward to reading her. Hope you love Blacklisted! :)

  10. I’m a little bit wary of the COVID vaccine, too. It seems like it’s being rushed and that doesn’t make me want to rush to get it as soon as it’s available. I got my flu shot two weeks ago and I was achy for a few days, too. But better than getting the flu!

    So glad you loved Blacklisted! I need to get caught up on the series.

    1. Yep, better than getting the flu for sure! I guess we'll see with the covid vaccine. I'm not going to rush into it. It's not like we won't have to still wear a mask for a while anyhow.

      Hope you love Blacklisted, too!

  11. great pic and it sure looks like a nice day for a run. forensic files...i have been watching for years and love it too
    sherry @ fundinmental

  12. It is starting to hit below freezing in the morning here, my husband is complaining as he is having to defrost his van!
