
Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunday Post #119


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I guess the wildfires are back here in Southern California as we had three in my neck of the woods this last week. I hope the authorities are looking for an arsonist, because it seems a little too coincidental to me. The fires are out thankfully. 

I've been busy doing final cleanouts in our kid's bedrooms. It's been mostly done, but we haven't had much use for the space so they became junk space. I wanted them more guest friendly so we set up a queen bed in one room and a twin for the other. We usually stay with my daughter when we get together, but now she and her hubby (or the grandkids) can stay with us more easily now. I'm working on brightening up the spaces so I bought new bedding and I'm stripping dark stained furniture and re-staining in a lighter color. I'll post before and after photos next week as it's still a work in process! I spent a good portion of the day sanding off old varnish on a nightstand so that I can stain it a light gray/driftwood color tomorrow. Hope it comes out nice!

With all those side projects traditional reading was a bit difficult. I finished an audio while working though. 

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

The Hiding Place was an ARC I downloaded from Edelweiss several years ago. I got a copy of the audio so I could listen and I'm so glad I did! The mystery/story was a page turner.  I'm trying to whittle down a list I just discovered last month Edelweiss. I have several I lost interest in, out of sight out of mind, as they say, but I requested the audios on the ones that had them. The Lady Has a Past and Hostage to Pleasure were both hits. The Wolf Wore Plaid was a miss.

Recevied/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Two new-to-me authors, two I've read and loved in the past. Excited for all. 

I'm still bumbling my way through on Instagram. Trying to post a "story" is a little frightening. Here's my favorite post from last week. Must Love Cowboys is also a giveaway here on the blog if you're interested.


My husband and binge watched all eight episodes of The Stranger on Netflix last week. It was sooo good! 

As I mentioned above I have a giveaway of Must Love Cowboy by Carly Bloom (2 winners) and I also have a giveaway of 16 Young Adult Books on the righthand sidebar above. Be sure to check them out!

How was your week?


  1. Hope the little clean-out/renovation went well. I always love the result, but I need a lot of motivation to get going on it. Glad the fires were contained. That's scary business out in your neck of the woods.

  2. Way to go with your clean out and furniture refurbishing. I did my first sand and varnish project last year so I'll be eager to see how yours goes. I loved The Lady Has a Past and Hostage to Pleasure, too. I'll have to check out The Hiding Place.

    Your Instagram book picture is fab. Much better than I achieve. :)

    Have a good week, Rachel, and hope the fires stay far from you.

  3. Oh no, wildfires :( I hope yu get to stay safe

  4. Cleaning out a bedroom and sprucing things up is time consuming. I've been thinking about a bedroom overhaul in my own room but I don't know if I have the motivation to do it yet.

  5. I love hone improvement projects! I look forward to photos. I just keep enjoying the Psy-Changeling books more and more. They have a read combo of PNR / UF. PNR in the development of a new couple and UF in the overall story arc of the world building.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  6. I have a strong dislike of home improvement projects whilst they're in motion due to all the disruption and mess but I LOVE the finished results and the satisfaction you get. :)
    Good luck with the furniture! Can't wait to see the pictures.

  7. Oh no- sorry to hear about the fires! that does sound a but suspicious actually. and good luck with the refinishing. I think driftwood sounds like a nice look.

    Nice IG pic! I love the boots... :)

  8. Glad the fires are out and hopefully they catch the person responsible. Have a great week!

  9. I know how terrifying fires are, I hope they put a stop to them.
    One day, if my children ever move out of home I have big plans for their bedrooms!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  10. What a great Sunday indeed. thanks for sharing.

  11. I can't wait to see photos! I have loved seeing you on Instagram! I hate to hear about the fires. Have a great week!

  12. The Stranger is the only Coben book I've read, so I need to watch the show. That's crazy about the fires - if it is an arsonist, I hope they are caught soon.

