
Saturday, June 26, 2021

Sunday Post #126


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It was a hectic week with work and getting ready for our trip to Montana, but I'm here now and it's beautiful.  I hope to get some reading in, we have some pool days planned, but I have my grandkids with me and it's seems like there's constant activity. 

Click on cover for Goodreads link

The Anatomy of Desire was an interesting listen with a full cast of characters. I wondered how it'd all turn out. The story was engrossing, but a bit tragic. Loved Someone to Cherish. Seems like it might be  the last of the series since we got a nice cameo of all the previous couples. The Road Trip was a second chance romance that was a little angsty and a lot funny. I was rooting for Addie and Dylan! Loved it!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link

I've loved every Sarah Morgan I've read so far so I decided to request some of her backlog from the library. Now let's see if I can squeeze it in before it expires. 



Yep, I'm a creature of routine. I'm still watching Schitt's Creek and Forensic Files. I was thrilled to hear a new Forensic Files is coming in July! 

How was your week?


  1. Sorry about the stressful week, but at least now you get to spend time with the grandkids! Hope everything goes smoothly, and that you have a great week!

  2. I really hope you enjoy your break in Montana with your family, Rachel. Pool days sound lovely. As for my week it was a hectic one too, as we had a camp out with our kids at school! Take care and happy reading. 🙂

    1. Thank you. Hope you find some relaxation, too, Jessica!

  3. YAY Schitt's Creek. Love the characters in that show :-)

  4. I can't wait to go on a vacation. Two more weeks left and then we can hopefully pack the car and head for Tirol (in Italy).

    Have a great time in Montana!

    1. I think everybody is looking forward to vacations this summer with the restrictions eased up or even lifted entirely. Have fun!

  5. I hope you and your family are having an incredible time in MT. I hope the weather is kinder than on the coast as well. I want to read The Road Trip. I like O'Leary's books, and you have me thinking this will be another good one for me.

  6. The Anatomy of Desire sounds good! I got it from NetGalley but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Have a wonderful time in Montana! We've been talking about a road trip there at some point. It looks like a beautiful place.

    Here’s my Sunday Post post this week. — Diana

    1. It was engrossing! I hope you like it too. Montana has been great, but really hot! Hope you get to travel soon. :)

  7. Hope you are having a wonderful time in Montana! The Road Trip sounds a like perfect vacation listen!

    1. Thank you! We are. The Road Trip would be a perfect vacation read for sure!

  8. Have a wonderful vacation! Hopefully the grandkids will let you get some reading in!

  9. Montana is such a gorgeous state! I hope you'll have fun with the grandkids!

  10. I hope you got a bit of quiet time on you vacay. Montana is beautiful. We went there on the train from Minnesota for a ski vacation one year. I have been debating about reading The Road Trip. I do like the funny.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. It is beautiful and we are enjoying it. The Road Trip was really good!

  11. Enjoy your time in Montana!!!

  12. Glad you made it safely and are enjoying Montana! I love it out there. Hopefully, things won't be so crazy when you get back. I enjoyed Someone to Cherish, too. I know there is Estelle's book coming out toward the end of the year so we will have at least one more.

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. Thank you! We are having a lovely time here even though it's pretty hot. It doesn't even get dark until 10pm!

      Oh nice! I was going to be sad if it was the end!

  13. I've heard a lot of people enjoying The Road Trip :) My week was a little crazy but glad it's over.

    -Megan @ Bookstacks & Golden Moms

    1. The Road Trip was really good. Hope things have calmed down for you!

  14. My grandson lives with me now too and I watch him while my daughter is at work. These kids have too much energy. lol

  15. Enjoy Montana. I've heard The Road Trip is very good, I hope you enjoyed it.

  16. I hope you manage to grab some time to rest and relax amidst the time with the grandkids. :) I love it when a book or series wraps up and provides cameos of previous couples. It does my heart good to get a peek into their lives and see how they're doing.

    1. Yeah, rest and relaxation isn't always possible with the grandkids, but I do have fun. I'm hoping for some rest too, though, lol. :)

  17. Hope your trip goes well and you get lots of reading and relaxing in! I do want to try Anatomy of Desire!


    1. Thanks Lauren! Anatomy of Desire was engrossing and interesting. Hope you like it too!

  18. Ohh Montana :D

    Also I want to read that Balogh :D

  19. I hope you enjoy your break! I've heard Montana is incredibly beautiful. :)
