
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday Post #114 (Late edition....)


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

Work was a nightmare this last week and traffic coming home seems to be going back to pre-Covid congestion *sigh*.  I wish everyone who was able to work from home would continue to do so.  Seems to me employers would save money on office space, and it would reduce stress, travel times and help with cleaner air. But what do I know?  

I am enjoying the weather lately. We got a nice mix last week of drizzly clouds a couple of days and a lot of beautiful sunshine as well. My wisteria is blooming! I go outside and enjoy all the flowers coming back to life this time of year.

Click on cover for Goodreads link.

With work being so crazy I didn't have the headspace for reading this last week so I just came home and vegged in front of the TV which put me behind. I was supposed to finish The Path to Sunshine Cove and have a review up Friday, but I didn't get it done until yesterday. I ended up loving it so much. It was the perfect low stress, feel-good story I needed after a stressful week. Meet Me is Paradise and Wild Embrace were both wins as well. The Devil in Her Bed was my least favorite in the series. I loved the two previous stories. Oh, well.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Two ARCs and two library lends. Excited about all of them.


There were six episodes featuring six different castles. Arundel was my favorite. Dan Jones chronicles a bloody history full of injustice! The British Monarchs were not a nice lot for the most part.

I watched the second season not realizing there was a first. I'll have to go back and watch the first season. 

How was your week?


  1. Some great reads there! I have started back on the earlier Allison Brennan trilogies but haven't gotten very far yet. Like you, I wish everyone who could work at home would. Some people aren't cut out for it but more of it would help with things you mentioned. Self-motivated folks like me would do great with just one day every so often in an office. I love that things are growing. The wisteria is so pretty.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yes, some do well with working at home, like my hubby. Others probably have a hard time focusing. Love Allison Brennan's backlist. Especially her Max Revere series.

      I just love wisteria! I go outside every day to look at it while it's in bloom.

  2. Someone else recently posted about Thayne (maybe Tanya?). I am all about the feel-good, so I need to check her books out. I am hoping that they work out some kind of hybrid thing for me. I have in-office duties, but maybe I don't have to be there everyday. It doesn't seem my company is rushing back, though, and they have not let loose any details on the return either.

    1. Yep, Tanya reviewed this recently, too. Hybrid sounds like a good mix. Hope you're able to stick with that schedule.

  3. Sorry work and traffic were so bad last week. Here's hoping this week is less hectic and frustrating. Sending you happy wishes! :)

    1. Thanks, Lark. So far work has been a little easier. :)

  4. I wish everyone who could would be able to still work from home too. But I know that's not going to happen.

  5. I have said for awhile now I don't understand why more employers don't make the switch to remote work. They could save so much money on office space!

    1. For sure! I can't stay at home for what I do, but I'd love for those who can to keep to it.

  6. Gorgeous pic. And I feel the same way about working from home and other post- Covid lessons we should have learned lol (I say post- Covid even though I know we're far from out of th woods yet). But yeah... it seems like it would be better in a lot of ways, and while not everyone can do it sadly it makes sense for many?

    Anyway Dan Jones caught my eye- I've seen another blogger rave about his books

    1. I didn't know he wrote books as well, but his TV series on the British Castles has been a great history lesson. Very interesting. Now I have a few I'd like to visit if I ever get back to England!

  7. I would imagine it smells heavenly in your backyard, Rachel. They're such a pretty shade of purple. <3 I definitely wish I can work from home, but it's not going to be too terribly bad this week as I'm only working 3 days and the boss isn't around. Lol.

    I hope you'll have a great week, and happy reading!

    1. It does smell wonderful! I love the color. Yeah, I can't work from home either, but it'd be nice if they let those who can to keep on. Thanks, Joy! You too! :)

  8. Sorry you had to battle the traffic congestion. Gorgeous wisteria! I don't think I've seen any outside pictures. Glad you had a lovely coze with Thayne's book and not surprised you loved Wild Embrace. The Secrets in the Castle series does sound great.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. It's just a fact of life that traffic was bound to go back to horrible. Oh well, I have audio books to keep me sane. :)

  9. I enjoyed Every Last Fear.

    Sorry work was a nightmare, and you had to deal with bad traffic. I do think that more people should work from home if they can and it works for them.


    1. I'm waiting for the audio version to come through to start it. Glad to hear it was a hit for you! :)

  10. I love Dan Jones! His GB Castles was a cool show... And Arundel is beautiful. I hope we can re-visit it this summer as it's not too far away from where I live. :)

    I'd hoped that employers would continue to support WFH in the future so it's sad to hear that things don't seem to be working out that way where you are. My employer is definitely supporting a hybrid operating model going forward which is nice but I guess only on the days I don't need to drive into the office! I do wonder what the roads will return to once we open up again...

    Hope you have a good week!

    1. I'm enjoying the series! Oh wow, you live close? That's beautiful country there. I'd like to make Arundel one of my stops the next time I visit the UK. If I go back. Who knows at this rate! I hope they don't go back to traditional work schedules and keep to a hybrid model. It would save so much time and stress.

      Thanks! You, too, Nicci! :)

  11. Honestly, it kinda seems like everyone thinks COVID is over because I see way too many people acting like it is. I went down to the bookstore last weekend and it's in the city and the city was PACKED. I'm sorry work was nightmarish for you though. I hope you're able to find some time to rest.

    1. I know. I just hope people continue to wear a mask if they're out around others. It will help if the variants are an issue.

      Thanks, Nick. It was bound to happen, and I did have a nice weekend. Hope you did, too. :)

  12. Ugh, sorry to hear it was a rough week work-wise. And that sucks about the traffic. Doesn't it seem like everyone has just decided to ignore Covid and go back to their regularly scheduled lives? Like, if they ignore it, it will go away? *sigh* I'm so glad you enjoyed the Thayne book and can't wait to read your review.

    1. It does seem like people are just going back to normal. Although, it does seem like they're continuing to mask up here in California. At least there's that.

      It was such a lovely, feel-good romance! I just posted it today.

  13. People are healthier, and less sick time here, but of course when this end it will be back to the office for everyone
