
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sunday Post #127


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I spent ten lovely days in Montana and while it was hot, it was beautiful!  I wasn't looking forward to going back to work last week. The work week dragged on and then to top things off I had two medical appointments on Friday: Mammogram and shingles vaccine. Both my husband and I had the first shingles vaccine (yes! there are two!) on Friday and then had a hellish time of fever, chills, and horrid body aches! For me it was worse than the Covid vaccine. I'm finally feeling a little better this morning, but wow! Here's some pics I took while hiking around where we stayed in Montana:

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

I didn't get much reading done as I was with grandkids on my trip and even just "relaxing" by the pool we had to keep alert. I did love all three books above. I listened to The Mountains Wild before A Distant Grave and I was happy I did since it's a series best read in order. Total recommend, and I just love the covers! A Thin Disguise is second in Catherine Bybee's Richter series, and I liked it even more than the first book!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link:

I can't tell you how thrilled I was to get an audio copy of False Witness by Karin Slaughter! Kathleen Early narrates most of her books and I love her! I'm really looking forward to Last Seen Alone, too!



I binge watched the third season of Virgin River and I'm done! The series has veered so far from the original plot lines, and I wouldn't mind that if it was good writing but this has become a drama (for dramas sake) filled soap opera that had me rolling my eyes non-stop and frustrated!  The writing is terrible, IMO! I just can't even. I'm stepping away from this hot mess before it ruins any love I have for the book series, which is one of my all-time favorites! Sorry if you're a fan, but just no!

How was your week?


  1. I've only seen adverts for Virgin River but it's just never appealed to me much... Sorry it sucks for you though. It's always horrible when a beloved book/series is butchered for TV/movie. :(

    Your Montana pictures are beautiful!

    1. I know. The actors and setting are really well-done, but the writing sucks!

  2. I didn't know about the Shingles vaccine. I only got vaxxed as a kid up until Covid. I have never had a flu shot because I dread the side effects. Montana looks beautiful! I hope to get there some day.

    1. Yep, there's one. My daughter had the chickenpox vaccine when she was young so she never got chickenpox. I've heard of shingles horror stories so when I heard there was a vaccine I wanted to get it. I'll still get the second dose even with my reaction. Shingles can last a long time! No thanks.

  3. Glad the vacation to Montana was fabulous. Love seeing your Big Sky pics. Nice stack of books you got to and pulled in for the haul. The Sarah Stewart Taylor series seems just the thing. Bummer about Virgin River going off the rails. I'm only getting to book three so I haven't gone anywhere near the TV adaption. Guess I can skip after maybe watching the first season. ;)

    Have a good week, Rachel and hope you and hubby feel better after that shingles vaccine.

    1. Yeah, the first season was okay, but there was still a huge plot point that deviated from the books and I hated it! Still do with a passion!

  4. Montana is beautiful! I haven't been since I was on a dinosaur dig right after I graduated college. Your pics from there are beautiful too! Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Dinosaur dig? What a neat experience! Thanks, you too!

  5. Returning home from vacation is always hard; I mean who ever misses working? But those pics of Montana are amazing. Glad you had such a good time there. :)

  6. I've tried to get the Shingles vaccine after watching Ken go through Shingles. It was horrible. But my doc said my insurance won't pay for it and she can't get it for me until I'm 55 years old. That's crazy.

    1. I'm 51 and got it. I think you can get it through a pharmacy for cheaper than at the doctors office. Yeah, I've heard you can get shingles in places no one would ever want! Even with our reaction I'm still getting the 2nd dose.

  7. Oh shingles, I had the kid thing when little

    1. I had chicken pox and it was one of the worst things I've ever been through! You can get vaccinated for it now, though, and never get it. My daughter had the vaccine.

  8. Your Montana pics are gorgeous! I had chickenpox at 6 months, very light case. But I had the doses of Shingrix vaccine at least 3 years ago now. I actually had the smallpox vaccine as a child too. I wondered if I still had antibodies and my doctor did a blood test and I am still good on smallpox and chicken pox and I think measles was the other one.

    I got Mountain Wild from the library and hope I can get to it. You sold me on this series.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  9. Your photos from Montana are gorgeous and I'm glad you are feeling better from your vaccine. My week was busy with work and my boys, but it was wonderful.

  10. Those pictures are gorgeous! Looks like a wonderful trip. So sorry to hear about the shingles side effects though- yikes! Sounds horrible. Hope you guys are feeling better...

    The Hawkins book looks fun!

  11. Ohmygoodness! The sights are beautiful! I'm glad you had fun in Montana!

    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  12. Montana is such a gorgeous state! And sorry for the side effects of the shingles vaccine.

  13. Beautiful pics from Montana! So glad you had a good getaway (even if it was so hot). I have not yet got a shingles vaccine but I need to look into that. Sorry to hear you had such nasty side effects! Did your husband have bad side effects, too? My husband got his shingles vaccine and a flu shot on the same day last year... a decision he regretted! LOL
