
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sunday Post #104


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been a busy weekend with babysitting my grandkids. They're five and three, and they wore me out, lol! We met my daughter and her husband at our place in Central California but came home yesterday (Saturday). Here's a picture of the clouds blanketing the valley. There's a lake under there. 

We came home yesterday (Saturday) and I'm happy to be home and resting before I have to go to work tomorrow. I'll probably go on a run later. 

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

I was trying to meet my 2020 Audio Book Challenge (100 books) so I've been listening to a lot of novellas. Happy Trail was the only full-length book. I got close to my goal and hit 93 for the year. I did go over my Goodreads goal of 150 books with 161 books read. I'll be setting the same number for both challenges this year, and I don't think I'll be joining any other challenges. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Library lends and a Kindle Unlimited. All audio books. I added The Daydream Cabin after seeing Sophia Rose's review and because I love Carolyn Brown. Didn't know Kelley Armstrong had a historical/time travel novel out, but I borrowed it after seeing it featured on Tanya's blog. Love Armstrong's Rockton series so much!


I'm about half way through and enjoying it so far. 

How was your week?




  1. That photo is amazing! When I'm in the mood for something quick (and steamy) anything by Alexa Riley is always fun. :) I hope we'll both enjoy A Stitch in Time!

    1. Thanks! I agree, Riley is good for a quickie, lol. Me too! :)

  2. I hope today is the restful day for you. It's so wonderful you have a beautiful place to get together with family. I am also a minimalist about challenges this year, much like last year. I have Stitch in Time on hold at the library but haven't gotten to reading it yet. Happy New Year Rachel!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I've been catching up with a lot, but yes, it's nice to have place to go to with family. Happy New Year to you, too!

  3. Glad you had a good- exhausting- time with the grandkids and family this week. So close on the audio goal and way to go surpassing your GR goal. Yay, glad you're going to try Daydreamer Cabin. And, I need to look up that time travel Kelley Armstrong, too.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Thanks, Sophia! I love those little hellions to death, lol! I know, so close. I wasn't really paying attention to the audio goal through the year, not surprising with everything going on, but if I was I would've probably reached my goal. Oh well.

  4. That is a fantastic photo. Nature never visually disappoints. Fun time with grandma! You definitely need a lot of energy to keep up with a 3 and 5 year old. How lucky they are to get to spend time with you. So close on the audiobook challenge. Nice job!

    1. Thanks, Sam! Yep, and now all my energy is used up for the weekend, haha!

  5. Wow, those clouds are something else! Happy New Year to you!

  6. That pic is absolutely stunning! And I plan on watching Bridgerton one of these days with all the hype around it.... Have a great week!

  7. I really liked The Night Swim - I hope you love it!!!


    1. I'm looking forward to it and I need to read it soon as it's a library lend.

  8. I watched Bridgerton and really liked it.
    5 and 3 would wear me out too. My grandson is 7 and just likes to talk a lot. lol

    1. Glad to hear you liked it. They like to talk a lot and do everything a lot, lol! :)

  9. Novellas are a great way to ramp up the audio! I usually always listen to novellas rather than read. Spending time with the grands are so worth the day needed to re-energize! Looking forward to the Bridgertons.

  10. Oh what a beautiful picture! Love that. And there's a lake under there? Wow.

    the Night Swim looks great and I keep hearing good things about Bridgerton... need to start it.

    Have a super week!

  11. What an awesome photo of low clouds! So pretty! Wow, you really knocked out some audiobooks this year. Good for you! We watched the first episode of Bridgerton last night and definitely plan on continuing.

  12. Ohh Tessa Dare books :D

    Haha, oh yes two kids can be a lot!

  13. This picture of a lake covered with clouds is beautiful :) Enjoy your grandchildren, Tessa Dare (she's always fun) and have a great week ;)

  14. I am so happy to see that you are enjoying Bridgerton, I really enjoyed it overall. Very well done despite some character issues that don't reflect the book (Colin and Anthony)

    The best days are those full of some rest and relaxing. And Sophia is the best at those Carolyn Brown recs.

    Hope you have a great week of reading.
