
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Sunday Post #106


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

Last weekend was a busy one as I was out of town at our place in Central California. We met my daughter, son-in-law, and grand kids up there. Not much time for myself, but I had taken Monday off and I was able to relax at home and catch up with things. 

Yesterday I didn't feel like doing much, but I forced myself to get out and walk and then do an intense workout. Have you heard of Heather Robinson? Well, a c0-worker at the hospital recommended her workouts on YouTube and they're really good! Intense, but good! I'm feeling it today! 

Today we finally had a good amount of rain and I had our fireplace going. I love a cozy afternoon! 

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Before She Disappeared, Aftershock, and Hercule Poirot's Christmas were all wonderful mysteries. Always the Last to Know was emotional and full of real-life messiness. Really good. All the Colors of Night was a real page-turner! I'm giving away a copy HERE

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I can't tell you how beyond excited I am to get a copy of Wild Sign!! I'm seriously over-the-moon because I didn't think I'd get approved. I'm also really excited about An Unexpected Peril! I'm excited for all of these, but those two are ones I applied for. 


I was a young teenager in San Fernando Valley at the time of the Night Stalker, and let me tell you I was scared! That Summer my sister and I stayed up late many a night freaking out. This detailed the investigation at the time and I think a lot wasn't publicized or I was too young for all this to register. I'm glad it didn't because I would've been even more scared. This guy was evil and a total sicko! I can't believe he had female groupies!

How was your week?


  1. I want to read the Krentz and Hercule Poirot's Christmas as well.

    Hope you're having a nice and relaxing weekend! :)

  2. Doing any workout (especially an intense workout!) when you don't really feel like it is awesome. Go you! And a fire on a rainy day sounds divine. I've been meaning to try something from Kristan Higgins for ages but it just hasn't happened yet.

    1. I think you'd enjoy Kristan Higgins, Tanya. Even if I don't want to workout, I usually feel better after. And yes, a fire on a rainy day is so lovely! :)

  3. I lived in a house with a fireplace twice, and my parents would never use it. I love them. Sounds like a cozy day.

    1. I wonder why they didn't use it. We use our gas and fake logs when having a fire even though I like the real wood better, but my husband throws a fit and thinks it makes too much of a mess. Maybe your parents didn't want the mess? I wonder at my husbands objections when I'd be the one cleaning out the fireplace anyhow. Oh well. Gotta pick your battles when you live with someone, lol.

  4. I heard Hercule Poirot's Christmas recently, I agree, and I'm waiting impatiently to start reading the new Lisa Gardner next week, it's my highlight of the year ! Thanks for the Heather Robinson suggestion, I see she has a playlist of workouts by length, which is very handy for me :) Have a great week and enjoy your fireplace !

    1. I hope you enjoy Lisa Gardner's book! I'm really enjoying Heather Robinson's workouts! Hope you do, too! You have a lovely week as well, and I'm thinking about lighting that fire again tonight!

  5. My daughter has done a few online workouts. I need to get off my butt and try a few too! Congrats on being approved for Wild Sign and An Unexpected Peril. I can't wait to read Wild Sign. I really want to dive into it now but I have so many review books being published in the next couple of weeks, I don't feel like I can. I hope you have a great week, Rachel!

    1. I was so excited for Wild Sign and Unexpected Peril because I really thought I wouldn't get them! I'm a huge fan of both series'! I'll probably buy the audio book for each one of them, too. You too, Carole!

  6. Oh that Night Stalker documentary was great! I read, listen, and watch a lot of true crime, but I felt like this was packed with new info.

    1. Sorry, this was from me. Not sure why it says unknown!!

    2. I thought so, too, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was so young when it was all taking place and I just didn't remember the info broadcasted.

      Blogger is so weird. :/

  7. I haven't watched The Night Stalker documentary yet but I plan to. I was living in California at the time he was around.

  8. That's great you found a good workout and hopefully won't feel the effects too badly. Glad you could get away for a family visit. I was jazzed to get picked for Wild Sign this week and I've got Unexpected Peril, too. I remember the NightStalker even though I grew up in NorCal. I remember being glad he wasn't in our neck of the woods when the news and newspapers would mention it.

    Have a great week, Rachel.

    1. Two fabulous reads to look forward to! The Night Stalker scared me so much! Like I said, my sister and I were freaked out that Summer of 1985! We'd leave the lights on in the house, too afraid to shut them off before going to bed!

  9. you read some great books and have some good ones coming up
    sherry @ fundinmental

  10. Except for another short isolation, my week has been good thank you, Rachel. Glad to see you have been keeping warm and enjoying some cosy mystery I also thoroughly enjoy a cosy crime caper this week: The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman. Take care and happy reading. 🙂

    1. Glad to hear your isolation was short-lived. The Thursday Murder Club was amazing! So happy to hear you loved it, too! Happy reading to you, too! :)

  11. I'm glad you got Wild Sign! I have Before She Disappeared on audio for review. I figured out a stretch this morning which is helping with my hip pain. Stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Oh, gosh, me too! Hope you enjoy Before She Disappeared. Hilary Huber's performance was wonderful! Glad to hear you found something to help your back pain!

  12. Poirot's Christmas is one on my favorites and a Krentz book is always a good read! I've got the Raybourn coming up on my reading list and am really looking forward to it. That series has been such a winner for me. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Love the Veronica Speedwell series! Now I just need some time to read it! You too! :)

  13. I really need to watch the Night Stalker documentary. I know a bit about him, but not too much. I had a college professor that grew up in the area when he was around and she's still terrified of even watching him in interviews.

    Glad you loved Hercule Poirot's Christmas! It's a good one.


    1. Yes, the Night Stalker was seriously scary! I lived in his hunting grounds and in a house color he was known to pick. He was a sick, evil person! I still can't believe women flocked to him after he was caught, tried and convicted!

      Glad to hear you loved Hercule Poirot's Christmas, too! Classic!

  14. Nothing like a nice book by the fire while it's raining outside.

  15. Cozy afternoons are the best, and they don't happen too often so embrace that wonderful feel.

    Looks like you received some great books there, I hope you have a blast with Wild Sign. That cover is gorgeous.

    1. Oh, I do enjoy a cozy afternoon. Hope to get a few more this coming weekend! I'm so excited for Wild Sign!
