
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Sunday Post #94


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I'm up at Lake Tahoe so I haven't got much reading done. The Fall colors are so pretty out here and I did a few walk/hikes with my granddaughter while my husband, daughter, and son-in-law went on bike rides. 

My husband and I are driving home tomorrow morning (Sunday) and will finish listening to Age of Deception by T.A. White. If you're a fan of the Consortium Rebellion series by Jessie Mihalik you should check out T.A. White's series. It's really good!

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

I downloaded the audio from my library after seeing Lark's review, and I really enjoyed it! I look forward to reading the next books in the series! 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link

Continuing the Peter Ash series after reading The Drifter, and I can never resist a sexy cowboy. Both library lends.


My granddaughter likes this movie so it was on a few times. Finally took note and watched it too. Pretty darn funny! Liked it better than the first one.

How was your week?


  1. Ooh Lake Tahoe sounds nice! I love that pic. Fall is such a beautiful time of year...

    The Drifter looks good too!

    Safe traveling!

  2. Rachel, sounds like you had a lovely time by Lake Tahoe and I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey home, with your audiobook. I'm afraid I have been stuck in the house for one more week, but on the plus side my cat has loved having me around! Take care and happy reading. 👋📚😃

  3. Lake Tahoe at this time of year must be gorgeous :) Our trees and vines are slowly getting some yellow and red colours, but it's not full out yet. I loved Pets 1, but I must say that once you've watched the trailer, you've watched the whole film ! It was pretty funny though, if #2 is better, I'd love to have a look at it. Have a great week :)

  4. How fun to have a hiking partner. Looks like you had a lot of beautiful scenery to take in too.

  5. I love the Secret life of Pets too! I am glad you finally enjoyed it.

  6. Glad you had a great weekend with your family!

  7. The photos you share from Tahoe are always so breathtaking. Maybe one day I'll trek across the country and get to see it for myself. :)

  8. Kid movies are so different than when I grew up, but I'm glad they have more appropriate themes. Love the trees!

  9. Lake Tahoe seems so bueatiful right now Rachel!

  10. It looks like such a beautiful place! I'm definitely looking forward to unplugging a bit at our lake cabin for thanksgiving.

  11. Lake Tahoe is so pretty in all seasons. Fun that your family caught the fall colors. That's funny, I added TA White to my GoodReads list earlier this morning when I spotted it compared to another series I like.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

  12. I saw the first Pets movie but haven't seen the second one. Maybe I'll watch it with my grandson. I love your pictures. Sounds like a nice little getaway.

  13. I'm so glad you liked The Drifter! Burning Bright is even better. :D Enjoy your week.

  14. What a nice time with the fall colors - ours are just starting. I will have to check out TA White!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  15. Yay bike rides! Those are always fun

  16. Wow, that is such a beautiful view. I hope you had an amazing visit.


  17. That is so beautiful. Sounds like you had un.

  18. Just beautiful! I love this time of year with all the leaves changing colors, it really is just gorgeous!

  19. Lake Tahoe always looks gorgeous in the pictures I’ve seen, have a lovely time!

  20. Have a great time. It all looks so beautiful!
