
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Sunday Post #150


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been a week. I called in sick on Monday and slept a lot. Was busy on Tuesday and Wednesday. Went to Physical Therapy on Thursday (an ongoing shoulder issue from work), and then got the second dose vaccine for Shingles. I didn't start to feel the side effects until the middle of the night Thursday, but my arm was so sore and I had body aches and chills. Felt bad all day yesterday (Friday) and woke up with horrible lower back pain today. Not sure if that was a side effect or not. Glad I haven't had to be anywhere. I went on a mile and a half walk this afternoon, taking it easy on flat terrain, just to see if moving would help. Even if it didn't it felt good to get out of this house!

My sunny walk today.

Click on cover for Goodreads link

I enjoyed Reckless Girls and Someone Perfect. I had a DNF also this week. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I've seen mixed reviews for Kristen Ashley's newest but I couldn't resist especially seeing Hillary Huber is the narrator! Strength in the Storm sounds really good and Laurel Blount is a highly rated author so I thought I'd give her a try. Love Robyn Carr so I was pleased to grab up her newest. 


My current read, but I need to stay off my phone and dig in! 

How was you week?


  1. Sorry to hear about that shingles vaccine but I hope you're feeling better now.

    I'm going to start Reckless Girls this week I hope.

    1. Thanks Greg! Hope you love the story. It was a crazy ride.

  2. I am sorry to hear about your shoulder and the side effects from the Shingles vaccine. How is your back feeling? I hope the walk helped. I know when I get back pain walking can help sometimes. I am glad you enjoyed Reckless Girls. I am looking forward to reading it. I hope you have a better week this week!

    1. Thank you! My back is feeling a little bit better. I have no idea why it was hurting. Maybe I strained it while sleeping? The walk did help a bit. I should've gone on one today, but I was too lazy, lol. Hope you enjoy Reckless Girls! I liked it better than The Wife Upstairs.

  3. Boo side effects, but good to get vaccinated. Since you are the second I am seeing doing this I really need to check if this is something we also do here, later on

    1. I know! I hate side effects, but I'm told it's much better than getting Shingles. Now both doses are out of the way and I'm protected, so yay! :)

  4. I hope you'll feel better soon Rachel! And I can't stay inside a house a whole day either! It feels stiffling and I just HAVE to walk at least a little bit.

    1. Thanks, Sophie! Same here. I feel like I haven't accomplished much if I haven't got out a bit.

  5. I am sorry you are not feeling well, nd I hope you are better soon. I am getting back to blogging after a long break, hope it sticks!

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Thank you! Welcome back, Gayathri! I look forward to seeing you around. :)

  6. Not a great week for you. Hope this one is better!

    1. Thanks, Sam! I'm just happy I didn't have to go anywhere.

  7. I've seen Girl in the mist around too, I hope it will find a favorable review from you and then I will give it a try as well.

    Happy reading and take care of yourself.

    Elza Reads

    1. I hope it's good. I've seen a lot of mixed reactions so at least my expectations have lowered. Thank you, Elza!

  8. I got the Rachel Hawkins book in my BOTM box this month! I'm excited to read it.

    1. I picked my BOTM before reading Reckless Girls, but I'm liking my choice. Either would've been good. Hope you enjoy it, Sam!

  9. I hope you are starting to feel better! I enjoyed Reckless Girls too and I'm actually reading A Flicker in the Dark right now!

    1. Thank you, Ethan! Me too! Hope we both love A Flicker in the Dark. I got the Netgalley audio after making it my BOTM for last month. I'm enjoying it.

  10. Hope you feel better soon Rachel. Here is my post-

  11. Ouch, that vaccine really got you. Pretty walk picture. I've been curious about the new Kristen Ashley, too, since its a new genre for her.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Better than the alternative, I think. I'm curious about her foray into Romantic Suspense, but honestly I think she's had some experience with it because a lot of her past stories have had an element of danger and suspense to them. The Colorado Mountain series for sure.

      Thanks,and you too, Sophia!

  12. Someone perfect looks interesting. A walk sounds good and the view is pretty! Have a good week.

  13. I'm sorry to hear it was a rough week. I had no trouble with any of my Shingles vaccines or Covid or any vaccine. We've been staying isolated as much as we can as things seem to be worse right now. I'm realizing now I maybe should have bought some rapid tests when they were available but didn't think of it. I hope this week is much better for you!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I'm happy to hear you didn't get any side effects. At least I'm all caught up now with all vaccines! The worst is over and I'm happy to be protected. Yeah, Covid is getting crazy again! You can't get any testing kits out here either. Hope it dies down again soon. Thank you, Anne! I think the worst is over. :)

  14. Rachel sorry to hear there has been a lot of medical/health things going on for you this week, but great that you got to get out for a lovely walk and plenty of reading. 🙂 My week was a tired blur really as I returned to work, however it was nice to see my colleagues and the kids. 😊

    1. Thank you Jessica! Hope you get some rest in after a tiring week! Hope the next week is nicer for you! :)

  15. Vaccine side effects are no joke for some people! I'm sorry to hear the Shingles vaccine was rough.

    1. I know! I'm happy to be protected, though, and I think the worst is out of the way.

  16. Hope this week's a better one for you!

  17. I hate that you have had such a bad reaction to the shingles vaccine. My husband had shingles when he was in his 30s and it was not pleasant. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Carole. I've heard awful stories about getting Shingles which is why I got the vaccine. I'm happy it's all over now! :)

  18. So sorry to hear you've had that reaction from the shingles vaccine. My husband had shingles a few years ago and it was brutal so I am going to get the vaccine just as soon as my insurance will pay for it.

    1. Yeah, even thought the side effects were bad, I'd do it over again. I've heard nightmare stories about people getting them. I hope your insurance covers it for you, Mary!

  19. I need to get on the shingles vaccine. For some reason I’ve had it in my head that it was for those 60 and over. It was just this past week that I realized it’s for 50 and over. And that would be me. Oops! Time to get that taken care of. Sorry to hear about the side effects with yours. :( I hope this is an all-around better week for you, Rachel!

  20. Yikes! You've had a tough time lately! I hope you're feeling better this week!

  21. Yeah the side affects to the vaccine can get pretty bad, so I hope it clears up for you soon there Rachel.

  22. So sorry you've been sick, but glad you're feeling better and was able to get out for a walk. I've never had the shingles vax, but probably should really soon. Happy Reading

  23. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you get better soon.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog
