
Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday Post #134


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been an uneventful week other than having Thursday off to for a dentist appointment. I have a sensitive tooth and yay for me, I get to have a root canal now! It's going to take around 3 hours. I hate dental procedures. I always feel so sore, worked over and tired after. Plus, expensive even with insurance!

Anyone have plans for the upcoming Labor Day Weekend? I'm on call at the hospital on Monday, which was a last minute thing. I wish my manager would learn her lesson and schedule the holidays earlier. Still, I won't be working any of the other holidays for the rest of the year now, so I guess that's a win. 

I am off Thursday-Sunday and we were going to my daughter's house up north but that got changed and we booked a night on the coast. We scheduled a wine tasting with lunch, as our drive out there takes us through the Central Coast (Paso Robles) Winery territory. We also have a tasting scheduled at Hearst Ranch Winery which is right on the ocean next to San Simeon Pier. It's a beautiful location! I'm really excited to get out of the heat.

Click on cover for Goodreads link

I enjoyed all three books. The House on Sunshine Corner was a sweet second chance romance in a small town setting. Giving away a copy HEREThe Invisible Husband of Frick Island was okay. A slow plot and a lukewarm romance. I think the thing I liked most was the setting.  I'm a fan of Joanna Schaffhausen's Ellery Hathaway series, but  Gone for Good is a start to a new detective series. It was excellent and I can't wait for the next one!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link

I requested The Brightest Star in Paris because I loved The Widow of Rose House so much. I don't request very often anymore, and lately it's been hit and miss with approvals so I was excited to get this one! I was offered Last Seen Alive which is the 5th installment of the Ellery Hathaway series, one I already wanted, so score! I got an audio copy of A Slow Fire Burning. It'll be my first time reading Paula Hawkins. She seems to get a lot of mixed reactions so we'll see. 


I loved the colors for The House on Sunshine Corner so when I saw flowers at Trader Joe's that matched so well I just had to get them! 


Nothing new. Just working through the episodes of both series'.

Btw, I'm giving a way a box of 16 Young Adult Books if you're interested. 

How was your week?


  1. Well at least you won't have to work other holidays. If I had to give up a holiday, Labor Day isn't a big one.
    I hate dental procedures too. Hopefully it goes smoothly!

  2. Have fun with the tastings! That's a bummer about Labor Day but I hope you manage to enjoy the weekend even so.

    Great Instagram pic! Lovely colors. :)

    Root canal- ugh! I hope it's painless and relatively easy for you! Take care and be well this week!

  3. I hope things go well at the dentist. It's nice you get to take these weekend breaks and feel safe doing it We still don't go out unless it's necessary, but I am doing more shopping myself (with masks) I can't believe August is almost over and we finally might cool down a bit.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. Have a nice Labor Day Weekend! We stay home and avoid the crowds on Labor Day. We live in a tourist town, so it gets crowded here. I hope you enjoy the Brightest Star in Paris as much as I did. It was so sweet and lovely.

  5. Sorry about the tooth. I hope it goes well. As far as holidays you have to work, Labor Day isn't a bad trade off to get all the others off. I don't think I am doing anything, but at least I am not working. Have a great trip. Sounds wonderful!

  6. Dental work is the worst, and its so EXPENSIVE. I have a toothache and infection but can't really afford it until I get a job found so I totally feel you. Hope you get healed up quickly.

    I am so intrigued by the Diane Biller book too, I normally can't do those covers, but I actually really like that one. So hope you enjoy it and looking forward to reading your review when you do.

    Have a good week!

  7. Ugh, root canal, but looks like a lovely getaway to the coast to make up for it. I thought the San Simeon area was rather lovely when I was there years back. Fun flower match with the sunny book cover.

    Have a great week, RAchel!

  8. I didn't really love Girl on the Train, so I'll be curious to see what people think of her latest.

    That's a bummer you're on call Monday, but the rest of the weekend sounds nice, and yay for not having to work any other holidays this year.

    Sorry about the tooth! I just got a tooth filled the other week and now I have two more I need to do. It's not fun. hah


  9. Ugh, sorry to hear about the root canal, Rachel. I hope it goes smoothly. No Labor Day plans here. I wish we felt better about traveling but right now that's not happening. Fingers crossed you don't get called in! The Invisible Husband of Frick Island was pretty meh for me. Such a great premise but it just seemed to plod along.

  10. I have to take a a look at 48 hours

  11. I'm glad you were able to get the book you requested. Dental procedures are very tiring and I hope it goes well for you.
